
  1. Basgsar

    A New Beginning

    Hello, I'm new here, I've been masturbating since I was 11 and watching porn since I was 12, I joined NoFap to regain my confidence, and end the distraction and addiction to masturbation and porn that brings me nothing beneficial. For the past 2 years I have always been trying to abstain from...
  2. Avoidnemo

    Cutting porn only

    It’s been like 3 days and I don’t consider myself disciplined in life in any aspect and I’m a complete mess either in cutting porn or being constant in gym or e.t.c.. I dont have a goal or anything, I saw some porn in twitter by mistake only glimpses and also the idea of watching my type of...
  3. tawwab1

    The lie of PMO pt. 3: Story of Lou

    We already busted the myths of free sex access and male victimhood in Lie pt. 1 and Lie pt. 2. But to deliver the KO punch we have to look at where this confusion started. How did we arrive at a place where smart men could be fooled so easily about sex? What if I told you it all started with...
  4. onceaking

    Losing your moral compass?

    I was listening to a debate that featured Louise Perry and she said something about consuming porn that resonated with me. Here's her quote: "Porn should be understood as a super stimuli, in the sense that it is entirely designed to arouse the human body... It is so much more arousing than...
  5. A

    A new journey

    Hey! This is Aun, 18. I've been trying to stop myself from masturbation and porn addiction, but I could only maintain a streak of 7-8 days. I've heard about NoFap which enables you to stop yourself from PMO. I hope this platform will help me to resist myself from masturbation and porn addiction...
  6. M

    Stop Being A Victim

    My biggest breakthrough in my self-improvement journey came when I no longer lived as a victim. I used to believe that I had no control over my life. I didn't feel like I had a choice. What I've now learnt is... I CHOSE to be in a relationship that didn't allow me to develop. I CHOSE to...
  7. BearReal

    Trying for tryings' sake

    Hi all! I'm a 16 year old whos been on the subreddit for a bit but has since came to the forums because the word reddit is enough of a "trigger" for me. I am insanely nihilistic and have day dreamed about the cliche, angsty teenager who decides to drown themselves in sensory overload of pleasure...
  8. Pax Romana

    First Post, as well as looking for support.

    Hello everyone! I've been addicted to PMO since I was only 8 years old. It has been engraved in me for years and now that I'm a full grown man I feel that I am unable to even think properly. I have a full time job and am going to be a new Dad, but with that this addiction has still taking me...
  9. N

    Feeling numb in life from porn addiction.

    Hey there! I am a 28 year-old porn addict who has tried to get free from his addiction with very little success. I have withdrawn myself from friends and family and rarely even go out anymore unless I actually have too. I hate my job due to the stress it causes , but fear quitting due to the...
  10. K

    masturbated today

    i got some books today and i feel like i need to devote myself to them for a few weeks/months so as to break the habit of PMO. i need to replace the bad habit with something constructive that helps me grow and feel better about myself too. I'll have to devote enough time and be consistent with...
  11. T

    Addicted from last 4 years ,want to reboot

    i am 25 year old man, still studying for masters in technology in computer science engineering . Now in 2023 i am still addicted to watch porn and unable to overcome from it since 2019 because of this habit i was unable to focus on my carrier it was deviating from reading , i am unable to...
  12. G

    How to deal with a relapse

    The best way to deal with a nofap relapse
  13. U


    I've been masturbating for 11 years now, and I've just about had it!!! The foggy forgetful brain, depression, loneliness, Woman looking at me like I'm a creature, faking my personality, severe social anxiety, no future or guidance in life, and it doesn't help that my eye retina is torn so I'm...
  14. TicLun

    Porn is everywhere and it's disgusting

    Porn is just everywhere and we all know that, but let's just reflect on it. I love anime. Anime (and this is gonna sound stupid) was one of the reasons that kept me going when I was considering just ending it all, even my life. I know it sounds really stupid, and it wasn't the main reason why I...
  15. onceaking

    Who would you rather date?

