
  1. TheHighMonk

    Eating meat

    Does eating meat, especially chicken or turkey help in sperm development? How significant is it?
  2. TicLun

    When does metabolic rate slows down?

    Hi, I've been exercising for some time now and my calorie intake is around 3600 calories but this is the first time I got seriously sick and it's been 3 days now since I've been just lying in bed doing nothing... My question is when will my metabolic rate slow down? In other words, when will my...
  3. D

    B12 Deficiency

    Due to a lack of money, I can't eat as much meat as I'd want to, most times just 3x a week, should I take a B12 supplement? I'm not vegan, I do eat eggs, milk, etc.
  4. D

    The Calorie Myth by Jonathan Bailor. Discussion.

    Hello everyone! I have some questions about this book and I would like to discuss some of the points here. If you haven't read it, the main ideas of the book are Counting calories is pointless since it's impossible to measure your intake even remotely accurate; your energy expenditure is...
  5. D

    Vitamins & Minerals

    As a part of self-improvement, it can be important to take vitamin/mineral tablets. Even though an RDA weight or quantity is given for most of the vitamins and minerals, sometimes it is alright to take above the RDA as long as it is well within a good safety margin the maximum tolerable dose...
  6. Vendettana

    Other reasons for ED and low testosterone

    So guys, I want to tell you other things that you might get fixed in the same time. The things you eat and that are bad for your health and for your sex drive. 1. Get rid of simple carbides like sugar, white flour. Sugar is like kerosine in your veins. You get a lot of power, that your body...
  7. Ameeet


    Hey Guys From last 5 months I'm only eating home foods & almost cut down all outside foods but still I eat chips, biscuits, sweets, ice-cream sometimes I'm unknown/stranger about nutrition, victims and all that stuffs. Tell me some juices, fruits, vegetables, nuts & so forth that I've...
  8. D

    The Healthy Diet Challenge

    I Challenge you to make your diet healthier I'm starting this Challenge because I seemed to be the only one active in the thread "90 DAYS NO SUGAR CHALLENGE". What's more, 90 consecutive days without sugar seems too hard a task for me right now (also notably that nobody in that Challenge had...
  9. T

    Knees weak due to excessive mastrubating. Calcium Supplements?

    Hi guys, I've been masturbating for around 5 years and atleast twice daily. Currently, I'm 18 and my knees and back hurt like hell. I'm considering taking Calcium supplements. Does anybody have any experience with this and can tell me which one I should take and how many MGs? Thank you soo...
  10. lamstronger

    All about fitness

    Hey, fapstronauts. Didn’t see this topic in the first pages or missed it, so here it goes. Wanted to have a topic that was dedicated to the gym, nutrition or just fitness in general. Some starting questions: 1. What training split do you follow? 2. Do you follow any diet? 3. What fitness people...
  11. J

    Thoughts on Creatine?

    Hi guys, I am an (almost) 17-year-old bodybuilder. I have been training since I was 14 and know a lot about diet/nutrition, and training methods and shit like that. I'm looking to take my aesthetics to the next level (knowing that in fact, Creatine may have no effect on me) and am contemplating...
  12. changinguser

    Cardio and weightlifting

    Hello I am interested in incorporating more weight lifting into my routine. But I also want to keep some cardio routines in my activities. So I thought about dedicating sometime during the noon for weightlifting and some in the afternoon for cardio. But I have the question, is there a way in...
  13. RationalBrody

    RationalBrody's Journey of uncovering my Greatest Self

    This will be the story of my evolution, of uncovering my authentic Self & actualizing my greatest Self. Come along for the ride. I will touch upon topics such as: Personal Growth | Self-Improvement | Spiritual enlightment | Meditation Conquering my insecurities , becoming a master over my...
  14. D

    What's your life theme song?

    What song gets you PUMPED!? What song gets you driven!? What's one song that you can listen to for the rest of your life and never get tired of!? Please provide a link. For me it has to be "Nigga Whut" by Redman. Doesn't matter where I am or how I feel, once this song comes on, I'm unstoppable...
  15. Thrices

    Nutrition in semen-loss in ejaculation

    THIS IS THE NUTRIENT CONTENT OF HUMAN EJACULATION: Vitamin-c ( for tissue maintainance ) Blood group antigens ( from immune system ) Calcium ( mineral ) Chroline ( oxydising agent ) Cholestrol (steroid compound present in body fluids and base of all hormones ) Choline ( base,part of vitamin b...