new user

  1. A

    First time on NoFap but my journey starts once again

    Hi, to remain anonymous, I am just going to refer to myself as Atay. I am 30 years old, still a virgin, and all I want is something I can't have. I have been struggling with NoFap for many years, but this time I think I am really breaking down here. I decided to actually try NoFap this time...
  2. N

    Feeling numb in life from porn addiction.

    Hey there! I am a 28 year-old porn addict who has tried to get free from his addiction with very little success. I have withdrawn myself from friends and family and rarely even go out anymore unless I actually have too. I hate my job due to the stress it causes , but fear quitting due to the...
  3. D


    My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live in 308, Negra Arroyo La.. Nah I'm just kiddin'. I am a person that want to get rid of both porn and masturbation. Well, I've never been so much addicted to porn really, but I have been addicted to masturbation itself. I was losing a lot of energy because...
  4. M


    goodnight, my name is david and i came here to present me. my first entrance to the nofap was the idea of reedem myself due to many things that pornography made to me and my life. It made me have to commit many errors in my youngest years as adolescence and i think the best thing i can do is...
  5. D

    Cementing Nofap As My New Forum Hobby

    Hello Nofap Users! I have had 2 accounts here before, but I became discouraged in the past and deleted them both. I was simply not ready to quit porn on these occasions, and I was tired of fooling myself. Now, I am faced with turning 30 in 2 months, and the porn has been a severe detriment to...
  6. T


    Hello everyone, I’m new to the nofap community and I wanted to introduce myself. I’m a freshman college student and I’ve been struggling on and off with PMO for about 5 years give or take. I am not and never have been a full-on porn addict but I do struggle from time to time. I relapsed again...
  7. B

    In need of help and information for my problem with NoFap

    Hi, I hope everyone is doing well and i wish every pmo addict to recover, I'm 19 years old, I struggled with Premature Ejaculation since i was 14. It was weird at that time for me because that's when i first time orgasmed in my whole life. I didn't knew what masturbation was at that time as the...
  8. Veg plot

    Kicked the MMORPG habit, now time to kick PM

    Hi, Just thought I'd best introduce myself on here to make this all more formal in my mind! This is a bit off-topic but for the gamers out there, I'd made the mistake of re-discovering Oldschool Runescape, and sure enough before long I was wasting way too many hours on there for someone in...
  9. taderius

    New to nofap

    Hello I’ve struggled for years with porn addiction. I’ve tried several times to stop with varying degrees of success. I’ve decided to join nofap to find more support to stopping my addiction. I’ve come seeking help after my wife caught me watching porn. This was deeply embarrasing, it was like...
  10. MrIbrahim

    My story with porn

    Hi, I am 26, male, I have been in porn problem since I was 11. I discovered that I am addicted to porn when I was 23. I tried since then to quite on my own but it doesn't work. Before this time the longest streak I can reached was 30 days. I reached now 45 days. I started my reboot since...
  11. Struggling-Otter

    Hello everyone, new fapstronaut here.

    Today I decided to stop masturbating and watching porn after more than 10 years of daily use. I have developed a really unhealthy addiction to porn, I ended up with some really twisted tastes, and I want to stop. It's also affecting my relationship with my gf. Masturbating is something I've...
  12. O

    New user, but don't know what to do next.

    Hey there. I'm a new user in the site. I read the general info about porn addiction and its negative effects, as well as the so called glossary, and it was okay. I just don't know what is the next step. I have set up up my profile and added my preferences, and then what? Is it just a matter of...
  13. Z

    New user. NEED help.

    Hi fellow NoFappers. I’m 18 days into NoFap. I always come here looking for suggestions or moreover to discourage my brain from temptations of PMO. Although I’ve been strictly off P since day 1, I still have some doubt in terms of what exactly should I starve my brain of. So exactly three times...
  14. J

    30 y old Indian Tech guy

    Hi Everyone, I'm a software guy working in a IT firm. Staying alone, Since I'm a introvert. First time i'm sharing my private things that no one I shared. I was a determined and hardworking person when I was my college after my college I joined a company as a fresher i put my hardwork to learn...
  15. S

    Starting today the Journey of NoFap. Need some advice please help.

