new start

  1. Doitforher2024

    Getting up after falling down.

    Today I had my first major relapse. Things have been difficult mentally recently and my self image has stooped pretty low and I’ve felt quite unlikable. Fuck knows why, I’m actually on holiday at the minute and life is realistically about as good as it gets. I think the disgusting habit of...
  2. styles_90

    A Fresh Start 10 August 2024

    I just watched porn and masturbated. I have thinking of that from May will not from June will not from July from August but I am not able to stop myself. Finally back, lets see ... Who wins this time ... Back Be Strong , Stay relentless my King Hope for the the best God is with you...
  3. XH 2.0

    XH 2.0 - NoFap - DAY 0

    DAY 0.
  4. Living50

    Progress Till DAY 14

    I have started living my life in a Much Better way compared to my past. First of all I made a Year plan in which I have written all the Goals I want to achieve in this Year. Then I made a Monthly plan of this Month (July). And then I made a Week target list and have kept Scores/Points for each...
  5. Living50


    So, after a Long Streak of 24 DAYS I Failed today on 31 May 2021. Actually I am in my Village now & my Family Members (almost all) went out for a trip. But I had some important work in the Afternoon so I decided to stay at home. Then while doing my work at 2:15 pm I got Very Strong Urges to...
  6. BulletinNew

    22 getting back on track

    Hello everyone, i have discovered nofap and the fact that it is an addiction in december 2020. Now it is march 2022 and i am back at the beginning. Well not at the total beginning because I have gained alot of experience concering nofap and live improvement in general, but at the beginning...
  7. T

    Hope a new begining

    Hi all, I have tried many many times. Sometimes gone on streaks lasting months, and then seen the difference, but still somehow seems like I relapse. I have tried it all, promised myself, promised God, seen how the effects show (both +ve after streaks, and -ve after relapse - leave aside all...
  8. N


    What up guys…. As mentioned in the subject i done flopped NNN (No Nut November). TRIGGERS:- my emotions and myself (peeking) Now Im not gonna beat myself up and dwell on it as its part of the journey so we move….. GENTLEMEN! DO NOT EDGE! It wont end well. HARD MODE TIME!!
  9. ConsciousKyle

    Lifting the Burden of My PMO Addiction

    I have been addicted to porn since I was around 13 years old. Used to resort to PMO after stressful days at school/hockey or bordem. I started becoming aware of my addiction after I lost my virginity(18). Before, I thought of it as healthy although I had been doing it everyday(deep down in my...
  10. Jakethedog

    fuck giving up

    ive failed lots. and lots of times i did little diary called "after years of trying" and at some points it was going great but i relapsed every once in a while. i used to give up after some time of trying but now it's official im never gonna give up. im never gonna leave this challange no matter...
  11. The Flying Voice

    Lets do this!

    I am here to stop a habit that inflicts self pain and anxiety. It's held me back for so many years. Now more than ever is the time to stop. It's manifested from being abused, loneliness, boredom and stress. I need to do it for myself and the best person in my life. I tried nofap years ago but I...
  12. K

    3 years of failure, time to finally beat this addiction

    I was introduced to Nofap 3 years ago and since then, I've tried stopping this addiction time and time again but I've constantly failed. I have never gone 30 days without fapping. Throughout this time, I realized just how much I crave and depend on this addiction. I fap when I'm anxious...
  13. P

    New here, want to stop PMO and change my life

    Hello everyone, I masturbate every night, trying to stop doing it since last so many years. I hope this will help me changing my life. I have a job, I am 25, i need to get a better job because I need more money as I have to pay some debt. I pray to God that this community help me in achieving...
  14. D

    New Aspiring SS In NoFap City

    Hi there. As the title says, I am trying to reach 90 days of freedom from this evil and unlock my super sayian powers maybe. Haha. I have been suffering from this addiction for over 13 years now. God help me, for I am going to try to help myself the best I can.
  15. A

    Wet dreams and aggressiveness because of nofap

    Till Thursday last week, I was on a 102-day nofap streak. Towards the 3rd month of my streak, I began experiencing wet dreams almost every night. This started to gross me out. I also noticed that I began acting very aggressive and over dominant and was manspreading everywhere. I read a thread...
  16. 2

    Again giving it a shot.

    Hi, 28 years old male porn addict. Tried quitting PMO couple of times in the past, but always failed. Maximum streak is 7 days( and they were amazing seven days. I felt so energetic, confident and lively). Today is the first day again. Also, went for the morning walk today after such a long...
  17. seven_page_soliloquy

    Tired of fighting this alone

    Hi Everybody, For many years, I've struggled with fapping and porn. I would tell myself that this shit is no good, huge waste of time, etc, but I could never stay away for too long. As my gf broke up with me a couple days ago, leaving me with some very complicated feelings, I fear that I'll...
  18. P

    It's a new day.

