
  1. onceaking

    Single and Bitter

    Does anyone who's single ever feel bitter and resentful of people in a relationship? I sometimes feel this way. A friend on Facebook who's around the same age as me recently celebrated his 15th wedding anniversary and I refused to congratulate him. There are people I know who've gotten married...
  2. S

    Been on this site for about 4 years now .

    I feel like this is a losing battle sometimes. I had 17 days now I’ve relapsed 3 days in a row . I just relapsed like 15 minutes ago. I’m Tired of this . I don’t know what’s wrong with me . I know it’s bad and I know it’s hurting me . For some reason that lizard part of my brain takes over and...
  3. Igaleksus

    My own history

    Once I bought a woman masks for face, and use it while masturbate... because I felt like I want to be like woman inside... To be desired... And to hide the feeling of inferiority, that I'm bad, behind the mask, to be desired. I also used dart needles, and used glue to stick them to my nipples. I...
  4. FezMan76

    I found the cause

    Today, after another relapse from this ongoing streak of urges and failures, I think I have finally found the root cause of my PMO problem. And that is... loneliness and repressing myself from being open to people and from making friendships and relationships. I know that it isn't stress from...
  5. U

    Cant stop watching porn, girlfriend starting to resent me.

    (Sorry for the long story, I just wanted to cover everything) Hi. I have been struggling with porn for a while now. I started watching when I was around 11 years old, and haven't really stopped since (I am now 20). I never thought that I was addicted, I just thought it was normal, until I had...
  6. United States Pageant Model

    Extreme Social Anxiety with Women

    Hey Everyone! So I guess I'm not like totally new to the Dating thing.... I ran nightclubs for a few years so it gave me kind of an edge with massive amounts of girls that would go; plus I forced myself to do red pill pickup for about a year; gave me more confidence but I feel like I've lost it...
  7. P

    Says She's Supportive...Then Isn't

    Right now I'm doing no PM. I'm in a sexually active relationship with a long-term partner. She knows about my addiction. We've argued about this. We've almost broken up. But over the last few weeks, I felt like we had reached a point where she was supportive of my recovery process and would...