
  1. S

    Best way I've found to block adult sites and distractions!!

    First time joining and posting. Forgive me if I did something wrong, hope this is posted in the right place... [This is for blocking on PC, I also have a solution for smart phones that works for me if anyone is interested I will post about that.] I just found the freakin best method for...
  2. S

    Porn is addictive

    Day 26 oh my god I want to watch porn and i dont want to do it..... And night falls aka wet dreams are good in NoFap feels so calm hahah..
  3. MMA lover

    Science vs Experience

    everyone here at least Masturbated once! we all have seen the effects and even the reason which this site is created is that.we are trying to stop this bad habit.but why healthcare professional's and every doctor you visit keep's telling you that masturbation is a healthy sexual act which a...
  4. Vendettana

    500,000 YEARS of porn watched in 2016 on one porn-site only

    And I added at least 300 hours to that. Here is the publication...