    Would you rather date someone who thinks looking at porn is a serious issue or someone who thinks there's nothing wrong with looking at porn?
  16. C

    Detailed side effects of PMO

    Notes: More depraved material = worse side effects (longer lasting and deeper effects) PMO to depraved material results in highly noticeable side effects lasting 3-5 days Fast PMO to depraved material will still result in long-lasting side effects (days) P Material that is discovered not to...
  17. D

    Day 14 today - Feeling better

    Today I'm on day 14 and i'm feeling more energized and present. The before days was very eazy to not watch porn or masturbate, because I've blocked all the ways, on my cellphone and pc, that I could acess porn, since day 1. So my brain knows that there is no way to watch porn, getting easier to...
  18. D

    Putting a stop to addiction

    I urge anyone that is trying to be on this jorney to delete every folder on their phone and computer. It can and will lead to relapse sooner or later, stay on the path and remember that those few seconds aren't gonna be worth the shame and guilt that you are gonna feel after. You got this!
  19. jackcruiser800

    EMERGENCY HELP ME............!

    Guys i have only 4 months to learn , study and get a job all on my own but my habit of relapsing is a mess. I get motivated and try not to fap but in 2 days i get in loops of fapping and destroy thee next days .as i am relapsing everytime i eat more time than ever. Today i fapped till 10am to...
  20. Feb1123

    Porn and masturbation binges are likely way more unhealthy than most doctors say

    I used to binge up to 5-7 times a day on a regular basis. I got fever from that. It is really hard to find info on that but it makes sense because all the good nutrients that come from your life and are supposed to create another life, is being drained over and over again. I actually feel...
  21. she-dernatinus

    Catherine MacKinnon on pornography

  22. A

    I HAVE to get my life in order

    Hey everyone! I have been trying to not masturbate since a month, and I make 5 day streaks but break em each time just because I think I'll look at porn for fun. I start edging, and before I know it, i relapse. When doing nofap, I felt great. I ate healthy, worked out and even felt more confident. But...
  23. Massimo2002

    I Masterbated To A Sick 4chan Fetish Thread And Now I Feel Even More Depressed

    It Was A BBC White Genocide Fetish Thread. Now I Hate Myself After Jerking It Out To That. But The Normal Porn Stuff Got Boring To Me So I Had To Reach Orgasm By Any Means Necessary. Or At Least That's How I Felt. Now I Can't Even Look At Myself In The Mirror Because I Feel So Ashamed Of Myself.
  24. lemosiii

    S*x Toys / Str*kers

    Can S*x toys (m*sturbators, str*kers, etc.) be helpful in breaking a p*rn addiciton? I think that just using these toys instead of using p*rn would be helpful. What do you think?
  25. PleasureToPain

    Story of my painful Addiction to now FREE & in CONTROL

    I want to start off by saying hello to everyone in here and to just say THANK YOU to NoFap for this powerful platform to really help people. I know people are struggling and it legit hurts me because I’ve been through it all with my addiction and really know all the drowning emotions that comes...
  26. S

    NoFap week 3 and watching kissing scenes

    Hey guys, how dangerous is it when I watch on purpose kissing scenes on youtube and movies (but not in order to get aroused) but just because I crave romance. My fear is I will end up watching porn again.
  27. I


    I’ve been on and off quitting pmo and masturbation is the biggest challenge as I find after a day or two my sexual energy drops to nothing which in a relationship can be a bit of problem. I think this is biggest reason I end up relapsing as I’m afraid my flatlines are so bad. I know what the...
  28. Cessna Caravan

    Hello Everyone

    New to NOFAP, not new to struggles. I'm 64 and have been into P&M since puberty. I quit for 90 days once and I guess I thought that the clouds would part but they didn't and so I returned. I've been a long-time recovered member of AA. Lately, I've been trying to apply what I've learned there to...
  29. Cessna Caravan

    Hello everyone. I'm new here.

