porn blocker

  1. Ashamed Capybara

    To experienced and kinda savvy tech fapstronauts, HELP!

    Here is the thing. I have spend quite some time browsing the forums and I have come to the conclusion that every case of addiction is quite similar and very different at the same time. I would like to dumb down my phone (nuklear option, so to say, haha), but I cannot use that option since I...
  2. ElevatingEagerly

    Free Apps with no option to delete

    Basically, I installed ScreenZen, chose the apps/sites I wanted to block, got someone to put a passcode in, and now I've realised I could just delete the app if I wanted, because I forgot to add the disable app deletion feature. I don't want to get that person to unlock it because there was...
  3. SmartyWay

    Porn Blocker

    Hi! I need porn blocker for iOS and windows. Two apps or one for iphone and windows. What I need: password protection delete prevention Its better to set random password not accountability partner. To block reddit NSFW and youtube safe (if is possible) I tried one app but when I know my iphone...
  4. S

    any free porn blockers for PC with password protection?

    K9 no longer works, the service is no longer available. I am searching for something similar that has password protection so that I can't turn it off or uninstall it unless I format my system.
  5. K

    Porn Blocking Programs

    Hi guys. Im new in this forum. I think this blocker programs are very important for who in the nofap process. Can u suggest for ios and mac?
  6. F

    block all porn for free

    Hey guys, I found this helpful article on how to block porn on your computers, routers, phones, etc. if you to take a look here is the article link
  7. S

    Porn blocker help

    Hey guys, does anyone know of a porn blocker that I can download for the iPhone 8. I don’t care if it costs I feel like this is the only way . I want to download one where a password can be set to turn the blocker on and off . My friend said he will set the passcode for me . I’m just looking...
  8. Anders Dahl

    What p*** blocker do you guys use?

    Now that K9 dosen't update anymore because it got sold it dosen't work. Bulldog blocker works great on android but when using and "emulator" on PC it seems it dosen't work.. So what do you guys use?
  9. K

    blocker working

    so finally my blocker started working.the porn blocker,it's free and very effective,practically blocks and closes the screen the instant anything pornographic is detected.i had been looking for an efficient blocker like this but in vain to get one. the thing is that in the initial 20 days or so...
  10. E

    Accountability partner for bulletproof porn-blocking software.

    Hey there, I have posted this on RebootNation Forum but didn't find anyone who wants to jump straight in, without wasting any time(don't want to delay any longer). Background: 24, Student, Porn and sex addict, found very useful software to block all adult content, used it for a while and found...
  11. Skyroㅤ

    Free porn blocker apps for Android?

    I spent most of my time on my phone so I want a porn blocker for Android that's free. Anyone know if there is such an app?
  12. L

    Porn Blocker Software

    I'm finally back after almost 3 years of not posting on this forum. It's been a roller coaster ride of starting community college, starting my first job, quitting jobs, getting fired from jobs, finishing community college, being hospitalized for mental illness and getting treatment for mental...
  13. JohnLock

    A couple of over-asked questions: first post

    Hey all, So glad this community exists. I've been trying to quit a PMO addiction for about 2 months (unsuccessfully), and thought that maybe turning to others could be helpful. On my first 30 days (mid September to mid October) I has several relapses but there was a noticeable difference. I'm...
  14. Beat_Wizard

    Blocking Porn and banishing it from your life

    Hey fellow fappers and fapperinas! Don't we all just love porn! I mean, there are so many performers and styles. There's MILF's, bondage, thai massage and even pikachu cosplay porn. Every day you can go on pornhub & Co. and wank the life out of you, so why even stop? When do I stop? and how do...
  15. L

    Porn blocker/Custom Website blocker for Safari?

    Hi guys, I have had great success using both Purity and Detoxify to stay clean from porn and other bad websites. In particular, the purity google chrome browser extension allows you to block custom sites and apps. For example, I've had problems with chatterbate, grindr, Instagram, snapchat...
  16. 4

    factory reset

    Is it just me or does anyone have a problem with using the factory reset to get past your pornblocker. if so how did you make sure you weren't able to do it again.
  17. sinner76

    [TUT] Blocking porn on all devices. Give your willpower an aid! Easy streaks

    Moderators, please don't move this thread. It has been moved many times to wrong categories before being brought back here by the admins. Topics of this sub-forum include: Potential benefits, tips, advice, peer support, etc. So this is the right sub-forum. "NoFap is like trying to quit smoking...
  18. need4realchg

