
  1. A

    Pron addiction and finding life difficult at times. What can help.?!

    Hey my name is Rasmus, I just wrote a book about addiction & and its reality. In the book i am to give a new perspective on spirituality and how it relates to porn use. The book's name is, Porn The Serpent That Took The Pride of Man and you can find it on Amazon. It aims to break the cycle of...
  2. mhnmhn2021

    Experience of One Day

    It has been almost 40 days going hard nofap (no sex). Yesterday, I felt I was tired of waking up early every day, doing my courses, having a clean diet and going to the gym everyday and it had been like that for a couple of days. So, the daytime was passed with me having all kinds of horny...
  3. J

    Bad Porn addiction

    i started watching Porn when i was in Primary school at start of High School the habit go worse sleeping late at night 3-4hrs watching porn all this affecting my academic performance on joining University i used to dodge lectures because i was preoccupied with my worsen vice with no experience...
  4. B

    PMO and related health issues

    Digital porn is a pretty recent phenomenon, which came not more than 20 years ago. So, is it possible that our generation is the first one to suffer from its side-effects? I mean, since people from older generations never had any access to such high dosage of pornographic content, they must...
  5. B

    Can nofap really cure premature ejaculation?

    I believe that my PE is caused by masturbation and pornography. I masturbated for 10 years with the aid of porn, and masturbations were usually quick, and it created a pattern in my mind that I have to ejaculate fast. It's been 46 days since I started the NOFAP journey.
  6. D

    We can win!

    Hello to all the Fapstronauts, I would like to share with all of you this video that can help us to win this fight with pornography. I hope you enjoy it. AR.
  7. I

    Arab Muslim boy, just 16 years

    Hi, I am Ibrahim i have 16 years old ... At first I apologize for having any mistakes in the language ... I do not know English well but I liked to share my story here where I could have some encouragement to continue. My story starts early. Since I've only had 12 years. Everyone was talking...
  8. H

    Help! I have stagnated

    I want to start with NoFap cause I'm feeling more tired nowadays. I don't know how to keep on with NoFap because when I feel horny, I cannot resist of watch pornography. I don't know what to do and also I suffer of social anxious. I don't like to go out because talk with a girl paralyzes me and...