no masturbation

  1. John KD

    1825 Days No Porn No masturbation Challenge

    As the title says 1825 days No Porn No masturbation. Day 6/1825
  2. P

    45 Days No PMO Challenge.

  3. M

    90 days challenge

    I've tried rebooting several times alone but failed, this might be a turnaround if I get to interact with nofappers who can post their day by day journey, their experiences, progress and advices on this thread. No porn and masturbation for 90 days. Not necessary to write your everyday...
  4. D


    My Name Is Rocky. I was Addicted to Porn for Last 7 years. From 2014 to 2020. Earlier i was Doing PMO for at least 2 times a Day. I have some Emotional problems. To run away from that I indulged myself in excessive PMO. From 2016 I am Trying to Quit PMO but Failing everytime but making Progress...
  5. M

    Today is my 8th month of NoFap how long have you gone?

    I am celebrating my 8th month of no P M O today just wanted to know how long you all streaks are
  6. Muhammad99

    Before Watching any Movie..,,

    A lot of us go into NoFap streaks for months until they watch a movie that includes sexual content or a Game that makes the urges difficult to stop and end up Fapping. Then as a result feel like total Failure. Don't worry. Recently I went through a website that tell you is there any...
  7. RockMan

    DISCOVERY! Amazing effects and steps on enjoying NoFap/ Semen Retention.

    I know it's hard. We all suffer from reboot. The lidibo is crawling especially after few weeks and months of abstaining. BUT in my experience, all i can say is you need MINDSET to fight these demons. How? By using your most painful experience brought about excessive PMO. Here's mine: - limp dick...
  8. bbchadi

    We First Make Our Habits Then Our Habits Make Us - My Journal

    My Decision: On March 29, 2019 I took the decision to change my life to the better through implementing new good habits and eliminating old bad habits. The rule is pretty simple; I’m tackling one habit at a time. Because all the habits are not the same, the time allowed to each one can vary...
  9. Zillion


    guys the lifestyle of being lazy, procrastinating and binge eating and compulsively engagin into any addiction whenever i feel like demotivated, or idle. anyway i will come to my story back, started NoFap on 2018 jan, and successfully completed my first ever cycle of NoFap on June 1st....yes...
  10. M

    my way of rebooting (fasting)

    hey there NO-Fsociety just signed up to say fasting is a really good way for rebooting my first 37 days of rebooting I was fasting and gotta say it was the best way ive ever tried i mean the hunger and thirst really take ur mind off things FYI im on 67th day of hard mode and it feels good
  11. M

    Watch porn with NoFap and orgasm

    This is my first post, i am new here I have stop fapping for like 35 days and still counting. But i still watch porn without fapping or orgasm. Yes i am aroused but i dont cum. Is it better than masturbating without porn? Or do i need to completely free myself from porn?
  12. D

    I'm Doing Nofap, but I have so many questions...

    So I'm doing nofap, I haven't masturbated in almost ten days with very little urges... But the thing is, I have several fetishes and I don't like porn of actual people, I tend to fap to furries, or Pokemon, and it tends to be involving my fetishes most of the time. I have an entire Discord...
  13. mydayoff

    Amazing book for benefits of semen retention

    I'm currently reading this book called 'Brain Gain' recommended to me by a friend, and it's just mind blowing! I never knew the benefits of semen retention and the amazing things it can do. It's amazing to see how a lot of great philosophers from all parts of the word were actually celibate and...
  14. K

    Hello everyone

    What is my name it doesn't matter..... I want to overcome from my masturbation . Because it's too long I'm doing this and now I'm afraid for my future sex life. So guys please help me. Ask anything. Ask any personal question i never mind
  15. I

    I know I can do this.

