
  1. mentorr

    A list of withdrawal symptoms and their causes..

    Hi Guys, I thought it might be beneficial to provide a list of PMO withdrawal symptoms, and the chemical imbalance that relates to that specific symptom. Hope this helps! -------------------------------------------------------- Dopamine Deficiency Deficient dopamine early warning signs are...
  2. modernstore99

    Boosting Serotonin to Inhibit Compulsive Behaviors During a Reboot

    Porn addiction is driven by dopamine, just like all addictions. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter in your brain that tells you "this feels good, let's do it again" when encountering natural rewards, such as food, sex, money, and material possessions. Modern internet porn, with its endless...
  3. J

    Hi all, need help

    Hi all I've gotten to the point where I need serious help. I will try to describe my story. I am 25. When I was twelve I discovered M. I think i was 15 when I discovered P. While the simplest things aroused me in the beginning, I later had to watch more and more intense things to get aroused...
  4. H

    Dopamine and hormone levels after edging

    So Ive noticed something over my past few streaks. When I abstain for a long period of time and relapse by edging I feel like I’m cured and feel like my older young self from a few years ago. I’m 20 years old btw. Today I relapsed from a 17 day hard mode streak, only a wet dream on day 14 which...
  5. A

    Newbie - Intrigued Mental Health Professional

    Hey, all! As recommended, just posting my own situation as I join the movement :p I'm a 29-year-old guy in a relationship (recently engaged). I'm also a therapist, and super intrigued by the claims that many on here make about the outcomes and the science behind it. I'm not shouting it...