    I decided to investigate this site. Been struggling with P&M since puberty. I've been a recovered alcoholic in AA for many years. Trying to apply what I learned in AA to P&M addiction. I quit once for 90 days. Thought the clouds would part but they didn't and so I gave in. Coming to the end of...
  30. Sondae

    I Need Help Deleting My Porn Folder

    I'll try to keep this one as short as possible. Basically, I have a vault app on my phone that has over 1,000 photos and videos worth of NSFW content. I recently deleted a folder within that app that contained about 100 photos and videos from women I personally knew, so I am at least proud of...
  31. Sondae

    Why Inaccessible Fetishes Are The Most Dangerous

    This will be an incredibly awkward conversation, especially for me. Fetishes. Everyone has them. Some are vanilla, some are niche. No matter what you're into, you've likely spent a few hours of your life searching for content relating to it. Some of us are fortunate enough to have an...
  32. A

    Just getting started...

    I have been addicted to porn for the last 3 years. Now decided to quit this damned thing. Let's do this. I am 14 and got addicted to this thing in my late 11 years. Please help me reach 100 days and even more.
  33. G

    How to build self control/fight masturbation urges?

    I have no idea how to fight the intense urges when they come. I get through a week and relapse. What tips do you guys have to avoid a relapse?
  34. H

    Relapsed again

    I was on a streak of 22 days and I broke it by doing pmo twice in one day. I even had prec*m once. So I count it as 2.5 tumes relapse. My problems are :- Attention/memory problems Social Anxiety/ isolation Depression, mood swings, brain fog Acne on face and body , dull skin. Fatigue ...
  35. A

    Im addicted to hotwife porn. Is hotwife porn is real ?

    Im not addicted to amature porn or any pornstars videos but now im suffering from the fantasies that creates from the hotwife porn. That they show themselves as couples and shoot there activities. Is that shoot and sex is real ?? and these couples are real ??
  36. M

    Is it PIED if I can get hard, but I can't remain hard?

    So, I'm a 20-year-old male who hasn't had a morning wood since I was late 17 or early 18. From that time until now (late 20s), I've noticed that during sex, I get hard, but I can't stay hard without constant touch, and even a minute without it causes me to go flacid. Then I discovered that even...
  37. onceaking

    Sharing porn with work colleagues

    So a recent report has found that some policemen in the UK have been sharing porn with their work colleagues in a WhatsApp group and that got me wondering what would people on here do if a work colleague shared porn with them. Would you tell them about the negative aspects of porn? Would you...
  38. hol

    Advice for temptations (and social advice I guess)

    The most tempting periods are when you have access to technology, are on social media, and are in a warm/comfortable place. I've found if I move my phone out of my bedroom, only use my laptop in the living room, and avoid hot places during the day I do better. When I feel like fapping I either...
  39. P

    I’m addicted to porn

    Hello everyone, I believe that I’m addicted to porn and masturbating. The thing is that back when I used to live with my parents I used to watch so much porn and I used to masturbate a lot too. I had so much free time because I was just in school and every night of every day for hours I would...
  40. P


    Hello everyone, My name is Richard and I am 26 yrs old and I am single. I decided to join because I believe I have an addiction to PMO. I started masturbating since I was about 12 yrs old and I started watching porn since I was about 15 yrs old. I obviously didn’t see it as a problem when I was...
  41. MarcelProust

    I gravitate toward brutal porn when i am stressed out

    Last 2 weeks were pretty hard for me, i am talking mostly about job. I work remote, there is shortage of people in my team, senior people dont want to help, and i am responsible for finishing work quickly on some sort of technology where i (and my entire) team have very limited knowledge of...
  42. Red Eagle

    To all those who managed 90+ days

    How did you do it? I am fairly successful with nofap, but I rarely pass the 60 day mark. I tend to relapse several weeks into a streak. I regularly pass 30 or 40 days but I just can't get rid of porn for good. I would love to get this stuff out of my head but eventually my urges get so strong...
  43. S

