
  1. Homo sapien.

    Confused and Devastated.

    As we grow, some moments feel confusing and sad. It's tough realizing that we often don't understand relationships the way we should when we're younger(I mean too young). Instead of seeing connections with the opposite gender in a genuine and beautiful light, we sometimes stumble into private...
  2. AsItComes

    Conscious exposure to triggers

    Hello, a while ago I saw a post where someone was promoting the idea of intentionally exposing yourself to triggers. I remember it was kind of an extreme form like surfing certain sites for a very short period of time or similar activities like looking to pictures. The supposed benefit was...
  3. A

    How I'll able to check progress?

    Hi! I'm new on this forum. I read a stories that so similar to mine. Porn absolutely destroy my realsex abilities. Bad erection, low sensitivity, fear of realsex, diffidence, impotene during penetration. As I realized what the main reason is, I made a firm decision to give up porn. But I still...
  4. Kar0lu

    I think I'm in love

    I used to go to elementary school with one girl. We were good friends, but our relationship ended at school. When we went to high school we didn't talk to each other, until now. About a month and a half ago we met at the gym and I decided to talk to her. I invited her for coffee and since that...
  5. S

    Some questions about my streak

    So, I am on a 23 days streak but I am a bit confused about if this is considered as a clean NoFap streak. •The first days of the streak I didn't stopped watching porn until the 10th day. •Also at the first days of the streak i jerked off in front of my girlfriend in the context of sexual act...
  6. EnterTheMatrix

    90 vs 365 days nofap

    Are the benefits same or anything else or more we get after 365 day? Because right now I am on 100th day, so I have already completed 90 days challenge which I gave to myself. But don't know what is there after 365 days. So if anyone knows tell me. If it is same then it will be clear for me. Or...
  7. D

    new fapstronaut, with questions about the benefits of nofap.

    so i started at 2nd jan, and has been a week with nofap, but after that, I slipped up and fapped once the day after my first week. i'm not a porn addict and it's totally under control and i fapped when i was bored and stuff. however I read up on the benefits of nofap... and i'm curious.. does...
  8. Ihro

    I've got a few questions...

    Hi, I want to ask you a few questions about NoFap. I am on 28. day of hardmode and I am starting to wonder whether total abstinence has any negative influence on the organism? 1) Every living beeing has sexual needs, which should be satisfied. When we trying to fight with them, are we making...
  9. D

    A Major Battle That I nearly lost

    So today was friday literally the worst day of the week to work. But everything went well everyone was really happy. Nothing bad happened. For some reason though everything changed when I got home. First off I didnt feel like myself. From the moment I got home I just didnt feel right. Usually I...
  10. J

    A couple questions on recovery

    I have been doing nofap for about 5 months now with my longest streak ending at 84 days. Overall, I feel like I have made great progress. Prior to that I was doing PMO almost everyday (sometimes multiple times a day) for about 5 years. Here are two things I want to know: -When will I stop...
  11. M

    Thinking about / watching sexual stuff while Nofap

    Hello everyone, my first post here with a couple of doubts. I'm 19 years old, have been masturbating for around more than five years, and I think I have built an addiction towards it. Had sometimes where I just quit for no reason, sometimes I was in a relationship so I didn't see the "need" as...
  12. erik1990

    Hi i'm new to NoFap

    Hi People, I'm new to NoFap. I'm from Amsterdam (Netherlands), 30 years old and life together with my girlfriend for over 5 years now. I feel like i have to do something about my porn addiction. I have tried a couple of times to block things from my phone but each time, like a junky, i find...
  13. D

    OCD and NOfap, help needed.

    Hey everyone, just had a little question, I’m on day 7 of NoFap, and I have OCD, so what occurred is that I was thinking about sexual things for the purpose of checking for groinal responses, not to fantasize or anything, just to check, a common symptom of OCD, I got a few groinal responses in...
  14. D

    Phones and woman/Guy's?

