
  1. sinner76

    [TUT] Blocking porn on all devices. Give your willpower an aid! Easy streaks

    Moderators, please don't move this thread. It has been moved many times to wrong categories before being brought back here by the admins. Topics of this sub-forum include: Potential benefits, tips, advice, peer support, etc. So this is the right sub-forum. "NoFap is like trying to quit smoking...
  2. Fenston999

    Comprehensive list of sites to block in hosts file on phone.

    I edited a compiled list of P sites I found here (pasted(dot)co/b2dc3032) to work on a mobile device. I found that most the android apps to block the stuff doesn't work half the time or is just easy to get past. The formatting was changed and (mobile./m.) Was appended to all the site's to block...
  3. N

    An (almost) effective way to help rebooting

    Hey guys ! It's just nice to be a part of NoFap community. I recently found a way to help us refrain from PMO, by blocking Internet access to certain sites. You may or may not know this tip however. For those who don't know : You can help to abstain from PMO by blocking specific porn sites in...