    Semen Retention vs porn

    So I have been on semen retention. This started as I'm trying to improve myself after divorce. Really I would like another partner/woman but whether I am ready or not, probably not. I had like 3 hook ups in 18 months after my marriage ended, but they didn't progress to a lasting relationship...
  44. strongminded


    Hi I failed to hit my mark of 30 days of no PMO. It got me out of nowhere, and now after I masturbated to porn for a minute approximately, I feel really really bad about myself. I don't want porn to take over, but this urge really got me deceived just a little. I'm feeling strong tho...
  45. 4

    9 Years of Porn & Mastrubation

    Hi i am anonymous i am now 22 but i am not enjoy my life in last 9 years I started watch porn in i studing 8th standard that time i dont know i lost my life 9 years i lost my mind control i dont have more friends i lost my feelings also porn and mastrubation addict is destoyed my life , i am 22...
  46. D

    Remove porn from my life

    Hi! I'm a 25-year-old guy who wants to get rid of porn for good. My story is as follows. I have been in a happy relationship for almost a year. Before I met my current girlfriend, in the past, after many attempts, I finally managed to go 90 days without porn and masturbation. During this period...
  47. D

    My Current Situation

    On a quest to do better for myself and my family, I'm making some big changes in my life. I'm moving back to a place I once called home. Also, I'm furthering my education and skillset so that I can start to do better financially. There's a lot of uncertainty for me right now. I usually...
  48. ARCEUS

    What would you do if you caught your child addicted to porn?

    Even if you are not parent till now, imagine it, what would the movement be? How would your first reaction be? How would you handle the situation? Elaborate pls
  49. K

    I have reached the end level of adult film

    So I got that now. I gave up nofap a while ago. Knowing that my psychotherapy is right for me, I have decided that I should focus on my other issues first and work on the porn later. But this decision sent me into a deep hole when it comes to adult films. In a nutshell. I watched two movies...
  50. onceaking

    Child porn prevented Twitter from starting an adult subscription service

    From The Verge: In the spring of 2022, Twitter considered making a radical change to the platform. After years of quietly allowing adult content on the service, the company would monetize it. The proposal: give adult content creators the ability to begin selling OnlyFans-style paid...
  51. Haiized

    I'm at day 32 but I still keep pornographic videos stashed on my phone

    I'm currently at Day 32 but still, I can't manage to delete the porn vids that's hidden in my device. I don't know why but I lack courage just go ahead and delete those videos. They mean so much man I just need a second voice saying "just go for it!" and I'll delete it right away.
  52. ARCEUS

    Suicidal thoughts, problem getting uncontrollable, can you help fix my problem?

    I have so many things to tell and want a help. First of all I am an addict since I was in grade 4, but had very mild addiction, which increased just now, I fought this same battle and won a streak from April 2021 to October 2021. But got addicted again, and now with a very different practice, I...
  53. D

    "PMO is normal and healthy."

    Do you ever wonder why 95-99% of search results regarding [the detrimental effects of] PMO bring up a seemingly endless amount of pages on which there are articles and "research" that support and promote the porn industry, the act of masturbation and regular orgasms? These pages are usually on...
  54. D

    This Is Your Brain On Porn

  55. H

    Is trying to quit harder when you don’t have anything in your life besides porn?

    I’m asking because... well I’ve got nothing in my life besides porn which I’m legitimately interested in. Should I try join a social group or discover some hobbies before I attempt 90 days cold turkey? I’ve tried quitting countless, countless times in the past two years and have always failed...
  56. D

    Memory Hole: What happens in the brain during an orgasm? (2013)

    How Stuff Works: What happens in the brain during an orgasm? An archived page is provided as the article was removed years ago. In both [men and women], the brain region behind the left eye, called the lateral orbitofrontal cortex, shuts down during orgasm. Janniko R. Georgiadis, one of the...
  57. ARCEUS

    Help me I am very near to end my whole life.

