I have been not pmo ing for a while 150+ days, for the last few weeks I have been having some attraction to real life females, but I am also having wet dreams too often like after 3 or 4 days. Which I don't like, I think I also leak some semen during urination, I urinate often too. I don't...
So i relapsed 4 days ago (PMO). I was on my longest streak of 27 days, but also my most times of wet dreams (3 times during these 27 days). Today was my 4th day and i had a wet dream, then my unconcious mind started having dirty thoughts and i put my hand on my D, and MO’d for 10 seconds before...
I've been controlling my urges to Fap from 1st day of January so far everything is going good but sometimes while sleeping at night i get Porn dreams and then a Nightfall or Wet dreams.i just wanted to know if it's okay to have night falls while doing NoFap after all We can't control our dreams...
Actually I Am Doing NoFap From More that 1 months,I just experience frequent nightfall in 3-4 days,logest day to have no nightfall was about 7-8 day.actually what haopena is that i dont get any dreams i just feel something and i wake up having the fall going on.help me.i experience pain at my...
Hello fellows.
Last night I had a wet dream I was thinking about a lot today. It felt good as it happened in the middle of the night. So I did not worry much about it, but later today I worried what it actually means for my journey here on NoFap. I did not have a picture of sexual intercourse...
Guys i had conpleted 7 months of my nofap. But i havent got any benefits. I want those benefits which u promise. Also i suffer from frequent nightfall. Pls guys i wanted my previous life back but i havent got it yet. What should i do now?
Please help me!
almost 1 month NoFap, 2 weeks without porn.
yesterday i had a wet dream. today i had another (today i didnt even remember dreaming about it).
i dont think of sex at all when im awake.
no libido, no urge for the first time in all of my attempts.
waking up from wet dream makes me upset and i...
It has been 31 days since I started NoFap and no PMO. I recently had a wet dream in which I was engaged in a sexual activity with an actress (it was a dream).
Does it breaks my NoFap and no PMO streaks?
NoFap community your views and opinions may be helpful here.
While you are on nofap and you have a nightfall that is not considered a reset. Issue I am facing is when I have a nightfall I end up waking up right after it and while I try to go back to sleep,I fantazise myself having sex...
I am currently in 4th month of nofap. Last time when I had Nightfall (wet-dreams) it was in my third month of nofap and then after that I had Nightfall back-to-back yesterday for two days!
Is it normal?
Should I consider a reset?
Really strange experince about NIGHTFALL
I have been on NoFap for last 70 days. This is my second streak. I tried 90 days before but I relapsed at 80 and this is my second steak and add I said it's 70th day.
My question is for the last two time during my nightfall I am sensing it in my...
I am on hard more of Nofap, currently on 26th days. I don’t watch porn, I don’t edge, I don’t masturbrate. I am 17 years old. The first 2 weeks was like ok but on 15th day I had nightfalls. And it’s happens on every 4th day since I got my first nightfall. I do meditation, I exercise a lot, take...
Hey there fellas! Its been 21 days im on Nofap hard-core mode and semen retention. I was very confident and energetic on day 14. I get erection on watching girls and thinking about how hard i will be with them (please don't take me as a perv). Its like I could attract any girl towards me like a...
Deleted Account
low confidence
low energy
nightfallnightfall wetdreams
no pmo
I'm on day 19 of hardcore no PMO. I have experienced nightfall twice on my day 15 ( night and afternoon ) and I got again on day 19, today itself (sexual dream). I do 10 mins of meditation daily and exercise daily.
My questions :-
Does semen retention creates an aura around you for woman...
Deleted Account
no pmo
semen retention
woman attraction
So I am on 175th day completing in 1 hr Monkmode (NoPMO, Nosex, Noedging). And I had a wet dream 12 days ago , and a dreamless emission day before yesterday. So this incident happened with me which revealed my superpower, yes I can say it a superpower, that's what I felt. So coming to the...
I'm on day 62 and currently I'm doing fine. I didn't feel any urges since the last 20-25 days. But what I find really weird is I haven't had a single nightfall since I started. This has been troubling me. Since the last two days, it's like, 'no freaking nightfall since 62 days!!' I fear if it's...
Hi Everyone I am Shubh,
I have been doing nofap since last 4 months everything was going very fine,but last night I had a nocturnal emission/Wet dream and since then I am feeling really bad and I am feeling like I have come to zero. Well it wasn't my fault I understand that it is a natural...
Nightfall doesn't count as failure.But exessive nightfalls can happen and it is problematic. It can be stopped by doing this exercise. Works well for me. I do 200 times before sleep. I had "Nightfalls" twice in three days. Now, none.
Understanding the effects of PMO on your body is an...
