nightmares pmo

  1. AmosRaffaqat

    Getting porn dreams

    I'm very happy I completed my first week clean and did a lot of productivity also got the confidence back I pulled an all-nighter study yesterday cuz my exams are going on. Today after coming back from school I slept and had a dream of having sex with my female cousin is this an effect from...
  2. D

    Nightmares after relapsing..

    I’ve seen other posts in this forum about nightmares after relapsing and people having trouble sleeping. I relapsed at about 5:00am this morning, went back to sleep.. Had the most unsettling nightmare like my mind and body were playing tricks on me. I saw my past dog in a dream but I felt so...
  3. N

    Masturbation causing sleeping issues

    Hello I am 17 and started masturbating last year when I was 16. Ever since I started masturbating I have gotten some sleeping issues: -Nightmares every night since I started masturbating -Constantly waking from sleep after couple of hours of sleep -Difficulty falling asleep -Sometimes I sleep...
  4. N

    Nightmares caused by masturbation

    Hi, I'm 17 and started masturbating last year when I was 16. Ever since I started masturbating if I went to sleep I would always have a dream and those dreams would always be nightmares, this has been going for a year straight ever since I got this addiction I had nightmares everyday for a year...