    Broke the 18 days streak today :( In need of a guide, and done it 2 times today, but it was started when I got into a triggering position during night, and was struggling with the urge since morning, and after 14 hours, done it 2 times at same time, really I think god is controlling me cuz since...
  58. Aboodhi

    Midnight Urges!

    I stay away from PMO for a while, afterwards I relapse and again I quit. The cycle continues so. I've identified my biggest problem is having urges in the early morning or midnight. I can't help but give into it once the thoughts appear. I relapse as a result. I think it's natural for our mind...
  59. Tan Korrey

    Porn is ruining my sexual life (In a relationship)

    Hi good people, I have been watching P and M since I was 10 years old and today I am 28 yo. I was always M non-stop, but it took me a long long time to even understand its an issue that is blocking me from reaching my highest potential. I'm in a loving relationship for the past 2.5 years, and I...
  60. D

    Help ! Strong Urge to see jerk off instruction

    Help ! Heavy urge to watch Jerk Off Instruction or Encouragement by some naked girls with very soft voice. Need urgent help !
  61. D

    How much porn do you watch in a day / week / month ?

    How much porn do you watch in a day ? I am asking this question because I have watched porn for 16 hours continuously in a day last month. I felt exhausted. A lot of dopamine seemed to be rushed.
  62. D

    Does Porn induced Lust exist ?

    I by mistake found porn in 2015 online and was trapped into it. Then I became lustful. Is it possible that porn induced lust exists ? There is Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction and Porn Induced Insomnia. Is there any Porn Induced Masturbation Habit ( PIMH ) ? I learnt masturbation only after 2...
  63. onceaking

    Forget about porn

    Do you ever have days when you forget porn? Yesterday I had one of those days. I just got so busy with things I needed to do for the day that the thought of porn didn't even cross my mind. It wasn't like I was trying to keep myself busy so I wouldn't look at porn, I just had all these things I...
  64. B

    Not really sure why i'm here

    Friends, This is my first posting on nofap. I have read all the info pro- and con-masturbation. That is not really why I'm here. I abstained from looking at online porn for two months, and then, tired one night, slipped and looked, just as my wife was coming in the door (I was sleeping in the...
  65. onceaking

    What made you want to reboot?

    Was it because you had ED? Or did you think it was morally wrong? Was there a time when you thought porn was harmless fun? How long were you looking at it before you realised it was time to stop?
  66. D

    Inspiration: Semen Retention

  67. SRKeeper

    Is there anything more enjoyable than p0rn?

    Today I went through almost six hours of p0rn, and at the end I felt like was the most amazing thing I've ever experience. It makes me thing about my future, because for me this is too great, too much pleasure. But it's a bad thing because I left my last two jobs because I didn't want to go to...
  68. A

    Day 20 and dreaming of having sex!

    Today I enter the 20th day. However, while falling asleep, I realized that I was dreaming about sex. I also realized I was rubbing my object against the bed (but I have no control over this). When I wake up, i'm cummings alr. Do I have to reset from day 0? *Sorry for my poor English
  69. M


    Hey everyone, I'm M23 I wanna share something here and need your opinions too (sorry guys my English is not much good) --right now I'm on nofap MO 25days and P relapsing after every week)-- I'm watching porn and Mstrbn twice weekly since last 9 years I know it's too much but that's the truth...
  70. D

    About Edging (Prostatitis, Frequent Urination, Urinary Incontinence, etc.)

    The following was originally contributed years ago by a user on MedHelp. Credit goes to him and his doctor. 1. During masturbation (particularly long sessions where orgasm is not reached relatively quickly), the urinary sphincter stays contracted for a long time so to prevent urination. This...
  71. BangJul

    Dead Dick, Random Erection, and Random Fantasy. What happened to me?