    Hey everyone I have an off topic discussion that is kind rattling my mind lately. Recently there is this woman at work that I find very attractive and she is kind of a bigger woman.. Every so often she changes her hair color and style and I want to give her compliments or something. She has an...
  15. Ayman.kas

    Day 4: The more I realised

    Day 4. Now before I made the decision to start NoFap I actually thought I knew more than I thought. 4 days I'm realising changes I didn't even know that we're even associated with just restraining from masturbation + porn. The more days that I go by, I am being humbled by more and more...
  16. D

    Questions on a Reboot

    Hi, I’m new here and have looked into NoFap for a while. I was always skeptical, which is why I’m finally trying to reboot and see if it works. With all the Nofapstronauts around here, I’m hoping it works. I’m only on Day 4 and am having some pretty bad erections at inappropriate times, which I...
  17. Robbin6276

    Trying to understand nowfap

    Heya to all, or whoever stumbles across this I have just recently joined and I'm trying to understand what truly the whole nofap is about. I want to get the core of the wholw ethose, the root, the og cause and the core belief. Is it that men go on the nofap to just try and stop porn and the...
  18. T

    Question for successful nofappers - attraction to women has changed?

    Im on 127 days about now, no porn or fapping but orgasmed from sex a few times with a girl from a date around the 100 day mark. The benefits of doing this have been too many to count, and I've written about that a few times before but this time I've just got a few questions and changes I've...
  19. P

    Woah headaches.

    Ok, so I started no PMO a month and a half ago (not really counting, just going with it). I have been in a flat line (emotionally and physically) for most of it, with the exception of the first 2 weeks. I have been having spouts of headaches, and laziness in general. I haven't necessarily...
  20. P

    I Asked Myself these questions and i answered them.

  21. Kornetto

    Can someone Help me ?

    Hi guys i am 30 M, i am on NoFap, NO Porn... its my day 20 without any stimulation....i have relapsed atleast 10 times on day 4-5, but this time i wanna keep it goin. i am having really tough time controlling from past 20 hours...i opened some non-nudes pics for a couple of minutes then out of...
  22. metalshivam01

    Stop Counting Days Now

    So it's been some months since I started NoFap and holy grail I'm glad I did.At first it kinda feel energetic but at the same time I can't control my hands on my dinggy dong.But Now I don't know how but I'm like on my 40+day and it feels amazing I feel good,I have a lot of energy and my workouts...
  23. H

    Need Sex to reboot?

    hey guys I’ve been reading up on the internet a lot and I’m trying my best to reboot. Just started my rebooting journey today. I was wondering is it necessary to have sex for you to recover from PIED? Because I’m quite sure I have PIED and I’m trying to recover but I’m not at the legal age to...
  24. A

    Day 15, improvements, notes, and questions

    Hi guys I'm new to nofap forum and want to share my experience. I've been reading about that for a year specially in this website which gave me lot of things that will help me in life. I'll continue sharing with you guys here also about your accomplishments. I'm happy to tell you that this is...
  25. Lyfe

    Is masturbating once considered a relapse or a reset?

    Hi, I've seen people use the word 'Relapse' for masturbating once, are they wrong? Also, is masturbating once a month considered a relapse?
  26. G

    Is this flatline or am I cured and just prone to depression for the rest of my life?

    Hi guys, Trying this out. 24 year old male with a really good life. High paying job, decent looking, get to workout every day and stay fit. Should be really happy, but I'm not thanks to a lingering porn addiction that I realize now has been stifling my potential for years. It's gotten its...
  27. F

    Can i go back to a social life on social media?

    i did it and hit day 91 and still striving. Huge question i had is can i go back to going on instagram, browsing on Facebook and looking at normal stuff now? And how would it be if i wanted to start smoking again? Just curious!!
  28. X

    I've talked to her for a year and i'm feeling something, should i ask her??

    I've talked to this girl for a long time now and I've really understood her and noticed that we have a lot of shit in common. Unfortunately she lives far(she's also a year younger) so we can't meet up or shit. Do you think I should ask her how she feels about me? I'm just curious to be honest...
  29. T

    a few questions

    So, i just started nofap a day ago and i'm already starting to feel a lot more motivated to do exercises however i have a bunch of questions i couldnt really find answers to. 1) I just started and i already feel like i'm having a "flatline" along with slight discomfort, is this normal? 2) What...
  30. F

    do you actually need to flatline to recover?