    Hello Fapstronauts. Okay so I'll be completely honest here. I've had a foot fetish since I was 13-14. Since then it has been the centre of my sexual attractions and urges. I've always been scared to admit my foot fetish and I've reached a point where I actually feel ashamed and disgusted about...
  16. D


    So I joined this after I searched in google "how long it takes to have a wet dream and found this site as the number 1 hit." This girl I am dating and I went on a no sexual activity for lent challenge. So I did not make it nearly as far as her. She says she still hasn't masturbated at this point...
  17. S

    I am an addict and I need your help.

    Hello, I prefer not to say my real name so I'll stick to the ShyRussianDude. By my name you can obviously tell where I am from so please don't judge my English so much, I am well aware that its horrible. I study Management at University but I skip around 2 month already because of the problem. I...
  18. Karan Ramdas

    A path which defines my life.

    I do not call this mission of abstinence from masturbation and Uncontrolled detrimental self gratification as 'NoFap' , but ब्रह्मचर्य(brahmacharya). What is brahmacharya? Brahmacharya is acharan(behaviour) in brahma(the omnipresent, the omniscient, the omnipotent, the witness of all...
  19. R

    nofap Feb

    Hello everyone, my name is Rishab. Last month i realised that watching porn and masturbating to it acutally sort of made me feel sick and gross inside myself. So i decided to stop watching porn and do something, Thats when a friend told me about Nofap. So i have decided to start by a NoFap...
  20. R

    Joined because of porn induced erectile dysfunction

    Hello everyone I'm Ron and I'm 16 from England. I have decided to join the community as I believe that I'm suffering from pied. I started masturbating when I was about 13 and have always masturbated to porn, ranging from one to twice a day. I have never had any sexual interactions with a girl...
  21. DeAndre Kato


    I am new to these forums but today i will be starting my 90day NoFap. I am 23 and pied out of this world. Ive always tried to quit but never whole heartedly. I WILL be more productive in my life so im starting with getting off of Facebook, hitting the gym, No PMO, and done with taking naps for...
  22. L

    Lets take this revolution to another level

    Hi people ..! I'm a victim of porn addiction like most of you and have realised how necessary it is to give it up so please help me in this journey..
  23. D

    Push up 30 day fap free challenge!

    Of course everyone wants to get fit for the new Year and I have a challenge just for that. The aim of this challenge is, whenever the urge builds up, you simply complete 10-20 push-ups then go on with your day. That way you'll get some physical gains too ahaha. Who's with me? PS: if it works...
  24. A

    Need to change myself

    Hey This is Aneeb. I am a porn and Masturbation addict, I was 18 when i started Masturbation first time. Now i am 26 I am tired of all this. I felt i am becoming useless day by day ruins my fathers business now doing jobs for surviving life. I cannot concentrate on my work because of my bad...
  25. M

    How porn is affecting my life

    Growing up from a poor background i always wanted to improve the quality of my mom and dad lifestyle. When I was in middle school I was a student who wanted to achieve anything. People used to notice my urge to compete in simple things and they used to complement me not for what I want in the...
  26. H

    Save me from the nothing i've become

    Hi, I am a new fapstronaut and am quite young (young enough that I don't want to tell) (not that young)I am really forgetful and I have had depression spikes and lack of energy for the last few months, and am addicted to fapping though I don't do porn since I can restrain myself that much. I...
  27. Notmandy

    Another Christian; another fapper

    Sup friends, I literally was finishing porn when I decided to check snapchat and stumbled across the NoFap advertisement. Coincidence? I think not... So yeah, I'm a Christian who started masturbating since age...12? Maybe? I've had a high sex drive and strong sexual imagination since before I...
  28. DormantWonders

    Stop the WW Loop: Insanity: Rants to help Recover

    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein - I thought Id post a thread to let us express positive rants on why its so Woerthless to watch porn and masterbate. To ramble and express how foolish we were and to motivate us to stop our...
  29. NMIE


    Hey people! First of all, i'd like to let you know im not eng. speaker so its not easy for me to use this language but i hope u will understand everything :) I registered to this site bcos i found it much helpful in case of M and P... i started to M when i was 14 yo (its like 9 years now)...