self acceptance

  1. Sysifos

    Opinions on Life Coaching?

    Hi, So I am very close to start working with a life coach, which seems to me like the perfect thing for this problem. Knowing that - PMO is a symptom, not the root problem - it's linked to other behaviour issues like procrastination and social timidity, isolation etc. - it's about status, self...
  2. D

    Dealing with anxiety, depression, sadness, self-criticism, boredom etc.

    I found this article on a book related to how we can deal with anxiety, depression, sadness, self-criticism, boredom etc. This is a theory of ironic rebound effect. It shows that forcing to avoid any thought leads to self destructive behaviours. Some people who are trying to recover from pmo...
  3. D


    Speak less, Do more. Is my anxiety doing me any good?
  4. Khri$$ Javan

    Im glad I didnt peak early

    When we compare ourselves too other people it can make us feel bad inside. When I would compare myself to other men I felt very adequate, They had the status, fame, women and lavish lifestyles, luxury cars etc. I was so insecure with myself in my teens and twenties that I couldn't see the gifts...
  5. Khri$$ Javan

    Set healthy boundaries.

    One of the benefits I'm an noticing is I am setting boundaries myself, pre semen retention I was weak, needy, people would step in my circle an walk all over me and I wouldn't do anything or speak up for myself. I wanted to fit in and be desired SOOOOO BAAAAD, but if they if the feelings ain't...
  6. Khri$$ Javan

    Im not chasing.

    I didn't know where to put this thread in loneliness or dating during reboot so mods can fix this. Anyways. My last post was kind of similar but this is my last time posting about this subject for a while. Come a long way on my journey and still have a long road ahead of me. Now that I've...
  7. X

    Need for meditation, spirituality or something else

    Hi guys, I’m looking to quit porn completely and get to a point where I can masturbate without it. Whenever I try and quit I get fairly far but there’s no real considerable change in my life and after about a month I’ll slip up and fall head first into addiction again. I don’t do it out of...
  8. Mob Barley

    Letting Go of Shame

    I hope this thread can serve you all in releasing your shame and be an inspiration to start living the life you really want. I've been doing a good amount of self reflection and ruminating this week. My thoughts became so negative I began thinking I might actually be retarded or somehow...
  9. K

    Brain fog?

    A few hours ago there was a realization. When was the last time porn came to mind? When was the last time a fantasy began playing out on and off throughout the day? Honestly didn’t think any progress has been made in the 2ish years since starting this journey. My longest streak was 10 days...
  10. Follower of God❤️

    Life of an addict..

    Hello, I am Raghav, a so called used to be 'Nice Guy' from India. The time this story was written while I was 16 years old, in 11th standard in school. You may be wondering, wow a kid who is just 16, his life story isn't worth reading. So let's go deeper into my past, My mother is a single...
  11. F

    Social Anxiety, Never Had a Girl in Any Respect or Close Friends. Should I Be Seeing More Progress?

    Buckle up it's a long one. Discovered porn at 11, viewed in some capacity it at least once or twice every week with rare gaps of a week, two weeks even sometimes 3 or so of no porn of any kind here and there. I'm 26 now and while there have been many girls and women over the years that I have...
  12. FezMan76

    How do I gain self-respect?

    I've noticed recently, becoming stronger and stronger, the distaste for myself that I had starting to rise up from where I thought I'd buried it within myself. This self-hatred that I lied to myself about having gotten rid of, I've noticed, is what keeps bringing back my insecurities. For...
  13. blacklabel92

    takes a wolf to catch a wolf

    so ive been re-watching bits and peices training day the past few days and im really understanding denzels character more and more every time i watch it. he has the right idea of being a wolf to protect the sheep. he just has problems that prevents him from taking advantage of this knowledge...
  14. callousedfinger

    Quitting Porn and Weed

    Hello everyone, I’m 22 years old, and want to reclaim my own experience of life. (Substance Abuse): I replaced a 2 year vaping habit with reading when I was 18 within 6 months. I’ve been smoking weed since I was 14, and I rarely smoked until 16 when I’d say the addiction developed...
  15. E

    My Commitment to Redeem Myself

    2020.11.8 ------ Journey Commencement Hi Nofap fellows, I'm eatingout and I am new here to take on the 90 days NOFAP challenge. A bit background about me: I am 25 years old. I started watching porn since I was 12 years old. I started realizing my porn addiction in 2019 August when I just...
  16. Osl0

    120 DAYS OF NoFap: Telling my dark PMO story, finally.

    Hi, I hope everything is ok with your life and goals. As the title tells, I'm at last on day 120 of Nofap, and besides telling the benefits and inconveniences about it, I'm here to tell my PMO story and how deep and bad I sank on it. It's hard for me to talk about, but I hope this opens your...
  17. UareValued

    For those feeling worthless.

