new to forum

  1. by1776.13

    New member

    Hi all, just thought I would introduce myself. I found this forum after deciding that enough is enough with my porn/masturbation addiction. I am looking forward to beating this and helping others as well. Any beginning advice is welcome....thanks
  2. Flower-danger

    Quitting porn addiction

    Hey. I need help. I'm 22 years old dude from finland. I'm think I'm a porn addict. I can't seem to stop fapping and looking porn. I've always been an average porn user, but lately it's been consuming too much of my time and it has taken a toll on my relationship. We rarely have sex nowadays...
  3. D

    21 M, have been in denial of PMO addiction for 8 years and decided to change myself for the better.

    For the last 8 years I always told myself that masturbating more than 10 times a day is just a phase, I'll grow out of it, I could stop if I wanted and that it doesn't do any harm. I tried to abstain from PMO multiple times in the past, but the urge to masturbate came back stronger than ever...
  4. J

    New to forum

    New to the nofap forum page. So I have been doing nofap seriously for about 5 months. Over the summer I had a streak of 84 days and it felt amazing! Prior to this streak I was probably PMOing everyday for the last 5 years (only on occasion prior to that). I think a big reason for this longer...
  5. Magic Lazar

    13 yo want to quit pm

    Hello I'm a 13 year old male and I want to abstain from pm (o idk about that one yet). I've already had a 2 week streak but that was my max till now. I've started using porn when i was 12 years old but i could not get a boner from it idk why either. Now I'm 13 years old and started masturbation...
  6. S

    New to Nofap. Any help is appreciated!

    Hey Guys. I’m new to Nofap, though I started my reboot 3 1/2 weeks ago and have remained faithful to it. I’m 26 and my life is very stable, especially since I’ll be sober 7 years from drugs and alcohol November 10th of this year. My question is a big one, and I don’t expect any complete...
  7. D

    Baby Steps to a better life !! ( A journal )

    Hey guys, 23 y'o fapstranaut (Male) here, ugh, kinda shamed to find out that i am addicted to porn. i thought i could handle it but then qurantine hit me and realised it has a dark side to it. been watching porn since i was 14 years never bothered me much, TBH i enjoyed it. but recently only...
  8. WinTheDayPS7326

    New to NoFap - My Story

    I learned about this site through Universal Man. I'm so glad there is something like this out there. It gives me hope and I know I'm not in this alone. I've been healing from porn addiction over the past several years. I've been married for several years and confessed to my wife Initially a few...
  9. G

    This might be the longest intro!

    Yes, this might be the longest NoFap intro! Do share your rebooting reasons with me below. What motivates you to stay clean each day? Here are the six sections I had to split this post in. Brutal Defeat My current life in turmoil My reasons to reboot Why the NoFap platform? How do I plan to...
  10. C

    Not New To NoFap But New To Taking It Seriously

    Hello my name is Captain Carlos and I've just joined the forum for the first time ever. I've been doing nofap for about 3 years on and off, with the off moments being depressing binges. My highest streak is 10 days which some would say is not great in 3 years, but I'm aware I havent taken this...
  11. C

    Rebooting day 1

    Hi guys, New here, just wanted to let you know that writing here is difficult by its self since it feels like I'm admitting there is a problem in my life, focussing on PMO, almost always triggered by drugs or alcohol. It has a deep dark history I guess, but now I'm feeling that I need to act...
  12. endmystery

    New to NoFap : Hi everyone !

    Dear Fapstronauts, I proudly signed up this very week and would like to say hello, thank you for welcoming me into your community as well share with you my reasons for joining. I apologize in advance for the long post, I'm writing this down on top of my mind and I don't really know where it'll...
  13. D

    Hoping it is not too late to change

    Hello. I'm glad to have found this website and hope that my new membership will be a milestone in making long-overdue life changes. I just watched Gary Wilson's video, "your brain on porn...: and am feeling deep regret for having let myself become addicted to the pmo cycle which, I am ashamed to...