    I am a engineering student. Past two years have been the greatest mistakes of my life. I have failed in my academics, I am lost in terms of ambitions, and I have become the worst version of myself. In that period, I chose to distract myself with binge watching TV series and seeking arousal by...
  19. A

    Start of something good? (Some stronger words used)

    Hello, (I apologize in advance if the terms aren't necessarily correct, this is just an attempt to explain my life) I am a 20 year old former Pornography addict who is looking to reboot and stay clean from MO. Since i was around 12-13 masturbation had been a regular part of my life, even before...
  20. P

    2 weeks & feeling the effects (Sharing thoughts)

    Hi guys, I'm just another guy(26 years old) like you all, trying to figure out a way out of porn and masturbation addiction which I believe will help me to have a better control over my life, laser sharped focus and get into some real relationships. Its been 2 weeks now and I think about sex...
  21. a9cb

    Fellow Fapstronauts...

    I’ve been trying NoFap on and off for about half a year now and whilst I’ve made some progress, I’m still not close to where I want to be as a person. To give myself the kick up the backside that I need, I’ve created a new account and started fresh. From this point on, it is my mission to...
  22. sansham

    A New Journey

    I’m brand new to this page and after 19 years of heavy porn usage I’m finally getting clean. The rock bottom for me was sleeping in my own bed with my wife down the hall and just wondering if she and my one and half year old daughter would still be there when I awoke. I was given ultimatums in...
  23. F

    The beginning of a strong start (Hopefully)

    Hi, Currently I have no sense of emotion towards doing this which is very odd and hurtful as well, but I know that's because of the addiction so I will try to write as much as I can to let you guys know me better. At the current age of 16 (I feel very dwarfed by all you older fapstronauts)...
  24. 2

    A New Start Again- July 28,2018

    Hi, I am a 28 years old Indian resident who got introduced to PM by my friends when I was 15 or 16. At that time,I found that M is an amazing feel and P just multiplies this feeling to such a great extent. I was hooked to it, and it became an addiction. Now, I am trying to get out of PMO...
  25. jm13041107

    My Story

    I'm 35 years old and have been using porn for as long as I can remember. I cannot tell you how many hours I've wasted on searching through videos and images which has cost me in the areas of professional and personal gain. Instead of trying to improve myself I would just spend hours looking at...
  26. S

    Starting NO PMO from now

    Hi everyone 24,M here I heard about this challenge year ago. I actually started it 15 days back and feelt great about myself. and now I am officially starting it. Currently i am facing problems like low self confidence, less social interactions, felling worthless looking forward to completing...
  27. Pullski


    Hey everyone! My name is Andrew and I’m new here! I am addicted to porn, and have been trying to quit for a while now, and have had some success. The problem is that I keep succumbing to my cravings and falling back into the abyss. I want to kick this addiction for good because it’s getting in...
  28. O

    My True Beginning

    My name is Ourbeginning, I have been attempting at nofap for the longest time and I feel that I'm ready to go all out this time. My plan is to abstain from not only PMO but also social media, as well as building new habits altogether. I hope that I shall have some help on this journey for I feel...
  29. M

    My Introduction

    Well I'm not sure if anyone will actually read this thread...however this post will be my introduction and talk about how I found myself with a porn addiction signing up to NoFap. So for now you can call me Billy, since I was young as 8 or 9 I was exposed to porn. We had a new computer at my...
  30. Jseppi

    Yup, I'm an addict, and I don't know where else to go for help

    Hey team. I am a 27 year old male who is currently married, has two kids, is going to grad school, and who is very addicted to porn. I got started when I was 11 and have used it all through my life to deal with the stress of being a teenager, strained relationships, hard life choices, and any...
  31. J

    Failed many times

    Well i have tried many times bt failed every tyme. Just some minutes ago had an urge and could not control... well as they say always keep trying... so once again ready to start.. i hope this time it works. I seriously need to get rid of this now..
  32. Worshipguitarist85

    Porn has ruined my's time for me to take it back!

    Hello, My Name is Steven Ray Conrady. I'm a 31 year old single male. I currently work for USPS as a Postal Support Clerk. My porn addiction started at a very young age. I can remember when I was about 5 or so digging through my father's playboy collection. I'm attracted to both women & men. my...
  33. S

    Here we go fellow fapstronauts!

    (First of all, take in consideration that I don't usually speak in english, so excuse my english please.) Hello, for some months I've known about this site, and I've always thought that this is a brilliant idea for people who are determinated to solve their problems. Until today, I didn't...