    Day 45 and still no flatline, people said it’s maybe due to me having a orgasm with my girlfriend naturally so maybe since Im in control with that, will a flatline might not happen?
  31. F

    Help !! Did i relapse?? Or is this perfectly normal? Experts help!!

    so this morning i get up starts swiping on my phone and didn’t really have morning wood that much until i actually started to wake up and so I’m scrolling on instagram on this one girls profile who i think is like a very gorgeous. Didn’t think any bad things like having sex with her or her...
  32. F

    I need tips/help for recovering!! Please help (new)

    So i just made a NoFap account about 2 minutes ago but I’ve been doing NoFap since the start of this month (February 1st) so I’m on 26 days but i also have plenty of questions about My process, I’m 19 & I’m pretty sure i have PIED. Idk how long I’ve been watching porn (maybe 12-14) but i know...
  33. Iwanttobeabeast

    I feel like my dick is getting smaller and won’t get hard anymore?

    Lately on this NoFap streak I’ve noticed that I feel as if my dick is getting smaller and I no longer feel horny when I’m with women. I’ve edged twice on the streak, and on porn, so I restarted my counter. Before I edged I felt as horny asf, and got a lot of erections during class, but ever...
  34. L

    A Relapse and some Thoughts

    My first streak was an improvement over 2 days. I made it 6. My next streak I went 7 days and edged without porn but didn’t orgasm. Today I jerked off with porn so I made it to 8 days. My next goal is 9 days. I can’t quit cold turkey but is it ok to ease off of it like one may do with tobacco...
  35. K

    I'm considering starting a challenge

    Hello, I just signed up to this site because I'm thinking of abstaining (of course). First a bit about myself; I'm a 21yo student living in the Netherlands. I'd say I have a steady life, I'm enjoying my study and have enough friends. One thing I've been struggling with for a long time is girls...
  36. BradM6016

    The flatline questions

    How do I know if I'm in the flatline? What do I do once I'm in the flatline? How long does a flatline last? Do all fapstronauts experience flatlines?
  37. 7

    Successful fapstronauts with 90+ days, can you answer some questions?

    1. Does it really help your acne? 2. Did it help with anxiety? 3. Did it make your penis bigger in any way? 4. Do girls become more attracted to you? (I read that NoFap leads to higher testosterone, which leads to more pheromones you give off) 5. Do you find chicks that you thought were...
  38. L

    How do you deal with the hypersexualization of contemporary society?

    The hypersexualization is one of the things that bother me most in contemporary society, I am from Brazil, a country known for sex tourism, carnival, and soccer. And here, even toothpaste advertising has sex involved, you see PMO even unintentionally ... Men are conditioned to think only in sex...
  39. D

    Questions for fellow Fapstronaughts

    I've been going through a few things in my mind recently and have some questions for people who have been doing NoFap for a long time now. Here goes: 1. How long do flatlines last? My dick feels like it's been dead for ages now and I'm starting to worry if my libido will ever come back. 2. Has...
  40. Nxph


    So i'm finally on day 60 and this thought has occurred to me. Isn't it funny how the smallest thing can have such an impact on our lives. When you think that going a few days without porn or fapping is a massive achievement? How much have these things taking over our lives. It's easier to...
  41. getzor

    I have some questions

    Hello all ! I'm 29, single, french, looking for job in computer science (struggle with motivation sometimes) and interested in controlling myself. Last year, I stopped for 4 weeks, I don't know how I managed cause its usually one week. I'm still not sure about the usefulness to stop for a...
  42. Jerry4NF

    Questions and Tips on Manboobs and Exircise

    Hi everyone! Along with the NoFap journey (actually a little before I started it) I decided to improve my nutritional and fitness habits. I have been doing great, lost all the excess weight I had, and I am finally starting to feel better with my body after two months. The one thing that...
  43. T

    PMO messes with your brain (and your true potential)

    I believe that because of my PMO addiction, I'm not able to get ideas for movies and for things, I'm not able to be confident in myself and in what I do, and I stress out easily. I believe PMO messes up your brain, and I wanna put an end to it. This way, I can open my pineal gland, be more...
  44. I

    New here had some questions.

