
  1. Nutorn

    How did you feel when you relapsed for the first time?

    I decided to leave porn at the end of last May. Once June started, I deleted all my access to prn and tried to desexualise my mind. However weeks 1 and 2 were really hard, I couldn’t really concentrate on anything, but it lucky faded out quickly. However in the meanwhile, I recovered my X...
  2. BeBetter42

    How to deal with automatic mode?

    Hello, I have been struggling with porn addiction for years now(22 at the moment, started watching at the age of 9). I have a lot of things I have to fix, but the main thing that is bugging me right now is when I enter something like automatic mode. I am just in front of my tablet, pc, phone…...
  3. C

    Day 10 and the urges are strong….

    Hi everyone, I’ve recently became single and I just decided to not masturbate either, I’m having a really hard night and I’m just really wanting to watch some porn and relax. But I want to at least try to experience these “benefits” everyone has been talking about. I’ve been addicted to porn...
  4. K

    have been watching porn

    so i have been turning to some dating apps since quite some time so as to feel comfortable while trying to evade porn but i guess i end up watching and masturbating anyways. also what I've noticed is that every time i watch porn or mastyrbate i end up loosing something or the other the last time...
  5. Selfcontrol1

    OMG this is horrible

    Here again. Years of this suffering. Weak human I am. Can't even make it to 3 days. How I'm supose to do this? Tire of been tire. And tire of saying same thing. Is pathetic. My life is freaking patetic. I cant give up. But I just can't make progres. Please help
  6. D

    Once you relapse, it's so easy to continue to dig your graved deeper.

    Once you relapse, it's so easy to continue to dig your graved deeper. A couple of reasons to why I relapse are usually more easily then not preventable if stop myself before It gets out of hand. Tiredness Loneliness Jealousy Anxiousness Stress Depressing wave of emotions. A lot of these, I...
  7. B

    About to relapse? Watch this!

    Yes you could watch porn... Or you could watch this awesome video of a katyusa rocket launcher...
  8. modern milarepa

    Relapse is a defeat accept it. 340 days no PMO

    Counter:340 days no PMO, semen retention It doesn't matter the reason or how long or short I've been on a streak if I'm 2 years streak or more, which I have done, if I happened to relapse PMO for me it's like going again to point cero. I don't feel I learned or improved anything after a...
  9. Alexia87

    Getting fever and headaches after 1 week of nofap! HELP!

    This is my first attempt to undergo a nofap challenge. my goal is 1 month, I passed the first week however I am getting huge headaches and fever like my head is going to explode! AND CAN’T STOP THINKING ABOUT AN OLD GIRLFRIEND I HAD 8 years ago. Thinking about when we used to have sex! is this...
  10. wrapbeforetap

    End goal achieved through Nofap: Delayed Ejaculation cured

    Hello everyone, I just want to thank the Nofap community for getting me to my end goal and ultimately, that was to end Delayed Ejaculation during sex and I have done just that and I talked about that briefly on my last post. It sounds very weak but the longest nofap streak I went on is only 111...
  11. G

    Everyday is getting harder :(

    Hello everyone! i just found about semen retention like a month ago,i did some research and wanted to try it,currently i'm on day 8 but i've been edging for the last 3 days :( First day i started SR my gf came to my house and gave me a blowjob but i didn't nut and try to be calm,the days after...
  12. D

    Negative suggestion (Don't think of a pink elephant)

    I relapsed today after 72 days without porn and I know why this happened. Been feeling a little down lately and naturally I was seeking some comfort from this. I could feel it building up inside me and the more I told myself not to watch porn, the more I felt compelled to do it. This is the pink...
  13. J


    Hi all guys, I'm Juan and I had a small relapse, I had a month without doing it, until one day I couldn't contain myself and I did it and today I did it again, it doesn't feel so bad when I did it daily, that is charge of conscience is not so much but I would still like to be told what I can do...
  14. A

    help !!

    i have been relapsing alot but since the corona quarntine things started escalating quickly although for a time i didnt care about PMOing alot but deep down i new i wasnt ok... now i really hate myself for doing it .. i really hate that i cant live without it i know that ive been adficted for...
  15. MMA lover

    Sexual education

    Hello everyone,i have one question. I started nofap again after 1 relapse(22 days nofap) and now im day 3.i wanted to know that is reading about sex and learning counted as relapse? I dont mean porn pics/movies or horny story or something.i mean reading about currect ways to do a licking or...
  16. stayHard

    Still Virgin and Addicted to Porn - Recovery

    Hii folks, I had started my NoFap journey past 4 month but due to lack of knowledge I relapsed my highest days of NoFap is 45 days . I had seen many benefits but I relapsed , now I again started my journey to make myself a better person day by day, currently I had completed 1 week no porn no...
  17. D


    I have been fighting this addiction for at least a year and a half. I have relapsed, done big streaks, but in the end I relapse. However, I think every relapse is an opportunity to learn. For example I have not PMO´d for a month and a half (I did watch little one day but a miracle happened...