
  1. J

    End of my 16 day porn-free streak

    Hi people of NoFap. I would like to update you guys on my journey to recovery. I unfortunately have lost my porn-free streak today and now I will be restarting my reboot journey. :( The past few days felt like hell to me, my mind could not give me a break. It was always "watch some porn" "a...
  2. midnighthymn

    At a crossroads and tired of not acting like it

    Hello everyone. I’m 24M who began watching porn roughly around age 10. I’ve been addicted for years and it’s picked up in severity the last 6 months. I struggle to go even one day now. As I type this, I feel very little hope and virtually no optimism, but seeing such a focused and intentional...
  3. Iamcryinginside

    Focus on content not urge

    I know some of you guys may argue that focusing on content would take away from getting a 90 day streak or may contradict the fact that the movement is literally called nofap...hear me out. So I relapsed today, although the thing is it wasn't so bad of a relapse because it was kind of an...
  4. ChristianFriend1

    Porn free 600+ days

    Hello dear people. I want to share my testimony of how God delivered me from a pornography addiction. I first discovered pornography when I was 14/15 years old. My sexuality began to emerge, and I didn't know how to deal with it. No one had told me what to do, so I started to masturbate to...
  5. Mob Barley

    Deleting 3GB of vids

    After binging P these last few days I realize I need to delete my collection and try to live porn free. Part of me is attached to these and obviously doesn't want to but after posting this I'll get rid of everything and start fresh.
  6. B

    Pornfree is the way to go!

    Hello bros, what would happen if we watch porn? Then we run away from our tasks and problems, so the problems dont get solved, but new problems and tasks add to it, so we run away even more with porn, so the problems get bigger and bigger. Till we someday realize how much we have run away from...
  7. J


    Hello I m a male 27 of age I have a sever porn and masturbation addiction for about 15 years. 2 years ago i found out about nofap, i decided to give it a try, i havn't been able to do a streak more than 12 days, so 3 months ago, i decided to give pornfree a shot. To just cut porn while still...
  8. D

    Tired of being a porn addict

    I have been addicted to porn for 5 years now and it's totally messed up my brain. I remember I used to be such a bright child with so many ideas and creative thoughts in my head. But now, I can't even think straight cuz I have so much brain fog. I watch porn 2 to 3 times every day and it really...
  9. A


    Hello Rebooters, In the absence of discord servers which encourages a strictly focused scientific view on retention ,I founded Rational Retention discord server with the idea of collectively collaborating facts ,information,strategies and of course all around science that backs up the idea of...
  10. I

    Can porn free masturbation help with rewiring?

    I recently had a one hour talk with porn addiction coach Noah Church from youtube and he really helped me talk through my issues and gave me logical information and suggestions on how I can make my reboot work for good. My main issue with porn has been extreme escalation into genres that...
  11. don'tlookbackinanger

    Finding and breaking the pattern

    Complete the poll above and see what others have to say. IF YOUR CHOICE ISN'T MENTIONED, PUT IT IN THE COMMENTS Feel free to add more details in the replies about how it starts and whether you try to stop the urges as well as the success in stopping them for context, i shall give you my...
  12. an_expert_from_nasa

    It's All a Setup and We've All Been Had

    We've Been Had. I know that most of you folks have noticed that there is something fundamentally wrong with the society we live in; that's why many of you are here. The pornography industry is one of those things. There are, however, many others. Since you've started this journey you must've...
  13. T

    Learning to cope without porn

    Hello all, I’ve been visiting this site off and on for a couple years too afraid of posting anything about my all to common issue... Porn addiction... it’s something I’ve been dealing with for over 17 years and I’m only 26. My brothers and I discovered my father's porn stashed as kids and since...
  14. ifave89

    2018: Porn Free!

    Hi everyone. First off, Happy New Year to everyone. Well I thought it would never happen but it has. 2018 was the year where I didn't watch porn. Not even once. At first I was only going to stay clear from pornography for a month or so, but it seems I was mistaken. And I'm still going! It...
  15. whoami33

    70+ tips to Make Nofap or Porn Free easier & more effective from someone who has gone 1000+ days

    In this thread i post suggestions about things that may make your journey in Nofap/Pornfree easier, remember these are Tools to help you not missions to complete. beating an addiction is a hard thing to do by it self you don't need to push yourself by doing things that you don't want to do when...
  16. Empty Red Cloud

    The Empty Red Cloud method.

    Over 30 days again. After a long struggle to get back on a good streak. Here are observations from this time around on my NoFap journey. The EMPTY RED CLOUD method: First I went 4 weeks without porn but still fapping to fantasy. Over the years of being hooked on porn I had a whole epic porn...
  17. Resolved Oregonian

    What is your "why" statement

    I would love to hear everyone's "why" statement, and I will start with mine. And in addition to my "why", I also have a supporting statement (for my "why") and a "Life Mission Statement", which over time has essentially replaced my "why" Why statement; "I am moving forward with a clear mind...
  18. Resolved Oregonian

    Creating your life mission statement #LevelingUp

    102 days of kicking ass porn and masturbation free! I feel amazing. Stronger, more focused, healthier, and more confident. The combination of all of the success I am experiencing has created a healthier state-of-being than I have undergone in years. I'd like to spend some time discussing how to...
  19. Resolved Oregonian

    60 days P/M free!

    60 days porn free today! I feel great!! I can't remember the last time I have felt so free and empowered! My mind is clear and able to critically think with acuity and sharpness. I feel physically stronger, more energy, better rested, and better sleep at night. I have more confidence, and have...
  20. Resolved Oregonian

    Creating your life mission statement

    I believe that one of the key elements of going porn free is creating a life mission statement, which is very similar to creating a "why statement." Why do you get out of bed in the morning? Is it merely because you have to? Or is it rather because you want to? Those present two different...
  21. Resolved Oregonian

    The Porn Free Life!

    Good morning! Today, let's make the decisions and take the steps we need to in order to become the people who live porn-free lives! We are who we are because of what we choose to do. And if each day we choose to make healthy decisions that are going to promote successful and porn free lives...
  22. Resolved Oregonian

    The benefits of being porn free

    Day 1 seems like it was just yesterday. And yet here I am, 36 days later, porn and masturbation free. If you had asked me at day 1 if I would have been able to make it to today, I''m honestly not sure I would have been able to answer with a; "yes." What a formidable undertaking this has been...
  23. Resolved Oregonian

    29 days P/M Free!

    On the eve before accomplishing my first 30 day NoFap goal, there are a lot of thoughts swirling around in my head. There are a lot of emotions I feel energized in my soul. I'm thinking back over the last month. The steps it took to get here, and the goals I clearly set out to accomplish. The...