
  1. tiger_mats

    Lost a valuable resource

    I cleared my bookmarks and that got rid of a very good resource on wisdom, and knowledge on the importance of absistence. It was a Chinese script which I used to translate and read. The website was something like "9ilu...". I do not exactly remember. I got to know about this website from one of...
  2. swissarmyknight

    A Helpful Resource

    This is an app/site that I've been using and it's pretty helpful. It's focus is to help you track your victories and setbacks with the intent of pointing out certain times/places/things that make us vulnerable. It asks you a bunch of questions and it shows you the progress you make. You can also...
  3. D

    THE TIME STRIP. Create a chart of your progress.

    A picture is worth a thousand words. As a graphic designer I wanted to see my progress at a glance and in one single image. A chart should show my past progress, where I am today and how many days are left to my goal. The following chart has turned out to be the best for me, so far. Feel free to...