    If you clicked on this I want to tell you I understand the feeling. No deeper hurt than making so many mistakes that your own family doubts you'll make something of yourself. Constantly tossing and turning at night remembering all the pain. Daydreaming all day of what you could be if you weren't...
  18. E

    The story of a lonely Asian boy in the West

    This is my first post - so please forgive me if I have committed a breach of etiquette I have always lived with a certain fear, the fear of being negatively perceived, the fear of being judged by others. This has going on for as long as I remember, and has been ingrained long before I could...
  19. SequinHistory

    How do you forgive yourself?

    I’m struggling to come to terms with the person I was before recovery. I see the damage I’ve caused my wife every single day and the guilt I feel is overwhelming. I’m trying to be a better person and a better husband and I’m cleaning, cooking more, trying to get into shape, talking openly about...
  20. T

    20, Confused and Stuck In A Repetitive Pattern

    Note: This is going to be somewhat of a long one (so sorry for that), but mostly I'm reaching out for advice. If you don't want to read the long wall of text, you can skip to the last three paragraphs for the core points. I got something pretty good going - a 6 month streak sober from PMO...
  21. PrinceOtaku

    Its 2020 No more dookey balls

    Fellas it's a new year so we all gotta level up! I recommend yall get a journal and update it everyday, even when you have a massive urge just write it in your journal. Write down your triggers for an example, I like ass & feet so those would be the triggers I would write down. If you relapse...
  22. Dovahkin101

    I am where I am and I start here

    I'm not living the way that I want to be, I want to be so much better. Currently I am at home depressed not doing very much, while trying to quit pmo. But theres so much more else that I have to improve on. I have trouble controlling my daily habits like what I eat and just keeping busy...
  23. Chris Aurelius Denver

    Finding love for oneself, before finding a partner

    Goodmorning dear Reader, This is a thread I've been thinking about writing for some time now. And it revolves around an observation and statement which has helped my dating life. The statement is this: "One should find love for oneself, before searching for love from others." Over the past few...
  24. EnterTheMatrix

    Felt good

    Today I was being ready to study for my exams. I was getting so much urge. And I also had a prostate fluid released in sleep. So my penis was itching at the tip. When I was studying I was keeping my hand on penis also the urge was getting high. Couldn't able to study. Then I went to toilet with...
  25. J

    Big tip towards success :)!

    It has probably been mentioned a couple times, but it never hurts to read it again.. and again! If you have serious PMO-withdrawal-problems and doing it Coldturkey is too difficult - ... Do it step-by-step. That means -> Don't fap for 24 hours and if the urge hits you big time, masturbate (1...
  26. pblo778

    My Current Life

    One year today, I ended a relationship with a beautiful girl that I really loved. I was actually engaged to her but things didn't work out because her family hated me and she had severe medical problems. I was devastated because I was also kicked out of a church because I called out the pastor...
  27. E

    Sissy fetish is an escape from the really hurt child inside you

    As someone who had been into the sissy fetish for a couple of decades I can tell you that it's the most destructive thing I can think of. I know alcoholism or heroin addiction looks like and believe me, while they are damaging and extremely hard to quit, sissy hypnos are just another level. They...
  28. kropo82

    What daily positive affirmations work for you?

    My wife is struggling at the moment finding purpose and remembering to do self-care. Her homeopath mentioned that there were lots of menopausal and post-menopausal women feeling the same way and she suggested that my wife say some daily affirmations, several times a day. It reminded us of years...
  29. FormerFapaholic

    12 steps programme

    AFTER much progress made so far from (if you exclude the relapses). Like losing weight, getting fitter, healthier and on the process to getting a leaner and ripped body. But also moving out into my own place. Picking up hobbies and doing activities I used to love doing in the past. But also...
  30. D

    How can a person appreciate himself?

    Hello everyone! I hope that i haven't wrong the place for this post. This is the question that is fixed in my mind! I am understanding that my addiction by PMO is that i don't appreciate myself! Let's think about it... When you have something to be proud of (for your ideas and criteria) you...
  31. D

    Open Minded

    Hello, everybody. How you doing? What are you up to? I'm a youngin' from Europe (22 years young) and my mother tongue is not English. Here I am, because I wanna talk with you about a lot. IT is already day 26 of semen retention for me. That's it retention, I feel no addiction to porn, even...
  32. dopemonk187

    Using Martial Arts as a way to get your life back!

    Hey guys, I was hoping you’d be able to give me a little clarity on an idea I’m working on and I’d really appreciate any tips you could give to improve. I have been a martial artist and trainer for many years and had the idea to create a complete, online program to help guys who are stuck in a...
  33. Souhail

    Nofap doesn't give you Superpowers !!