    What software blocks searches for risqué search engine images ?

    downloaded Qustodio for son cpu. Love that it disappears and doesn’t give the impression that you are being watched. What software nullifies scandalous image searches for google, bing etc? For him that’s the only psubs I really am concerned about. There will be no social media on his...
  19. D

    Reduce Tech Life To iPhone Only- Legit Advice

    Look, I know there is a lot of tips out there, but guys, I believe what I’m about to share with you is legit, it can help you atleast get rid of the P in PMO. DISCLAIMER: This Only Works If You’ve Already(or plan to)Reduced Your Tech Life Down To iPHONE ONLY. By an iPhone 6s(they’re cheap...
  20. D

    Need advice abt porn blockers

    I had thought that porn blockers were just for "mentally weak" people who couldn't manage their mind in order to progress on their reboot journal. UNTIL NOW. Since my addiction is very related to porn, porn blockers are indeed a tool to make things easier (like a calc for doing maths). But I'm a...
  21. Y

    Pluckeye extension: ultimate p blocking solution

    Hello, TLDR: Cant put links yet so just google "pluckeye Extension" Free ultimate porn blocker for the laptop. blocks all pictures and videos. no way around it. The best solution I have found in the 5 to ten years I have been trying to eliminate p from my life. cant see google images. I...
  22. H

    Technologies to stop Porn Addiction

    Hi, I am a 35 years old entrepreneur and my business does relatively well. I have a good life with a loving family and friends. However, I have secretely struggled with Porn addiction since I was 14. I won't say the sadness it causes inside of me because I've read it in all the threads from...
  23. D

    Good blocking app for android?

    I just relapsed using my android phone. I finally got the right blocking software (K9) for my PC; the only way to undo it is to factory restore it which would take hours, and would erase a lot of personal files I have. I tried every way to crack into it and undo it when trying to relapse. The...
  24. D

    Apps to help focus on your tasks daily....

    This website compiled a list of apps to help owners of devices in focusing daily. out of all the recommended apps I decided to use focus, I use daily to program my laptop (Mac) on which sites are necessary for my to visit daily for work and business. It has a timer you can set to maintain the...
  25. J

    Tips for rebooting

    Well the first thing to do which has worked 90% of the time was to install a software called K9 Web Protection and create a long password very long.Write it on a paper and go to k9 settings and type the password you have on your paper and set blocked categories like if you wanna select "Mature"...
  26. WhyNotStop

    How to block porn on windows

    Hey Faptronauts I've been experimenting with a lot of blockers in the past and as a computer techie I think I've found the best one yet. It's called Cold Turkey and it has its own built-in porn block list. you can download it for free at If you need help setting the...
  27. Cosme Fulanito

    Does anyone know...

    Does anyone know a porn-blocker for android. I used secure teen, but is useless in incognito.
  28. thuyen

    K9 doesn't install.. other porn blocker recommendations?

    I tried to install the K9 blocker but it has an "unknown error" during installation for mac. I need a blocker where I can add the sites I go to, since I don't just go to obvious porn sites when I act out. I also need it to work on mac and windows. Any recommendations?
  29. D

    Porn blocker help

    Hey guys, I thought I would ask this question here since this place seems like a place that would help to answer specific questions, instead of talking about motivational pics and quotes like on the Reddit counterpart. (I actually made this account for the exact reason on asking this question...
  30. a1c3.77z

    Firefox users attention

    I have found the browser extension that will minimise your access to pornographic content. Download 'Anti-Porn Pro - The Best Anti-Porn Addon!' It actually works. Blocks almost all content on Firefox, no nude pictures, no websites, and it also blocks all the Tumblr, Instagram and Facebook porn...
  31. D

    Dang it!! why does this always happen

    slipped up this morning. My girlfriend left to go shopping and I was just chilling in bed bored on my phone. it always happens when I'm feeling good but have nothing to do. always starts on Facebook or instagram and eventually progresses into porn. My brain tries to convince me that what I'm...
  32. Arcsector

    Reddit Porn Blocker

    Hello there everyone! Is there any porn blocker that filters out specific reddit pages like /r/porn and the like? In addition, any ones that block tumblr pages? As an alternative, is there a blocker that I can configure in order to block specific pages myself? I need one for Android and...