    I have been struggling with masturbation habit from 1.5 years. Though I have controlled the habit of masturbation for certain weeks but many times I can't control and fap around 2 times a day. But now I am trying to stop this habit. I have one question while fapping I get ejaculation within...
  16. M

    New "Fapstronaut"

    I just joined the community. I have been medium to heavy PMO for about 16 years, I always known that PMO is a very bad/disgusting habit, but I never knew that it has that much of physical and psychological effect. I always tried to quit, I even got 2 months streak, but I always come back to the...
  17. I

    Hello I’m new here

    hey guys. Sorry if this sounds kind of generic. I’m here for the first time. Today I just had a embarrassing experience which made me realize that I do need to start noFap. Any advice?
  18. CThatch94

    New user and introduction to myself

    Hello my name is Caleb I am 24 years old about to turn 25 and I am ready to start making a change. Today January 25th 2019 I have met with a Chaplin who will be helping me out on this journey. This Chaplin is someone that my work offers for free and off the record so nothing I say will be...
  19. K

    A chance to change

    Hi guys, I'm Kayden. A 35 year old single man. I've had an addiction to PMO for as long as I can remember. Well before my teenage years. I used to stay up late in my room watching showtime/cinemax and wanking off for hours. Decades later I'm still at it, only now with unlimited access to porn...
  20. I

    Just hoping to improve myself

    Hello my intention in abstaining from PMO stems from a need to improve me. I would also like to improve my love life and focus. Thank you.
  21. D


    Hi! I'm 25 and just joined today because I broke a 52 day streak last night! Feeling a bit dissapointed today but that's the reason I decided to finally create an account. I like recording and analysing things so 90 days on from starting the journey again, (on 3rd January 2019), I'll post a...
  22. NF ENG

    This is a Sad New User Introduction

    Hello ppl. I'm new to this site and hopefully it will help me to stop my porn addiction and masterbation issues. I've started watching porn related images and contents at 11yrs old (I know I know, suuuuper bad), funny how my first try was from curiosity, using some shampoo in the shower and...
  23. K

    New to NoFap!

    Hey Fapstonauts and Femstronauts, Hope you guys are well ahead of your goals. I am here to get rid of PMO and DE. Which I developed after my breakup. Looking to achieve NoFap! Thanks
  24. Spectrum

    New fapstronuts

    I am 19 year old and wanna quit porn.I am not super addicted but I feel weak and dishearted after watching porn.I quitted porn for 3 weeks and felt good but i came back this week.Now I feel bad.Hope this forums help me.
  25. avichetri

    New to NoFap

    Hi there, New to the community. I've known this community for a while and I thought I try to make the first steps to admitting my addition. I have a pornography addition for most of my life and the dynamic of sexuality is more of a curse than a healthy part of an adult life. This is caused me...
  26. Merridew

    Hi, new here

    First off all, english is not my native language, so sorry for that. I'm male, 29 years old, been using porn since 12 (yep, a lot). Ive never been an adult or a teen without porn in my life, so i don't know how much this affects my life, although I do know it's at least a lot. I have a christian...
  27. davidfrompennsylvania

    New User

    Hi NoFap users. My name is Dave. I just got an email after signing up that suggested I introduce myself. I am in my late 20's. I have a very religious Roman Catholic background, though recently I've had a crisis of faith and consider myself a skeptic that still attends church. I wanted to...
  28. M

    21 Days No Porn and No Masturbation Challenge

    It is said that 21 days are required to make or change a habit so let get started with 21 days no porn and no masturbation challenge. Things to do:- 1.No Porn 2.NO masturbation 3.stay motivated 4.whenever feels low, open Nofab and chat with its users 5.focus on your goals 6.share your...
  29. M

    21 Days No Porn and No Masturbation Challenge

    It is said that 21 days are required to make or change a habit so let get started with 21 days no porn and no masturbation challenge. Things to do:- 1.No Porn 2.NO masturbation 3.stay motivated 4.whenever feels low, open Nofab and chat with its users 5.focus on your goals 6.share your...
  30. D

    I pledge to reboot myself and achieve a 90 days NoFap journey

  31. Philippe Rutini

    Hello all, new fighter here.

