Hey everyone! I hope you guys are doing well. It’s been about five days since I joined the community. The day I joined, I challenged myself to a PMO challenge for a week. I didn’t go for a straight 30-day challenge because I’ve been a severe PMO addict for the past four years. I used to PMO...
It's started guys, the NoFap 2019 365/2 days 1.5 2.5 HD 3D Re Chain of Birth By Sleep Coded Remix has begun! Stay strong everyone, do this to prove to yourself that you can become the man you always wanted to be! I am doing this to increase my testosterone and discipline myself among other...
It's Day 2 guys.
And I already started to question whether low dosage (once or twice a week)PMO harmful. I was jerking off and watching porn once a week so I'm not harmed psychologically like my other fellas here and didn't realise any negative effects on my body except for low quality...
So on Sunday, I started PMO-mode. Because of that, I started eating less, but a healthy amount. Yesterday, I checked my weight, I lost 1.7 pounds in 4 days, I'm a bit worried. Should I worry or is this just normal with eating healthier portions of food? I weighed 156.8 now I weigh 155.1. I'm 13...
Hello everyone! This is my first post to these forums, I just joined today.
I'm a 23 year old christian who has been using porn since my early teenage years. It seems like so long ago that I don't even recall at what age I began. I've been in a steady relationship with my girlfriend for over 7...
Deleted Account
new beggining
new fapstronaut
pmo born again
Hey everyone! I recently discovered this site and it immediately intrigued me. I never thought I had a problem with porn or masturbation as I felt that twice a week was perfectly normal, but after seeing the possible benefits from rebooting entirely I've decided to give it a try. Hope you're all...
First of all, you are all amazing people. I really love the amount of help, motivation and encouragement going on here. So, thank you :emoji_heart:.
So I've been trying to do the 90 day challenge for about 2 months now and the longest I've reached was 27 days. Ever since...
hello, it has been a week since I haven't done pmo and I m really happy, I really haven't had any big urge and because of that I am sorry that I will later and I want to be ready for it. How does widrawal work and what is flatlining??
Here is the deal guys. Its my zero day and now i am here to get more serious to be good.
What i need u all to do.?
Follow this thread if you are in. Post your daily progress in this thread.
What is the Challenge.?
The challenge is to be good for a whole month no porn no masturbation not even...
I have just joined this forum, and have been following nofap from reddit till now.
I desperately want to change my life for the better, and it looks like this community can offer a sense of hope that im missing from my life right now.
Its incredible to see how not fapping can change peoples...
Hi friends!
I´m in day 46 in so motivated too accomplish my 90 days first challenge. But sincerely I believe I need more time to fully reboot. It depends on the age you started to PMO, how far the tasted escalated and how many times per day you PMOed.. Actually for me and I know for a lot of...
Hello all, my name is Arthur and I´m 25 yrs old male from Brazil, the reason that made me create this account is to "accept" my porn addiction and by doing so taking the first step towards reaching my life goals.
The following is a timeline of problems which were caused by PMO
It all started...
Hello Everyone ! This is my 1st day here. I read about NoFap 3 days backs and I thought to join. Today After I failed on my 5th day of "no PMO" I could not help but register here. I am having health problems like back pain and hair loss and doctors cannot specific a certain reason.
I hope you...
Hello everyone, its been a while since I posted I have been busy in trying to clean all the mess up, yeah I am talking about my life and I am killin' it. I am on day 265 and I feel like I am the strongest man on the planet, my life has totally changed. I used to play video games all day, PMO and...
Hello friends.
I took the nofap challenge yesterday but I watched porn and masturbated and felt bad. But now I am determined to make it to day 90 taking the pmo challenge.
Today is my day 1.
Wish me luck.
Heloo there i'm glad to decide become one of thes 90 days nofap member program i hope i can make it because i runid my life with PMO but in our world shold every things have the beging and begin to change our live to better is a big change ...please any one can help me with commint its pleasure...