same sex attraction

  1. AModernMiroku

    3 Years of No PMO

    Friends, peace, This entry is meant to cover in detail the 12th consecutive 90 day streak (which would be marked at DAY 1080). Because I am late to the posting, I decided to also commemorate 3 Years of No PMO, as stated in the title itself--but the analysis will definitely focus on the 90 day...
  2. Cam@23

    New here... Male, 23, south african

    Hey everyone, I'm Cam from South Africa. I'm 23 years old and have been struggling with same sex attraction, porn and masturbation for 16 years. This hasn't been easy for me, especially while growing up in a Christian home. This has been my darkest secret for such a long time. I can't go on...
  3. L

    Urgently need to overcome this now.

    I've haven't logged into NoFap for about 8 months and I've not been doing well. After 9 months porn free I relapsed and have been been doing PMO often lately. I desperately need to break free and learn to have a real relationship. I have so much going for me in other areas of my life but this...