    First of all, thanks for receiving me here. I’m male, 19 years old. The truth is that I do not have much to tell. I am a PMO addict since I was 12, or 13 years old, maybe before. I do not accurately remember it. As many others, I fell in certain dark places. The beast in which porn converted...
  32. Fortitudo

    NoFap to the rescue

    About 15 years of regular porn abusing. Borderline and obsessive-compulsive personality traits were found during my psicological counseling. Traits took probably place in my childhood when I first came across my cousin's porn comics. I've been relatively successful trying to stop watching...
  33. InvincibleRockForLifetime

    First time report on NoFap- New user

    Hi everyone, its my first post from the time i've joined nofap 2 weeks back. I have been working hard and consistently to avoid PMO for the past 2 weeks. But recently have moved to a new city and am single(away from wife and family) and alone. I have been trying other activities like meditation...
  34. chinatown117

    Stepping out of the river of Denial

    So I’ve been denying myself for a long time that I’ve had a problem - but I reached a couple low points recently- like pmo’ing in the bathroom at Kroger’s while on vacation was pretty low. That and getting a random Snapchat (which I don’t know why I have because I’ve never really used) from a...
  35. heybuddy

    18 year old college student starting reboot

    Hello, I am an 18-year-old boy who just started college. I have never had trouble having a girlfriend, or even getting and sustaining an erection in the past, but this past year I have noticed it become increasingly difficult to get hard around sexual partners, to the point where I am barely...
  36. P


    Hi guys and gals, I'm new to NoFap (obviously) and I wanted to say hello. I'm starting my reboot today and I'm really excited. I've struggled with internet porn for years and years and I've done my best in the last year to stop, but to no avail. I think I failed thus far because I tried to do...
  37. P

    New here

    So I'm here because my porn use is way out of control. I was first introduced to it as a young boy by an older male friend and messed me up for 25+ years. Porn being introduced sp early in my life normalised it for me as an adult. My sex life with my wife suffered to the point it was a quick...
  38. R

    It is finally time.

    I have been searching for help for a while now and just stumbled across this site. After reading everything I could, I have decided this is what I need to do. I never really thought I had an addiction before, but the last few months it has become clear. I have anxious depression and have...
  39. K

    Hello its me Kashif

    Hey after making so many tries to quiet i somehow went back to the ghost , now i realized that it has something to do with the way i live , i came here in pursuit of guidance and motivation but the real thing is that, i realized that how am i gonna get rid of this , thanks to few posts overhear...
  40. LukeP

    New to the community!

    Hello! I am sure why I am here, but unsure what happens next. So might as well start somewhere! I am 15 years old, live in the US and well, you all know why I am here. I've tried everything, EVERYTHING. I am religious, nothing works. I've set goals, done activities, and I can't fix it. I do...
  41. N

    Let's talk jealousy.

    Hey y'all. I'm new here. I've heard a lot of positive things about NoFap, but never felt I needed it until recently. My girlfriend and I have been dating for nearly 2 years. I've always been the protective boyfriend type, but I've really done my best to keep that in moderation. It's not fair...
  42. D

    Newbie here

    Greetings I'm a 23 year old man, have been masturbating exclusively to porn since I was 12, had phimosis and got a circumcision at 19. I'm in a committed relationship right now but am unable to perform sexually with my partner. I'm on antidepressants which do affect erectile function. I only...
  43. B

    Its time to finally take this problem down.

    Well, the time has finally come to take this problem head on. I got into sissy porn and hypnosis videos about a year ago and I cant do this anymore, I feel confused about almost every erotic thought I have, I cant tell if its my brain or the porn thats talking. Even during sex with my...
  44. D

    new user ready to change

    Hello, I am a 19-year-old male and I have been addicted to porn, masturbation, and orgasm for about 7 years now. It has caused me a lot of anxiety, lack of energy and motivation, depression, and many other problems. I have wanted to stop for a while but god damn it is hard. I am hoping to learn...