    This is my 63 Days on Nofap, im suffering and confused with my nofap Progression. I've tried so hard to stay away from porn, masturbation, orgasm, and any fantasy. But the Fantasy come accidentally. I also confused about my dick. Sometimes he dies when my mind craving for porn. Sometimes i got...
  72. R

    Relapsed!! I’m starting to go back to my old fapping habits

    Hi Guys I need some advice on preventing my self from fapping every two days or so.I use to go on longer streaks as well as enjoying all the benefits of Nofap and semen retention. My longest steak was over 50 days. What happened was that I lost my benefits. 1 fap session after 30 days of...
  73. A

    Obstacles you will encounter on your road to detoxing from porn, masturbation and sex addiction

    Here are some of the obstacles you may encounter on your way to liberating your self from fapping, porn and sex addiction 1) Hyper sexual energy, especially at the start of your journey, after a relapse or wet dream. 2) Flat line; after some time of hyper energy you could go into a low energy...
  74. A

    Semen retention; what of these is a relapse?

    Hello 1. I played with my thing and fapped a bit just to make my dick hard so I could measure the size of my p*nis. But I didn’t orgasm 2. do drops of pleasure count as a relapse?
  75. D

    Writing my heart out - Newbie

    I started watching porn when I was 15 or 16 now 20. At that time I was in school and it didn't affect my grades much since I was so good at studies. I used to be shy boy in school &talking to girls online or offline made me nervous. Now I am at home studying for atough professional exam ...
  76. hypeinsaan

    day - 0 My Last Relapse

    Hey Everyone, Today 1st June 2022, i have decided to Quit My Addiction To PMO, and also my last Relapse. Man I have almost tried like Million times to Quit This Thing But every time i try to do i keep failing But not this time. I Have made a Decision Not to Go Back and Quit this horrible Thing...
  77. T

    Porn addiction has completely ruined the way I live my life, and it's time I made a change.

    I was going to post this on the subreddit but there are some weird formatting rules that my porn-riddled brain cannot figure out so here I am. Today is the day that I make a damn change, not a half assed one but a change that has the potential to exponentially increase the quality of my life...
  78. S

    Relapsing again and again

    It’s like I fap, have the O and feel super depressed . Then the next day I’m doing it again . Why is it like this for me ? I’m beginning to wonder if death is better . I was raised Roman Catholic but I’m not religious anymore . Would a loving god really send someone to hell for ending their life...
  79. D

    I Can't Stop Masturbating (2006 Documentary)

    At 2:05 in the above video clip, a patient is seen by an Asian doctor. He is told that if he doesn't quit masturbating and conquer his addiction, he will experience "tooth ache, loose teeth, back pain, weak knees, exhaustion, depression, psychological disorders, impotence and erectile...
  80. FreeAdventurer

    About porn addiction in society and future generations.

    About porn addiction in society and future generations. I was thinking about this: If today pornography generates so much addiction and problems, what will happen in the future, when vr porn and vr porn video games become more prevalent (when more people get access to that technology) and also...
  81. S

    Could drugs have caused no sex drive ?

    I used to do a lot of drugs in my younger days . Ecstasy lsd coke and many other mind alerting substances . My question to you guys is could this have caused low sex drive and the ED. Did the drugs do something to my brain ? I function otherwise . I have a good job , remember names quite easily...
  82. onceaking

    British MP says he may have opened porn by mistake

    From BBC News: 'An MP under investigation for allegedly watching pornography in the House of Commons has claimed he may have opened it on his phone by mistake. An inquiry has been launched after Neil Parish referred himself for investigation. He has refused to resign as an MP or as head of...
  83. G

    hi can anyone motivate me?

    it's my 4th failure, i always fail at 20-30 day im in big depression
  84. D

    The Web: Then & Now

    I started using the internet in the early 2000s. It was still a developing and largely unexplored frontier. People seemed excited and optimistic about it despite the fact that it was a relatively new technology as far as mainstream products and services went. [What is internet?] Cell phones were...
  85. K

    I have Problems keeping my decision

    Hey, I decided to stop watching porn forever. The Problem ist that my addiction is playing with my mind. I have the feeling that I WANT Porn. There are different thoughts in my mind like: "Just one time", "Just Start tomorrow again", "The pain stops after you masturbated". How can I keep...
  86. K

    How can I turn the good feeling of porn into a negative and dangerous feeling?

