
  1. Reborn16

    Femdom: I dare say I'm over it...

    I never thought I'd get over this. I honestly just wanted to give up PMO and have a girlfriend that was OK with being dominant. Hopefully this gives some hope for anyone going through similar things. I've tried to stay on track the last few years. Averaging about 1 month no PMO at a time, and...
  2. Becoming Jasmine

    What is your opinion on prostitution? Should it be legal?

    I want to start off by saying that I'm against prostitution. I think that it's wrong for human intimacy to be packaged and sold like some product to people. I remember reading that in some places in my country where it's legal, brothels offer out little "menus" for people to browse through, as...
  3. GoldenExp2020

    Tempted into buying sex

    The last time I had sex was 3 years ago. So you can say I’m In a sex slump. My porn addiction has returned during this sex drought. One of my friends live near a prostitution track. Most of the women in this area are not bad looking. They talk to me sometimes. I know it’s their job to get me to...
  4. D

    Is using psychiatric medications to lower sex drive a good idea?

    I have been sex deprived my whole adult life. I'm 26 and only just had a successful sexual encounter for the first time a couple months ago. I have seen prostitutes 6 times and only was able to ejaculate this last time because of a serious porn addiction that led to erectile dysfunction the...
  5. need4realchg

    If you had the opportunity to help someone avoid becoming a prostitute would you do it?

    i have a female friend that I’ve known for 3 months. She’s 21, single mom, vz migrant who is living without a passport in Ecuador. She has been selling gum as a street vendor for 7 months. She has been approached by a lady in her apartment building to try becoming a stripper. That is a...
  6. G

    Welp. Back at the questions to try and understand the escort thing!

    First of all I want to truly thank all of you for who responded to my last thread and was honest and open with me and some who believed and some who didn’t. My main thing now is what’s been exposed and how it could happen. Recap: Found out ex fiancé was messaging an NO full service erotic...
  7. moulox

    Prostitution / rewiring advice

    I'd like to get some advice by the more experienced/educated on this matter because I think I'm a bit confused. Today reached day 34 of no PMO, which is my first try to cure my ED. I went straight into a flatline (or was just disappointed from my breakup) from day one for about 3 weeks and...
  8. B

    My Problematic Sexuality

    Hi people. I'm starting with NoFap, and trying to reeducate my sexuality. I have some problems: * I never had sex with a regular woman, just prostitutes, and I decided to never frequent this prostitution services again. * I just get excited with anal porn, normal pornography just don't turns me...
  9. h64803427

    Possibly the most severe case of what harm can occur. Read this please.

    Firstly, thanks for taking the time to read this? If you relate at all, feel free to connect with me and journey along. If there is hope for me.... then I truly believe anyone can change. EVERYTHING in this post is 100% truth. My name is John and I am 33 years old (within a month of my 34th...
  10. Fcaccount

    Stopped porn but unable to stop massage with happy ending

    Hello guys! This is my first post. I am not sure how number of NOFAP days are displayed in post. This is my 34th day without watching porn and masturbation. And I am really surprised that I did it. I am 35 years old and since age of 15, I dont remember when I didnt watch porn or didnt do...
  11. J

    I think I need help...

    Hi, I'm "JP05". I'm 25, soon to be 26 (this sunday) and I'm trying to stop my addiction to Almost-Everyday Masturbation. I think I need help… ): I want to stop masturbating. Years ago, I started masturbating while watching porn. I thought everyone did that, back in High school we talked about...
  12. R

    Getting through tough times

    Hi guys, Im single. Age 28, I have been feeding porn for years. Tried so many ways to stop but after 51 or 30 or 20 days falling again into the porn trap. Did so much effort come out but that much greatly falling. Recently I have done serious promise to stop watching porn. I did so many things...
  13. SandsOfTime

    Husband addictions - wife is suffering

    GUYS! This wife sufferings may shed light on our dark room.. A wife story :::: My husband of almost twelve years has been seeing prostitutes our whole marriage and even before we met. We are the same age of 33. We married each other when we were 21 years old. He has been seeing prostitutes since...
  14. TheManDude

    I've been considering seeing a prostitute, is it a good idea?

    I've been craving more sexual encounters lately and the urges to be with a woman just seem to be incresing... I don't know if my PA has anything to do with but I think it is. This week I've looking in some sites to see a scort and I know that's not good but i'm desperate... any ideas on how to...
  15. petite_mort

    Shifting from porn addiction to escort browsing: an inquiry into PMO's further corner

    Hello, I haven't posted in a while, I'm often on social media but barely ever on forums as I never quite got used to this form of interaction. I post on the subreddit occasionnally as well under another username. The topic may have been talked about already and I apologise for that, but I...
  16. B

    Idiopathic Hypersomnia and 17 days of no PMO

    I have a sleep disorder (above) that is similar to narcolepsy. It is treated with stimulants that help with symptoms including excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS). The best analogy is driving a car with the parking brake on. Romantic relationships are extremely difficult, dare I say impossible...
  17. V

    Respondents needed for prostitution/paid sex questionnaire

    Hi Everyone, I am a final year undergraduate student and my survey (The Role of Choice: Sex Buyers and the Demand of Trafficked Women - 2PL9c6rESwlzeIKE2) is part of my dissertation which seeks to understand why men buy sex from women and trafficking. As some of these questions...
  18. V

    Need help with dissertation paper!

    Hi Everyone, I am a final year undergraduate student and my survey (The Role of Choice: Sex Buyers and the Demand of Trafficked Women - 2PL9c6rESwlzeIKE2) is part of my dissertation which seeks to understand why men buy sex from women and trafficking. As some of these...
  19. internationalcamper

    this is me: quitting porn & quitting paying for sex

    Hello, Almost a year ago I resolved to quit using porn & managed to succeed for over two months. I was worried about impotence & my reliance on pornography for gratification over real life experiences. I was even using porn when I had a partner which really upset her and created all sorts of...
  20. B

    Time to make some changes

    Hey everybody, Sorry for the length of this, but here's my intro. Why am I here? My reasons for being here (Nofap) are not entirely related to sex and porn, to be honest, they are psychological also. I guess, I've been feeling a bit frustrated, down and confused recently. This stems from...
  21. minionnomore

    My views on prostitution

    Recently i have read about many desperate guys using prostitution as a substitute for real sex. Now I know u guys maybe asking me you're only a teen what do u know about loneliness or the shame of being a virgin.Well the truth is I don't know much about all of that but have you taken the time to...