    Hello, my name is george and i am on day 3 of rebooting. i believe my addiction emerged in serious full force in this most recent summer and possibly in less extremes over the last year. i found that up until the last year my sexual tastes and attitudes were fairly standard, but recently i...
  45. StonElbows

    I am losing control!!

    Hi all, I'm a new fapstronaut, whose been on Hard Mode for 27 days now, I haven't reset or relapsed in that time, but I found myself watching videos of Maseratti XXX online this weekend and it took literally everything for me to leave my computer screen, and 'turn my back' on my arousal! One...
  46. Lunatweeker

    Need help

    I started with porn at age 11 i haven't watched porn in 28 days but I've seen adds from pop ups and I'm still temped to look and want too. Is this bad? Plus I've been watching women's sports which shows a lot of there body's Because of the outfits they wear. Is this bad? Fantasizing and...
  47. green lion eating the sun

    Why did he thank me after sex?

    I am a girl BTW. guy I had for several months told me almost every time after sex "thank you have a good day". No one else ever thanked me for sex. I knew he loved sex with me though Is it something guys say typically to their booty calls or he thanked me like a prostitute or he meant it as a...
  48. MattyG11

    New to NoFap... hello!

    Hi everyone, how are y'all? I'm new to this and it's not really user-friendly. Kind of lost on where/how to start. Can someone please help me? Thanks! I'm 19 years old and have had a bad porn addiction since the beginning of my teenage years. I might go on streaks, but it feels like I always...
  49. D

    I don't suffer from typical porn-addiction problems

    Like the title says, I don't really have any of the problems fellow fapstronauts seem to share. Most individuals drawn towards nofap seemed to have suffered from several of the following ailments: 1. PIED 2. Social anxiety/ alienation from friends and family 3. Financial duress due to...
  50. S


    So I started this officialy a few days ago just no porn or orgasm just masturbating but yesterday I decided to stop it completely I have several questions I'd really appreciate if someone could answer them sex drive is low I can wake up with an erection in the morning some Times I have no...
  51. A

    Questions on Rebooting

    Hi there: Here are some questions I have on rebooting: 1. Does rebooting cause higher sex drive/horniness because of the withdrawal of porn, and thus, as a result, have less self control on behaviours? 2. Is it harder to reboot the more you PMed before?
  52. HereAndThere

    need to change direction, cant do it

    Hi. Relapsed again, i feel like i dont have control over myself. Its depressing. Ive been struggling for years, trying to make peace with myself. I havent been here before, talking with people, but i did tried rebooting before, many times. Most tries lasted a week, usually until sunday when i...
  53. N

    Asking Right Questions

    I got a list of 10 questions, which will surely help us in preventing relapses... Will acting on this temptation bring me long-term satisfaction or instant gratification? What will be the end result if I act on this temptation? If I choose to act on this temptation will it make my life better...
  54. G

    Relapse questions and concerns

    So today, I was going on websites as well as bing to make sure the blockers were working(even though part of my brain wanted to see p) I looked up p, and a few other trigger words and went on websites I knew of to see if p was on there. then, after a while, I was like: "why am I doing this?" And...
  55. B

    Hi. New Fapstronaut, old abuser here looking to kick a bad habit.

    I'm in my mid-twenties and I've been abusing porn since I high school. I've tried to quit countless times and kept relapsing, even today. I've never been accountable for my own actions when quitting as I am my own coach in this aspect. I thought that joining NoFap would be a good way to add...
  56. J

    questions to ask yourself every day

    i've gotten into a journaling habit since the beginning of the year. i tend to do better when i have questions to answer, but i have so many questions i want to ask myself every day. which of the below questions would you prioritize, and what other questions would you ask yourself? what did i...
  57. A

    Help me understand and prepare.

    Hey everyone! I recently started my 90 day Hardmode reboot and I'm looking to set myself up for the best possible chance for success. Because I'm going to succeed. The main goal of this post is to seek advice from those of you who have overcome this trial and what tips and insights you may...