    It is said again and again that porn triggers something pathological with our neurotransmitters and this is exactly the problem I am currently facing. I feel good watching incest porn or hentai. There's this website where you get new porn every day and it's almost like a mixture of addiction and...
  87. S

    Is there a porn blocker for computers ?

    I have been at issues and struggles with not masturbating for a while. I feel that my biggest issue is that I allow many things that allow me to sin, open for me to use. For example, when I am bored and browsing, I can easily access a porn site. Now with everything going on is the time to block...
  88. Z

    Trying this avenue for accountability

    Hi. I'm new here, as you'd notice by the date of my registration or current lack of comments/posts on here. I'll give a little about myself and then about my situation. I'm in my Christian, mid-30s, married for +4 years, no kids, and am trying to take a new career path by returning to...
  89. M

    Finding Peace In A Technological Dystopia

    The world around him was breaking apart. As for his friends, his loved ones, they were all separated in their own information bubbles, in a world of alternative facts and narratives to his own. The streets were mostly desolate and empty, people stayed in the darkness of their homes with a...
  90. D

    How do you find a good therapist to deal with this problem?

    Hello Everyone, It's common knowledge that in order to deal with this problem a therapist/counselor is needed. So far I've had two counselors that don't believe this is a problem and it's really hurt my progress. My insurance also doesn't really provide me with that many options for doctors. So...
  91. M

    This is getting so out of control

    I've been sexting girls since I woke up. Literally the first thing I did was open my phone, download my sexting apps and start sexting random girls. It's 1.35pm now and I haven't drank anything, I haven't had breakfast. I smell like a dead animal and my hair is all fucked up. I feel like a...
  92. D

    Had a great porn sobriety streak for awhile, but fell off the wagon with stronger addicition

    Hello everyone, I had a porn sobriety streak for about 20 days but then I started playing the game Garry's Mod and I positioned two of my favorite characters in a kiss and I fell off the wagon hard. I went crazy positioning my video game and comic crushes in all kinds of adult positions in an...
  93. Follower of God❤️


    Q: means Question A: means Answer Q: Why you should trust me? A: Well just to let you know if you are going to doubt information given by me. I am pretty close to day 500 so that makes me eligible to answer. ---‐----------------------------------------- Q: What Mistake are We Making? (Boys...
  94. C

    Not able to get ahead even after trying for 7 months

    I am trying nofap for 7 months and even after that I am failing. I have once able to do nofap for 8 days, but after that I am not able to do that for more than 2 days. I am trying whatever I can to not reset/relapse, not to objectify any woman, but it seems like all the efforts are in vain...
  95. One step at a time!

    I can't take this any more!

    I am a failure! I can't take the lead of my life. With all the potentials I have, I am a failure. I hate myself, I just want to get rid of this miserable life. No matter how long I hold, or how strong I become, this filthy habit makes its way to me in moments I wonder how did that happen...
  96. onceaking

    Whitney Cummings thinks porn is dumb

    If you're offended easily you may not want to watch it but I found it funny and think she makes some good points.
  97. V

    18 years old NEWBIE

    Hey my name is Vinod (male) I am 18 years old when i was of 13 years old i came to know about porn. And as always it way introduce to me by my fucking friends. It's been 5 years i am struggling with these addition. Pornography has an huge impact on my mental and physical health. I used to have...
  98. T

    Heavy Breathing

    Hi, Lately I am experiencing heavy breathing intermittently esp while sleeping, a decreased stamina for physical activity. Can this be related to excessive masturbation? I am a 35 year old Male
  99. Antilazy

    I've lost control again and seek for help

    Good day, (Sorry for my bad english, it's not my main language) About 3 years ago I heard about NoFap and started to question my bad habit. I started to fight against my addiction to porn but failed all the time. As I grew older, my addiction got stronger (I am 18 now and started with 12)...
  100. S

    NoFap 90

    Im starting the 90 day challenge and I need som support