So a weird thing happened last week. This is the second time this has happened. I had an nightfall. And in my dream, this is how it happened.... I was on Nofap forums and writing about my urges and was trying to hold my urge but I could not resist and searched for a FEMDOM hypnotic video... And...
I am 21 years old from India who has spent about 8 years of my life doing PMO.
Last Night , I was really aroused and urges were getting on mind but I somehow managed to control it and went to sleep. I dreamed about watching porn with my girl- friends and doing 'sexual' things with all of them...
For me, they do definetely. Im on my way to stop wet Dreams. They happen with lesser frequency. They mostly occur if i have stressful thoughts or when im in a vicious circle.
Also stress increases when you have less sleep. Always get enough sleep, do not look at bright screens before you go to...
I am taking natural testesterone booster but I observed my nightfall frequency has been increased and all the night falls were because of subconscious excitation during sleep. During the day my energies and mind are in well control and don't have any bad thought as I do yoga and pranayama.
Is T...
Hi guys,
I've been struggling with semen retention and had frequent nightfalls in the first 2 weeks of every NoFap.
Until i discovered anise tea, drinking it one or two hours before bed made me forget about sex and even waking up sometimes without the morning wood.
I don't know what is the...
I've stopped masturbation for a long long time, but wet dreams still occur. Even if they aren't mostly as worst as real relapses, i still get the impression, that they drain my energy and cause a bit brain fog. Semen retention is actually the important part of NoFap for me. I don't think that...
I started NoFap 4 months ago and after so many urges im still on it but i am worried little bit because 1 and half month passed and didn't have any nighfall is it okay????
Hi Everyone,
First of all, it feels great to be here in noFap :). I am kinda new here, so wanted to know if Nocturnal Emissions/NightFall is considered as a streak breaker for the reboot process ? The act is usually accompanied by erotic dreams, should this be considered as a reason to reset...
Hey Guys,
Everybody please share your experience of wet dream, how do you feel so that one can relate is it fine that they are going through with wet dream?
Its my sincere request to all of you, especially those whose has acheived more than 40 days streak of nofap.
Please share...
Nightfall is occuring after every two week and I joined gym and it just causing effect on my progress. So is there any tips or medicine to cure it permanently ?
Hi all
I am currently on 40th day of no pmo hard mode streak. I had a nightfall and as soon as semen came out, I walk up but I swear I didn't have any control. Will it count as relapse and whether I will have to reset my counter? And whether all benefits due to semen retention will go away...
So finally just had my nocturnal emission a few minutes ago. It was a P dream about public sex wherein a man was thrusting a woman they were like fully-clothed but I got aroused and ejaculated. It wasn't a full-on wet dream though but I feel no chaser effect.
I have seen some fellow Fapstronauts discussing various methods to prevent Nightfall like lucid dreaming, applying cold water on genitals to make them less sensitive (I wonder for how long the coldness will last unless you are using an ice pack for the night :O ) Anyways, can anyone suggest any...
So I tried everything, and my last resort of not wearing underwear but just shorts didn't even work. I emptied my bladder before sleeping around 11 pm and woke up 1:50 am today orgasming with no pressure on my penis since I was laying on my back and my thighs were wide open when I woke up. For...
So past 3 am this morning I had my fifth nocturnal emission in weeks. I used to enjoy them a lot whenever I got one but this morning when I woke up while ejaculating I wasn't ecstatic about it. I was like OK wet dreams again, the sensation was good I got another release in a natural way that I...
So I was looking for porn on YouTube and closed it immediately after I felt I was gonna cum. Yea I cummed and I felt the orgasm as I woke up past 3 this morning. I was trying to hold on though but I guess it was kind of too late, fluids were emitted. I felt relieved knowing it was just a dream...
I just had a wet dream an hour ago!!! Woke up with an amazing orgasm and semen-filled briefs. :D In my dream I binge masturbated in the bathroom 3x in front of the mirror which I always did, yes I cummed 3x in my dream it felt so real but in reality I only cummed once. I should expect for chaser...
I found myself waking up in the middle of my sleep twice in three nights (that was every other night) with raging boner and mini orgasm, it was like a less intense orgasm yet still I found pleasurable. When I peed to check only a small amount of cum at the tip of my penis not a full on orgasm. I...
I have been masturbating for 6 years now almost everyday. I thought of committing to this forum two years ago but I couldnt control my urge to fap and quit within a few days. The main reason for me qutting was the continuous occurance of NIGHTFALL which happened whenever I slept ( inc...
Hello, I am new here, I ruined my 3 years doing masturbation. Now I developed nightfall. When ever I feel healthy, then nightfall destroy my hope and body. Also I stopped doing masturbation exact 2 years ago. Almost 4 to 5 times it occurred in month from 2 years. Please anyone can help me. I am...