    Guys before you get offended by this title try to read this before you judge my idea or criticize it . We all agree that 'based on experiences of fapstronauts ' that there are some benefits all people doing Nofap are going to experience it by the time during the reboot those benefits are (...
  34. E

    The key to your true self

    Self improvement and psychology constantly talk about a concepts which you should be looking from a different perspective: your unconscious mind. You constantly hear the self help content talking about how your unconsciousness becomes self sabotaging and how you should become able to control it...
  35. _Xavier_

    This is a Book That I Recommend to EVERYONE Struggling With Porn/Sexuality/Intimacy

    I recommend the book "Healing the Shame That Binds You" by John Bradshaw. It is $7 bucks that just might help you change your life. Excessive shame is the driver for repressing emotional needs that you express as a "need" for pornography, drugs, alcohol, womanizing, voyeurism, self-harm...
  36. Code Hero

    Self-Hate, Self-love, self esteem?

    Does anyone have any good resources for self hate? Or do you have a good story that you can send my way about overcoming hating oneself, particularly for not being found worth it by an amazing woman? I've noticed that I fall into a loop of getting overwhelmed with stress (I'm studying for the...
  37. E

    Awesome mindblowing revelation that will change your life FOREVER

    Ok so I've been working on myself a lot for a while and I just had a really awesome revelation that had me thinking WOW. So if you've been someone whose been dealing anxiety, stress and frustration in everyday life and you feel like you can't relax, it's likely that you've found no answers as to...
  38. G

    Ashamed of wanting to be dominant

    All my life I've been expected to be the nice gentle giant. Now, I've got no problem with being a kind person, but I can't hide the truth from myself any longer: I love the thought of being in control in the bedroom, lusted after by other people, and respected and dominant in the larger world. I...
  39. G

    Monk mode is crazy

    As a teenager I always was one of those who comes to school and afraid to interact with new people.. I did have alot of friends but not quality friends. I was very shy with girls and unconfident. Didn't spend time to do productive things, always searched for immidiate satisfaction ,and...
  40. E

    What is success?

    We've all been there. Regretting things from the past, putting ourselves into too much pressure by thinking of a perfect future, beating ourselves down from every missed opportunity and a lack of optimism and confidence to enjoy what we can do. You see, my philosophy is very oriented to "nothing...
  41. D

    Google Search Knowing Everything About You

    Hey all, A while back I made my NoFap account using my full name. Recently I discovered whenever anybody searches my full name they will find my lovely profile pic of an orc in front of a computer and an instant click to my NoFap account. This terrified me... but why should it? Why should we...
  42. Souhail

    Self Image and dealing with low self confidence

    I read something very interesting about confidence and i wanted to share it here maybe it's going to help some of you . Basically low confidence is linked to self image which is also linked to self discipline To make things easier when we say to ourselves this is the last time that I watch P or...
  43. IchigoKurosaki

    Anti Social Problems

    Now umm probably im not the only one but the thing is when you dont have friends and you just don't like being around people.... That's the most frustrating and triggering part... Which eventually ends up watching porn so i just started noFap today and i feel sooooo weird like... Im 20 nd i...
  44. Citchy

    Why i can't Change

    In order to change you have to want it bad enough,to get sick and tired of being sick and tired. Well let me start by my story, My parents lived at my grandparents I was born there, We got kicked out when i was seven guess they didnt like me nor my mom by the way i was exposed to porn during...
  45. A

    Just need to tell my story

    Hello fellow addicts, I'm new to this website. I have been on nofap for about a week now. I have not kept exact count of the days because it gives my mind the impression that PMO is going to be my award once I accomplish the 90 days. All I know is that I never want to go back to porn again...
  46. FormerFapaholic

    Having self-respect

    WITH making NoFap a lifestyle choice for nearly a year now as I write this. It’s been a great background catalyst in improving me and my life. Dealing with triggers, urges and relapses have been real learning curves for me. But tackling and overcoming my addiction to porn has made a bigger...
  47. Tobi_Reset

    How To Stop The Vicious Cycle Of Relapsing by having SELF-COMPASSION

    Hey Guys, this is Tobi & I want to share with you a technique that ensures to not relapse over and over again - just because you relapsed one time. This thread is obviously not for everyone on this journey, but I see it ALL THE TIME. People relapse and feel extremely bad afterwards. Blaming...
  48. adslo

    If you ask me what is the key to live a better life ? i can answer you

    Usually i don't like to talk a lot so i pass directly to the main topic There is 10 keys to live a better life : 1-Don't underestimate yourself. 2-Love yourself. 3-Change yourself to a better person. 4-Don't compare yourself to others. 5-Fuck what other think about you. 6-Don't try to be a good...
  49. D

    I've got it the wrong way around!

    This is a habit I'm trying to kick. I am constantly comparing myself to others. I can't go to the gym without thinking about how inferior in strength and size I am to the other guys. I can't study without thinking about how well my peers are doing with their studies, comparing myself to them...
  50. adslo

    I tell you my tricks on how to be the better version of yourself easy it takes only some hard weeks.

    First of all you have to develop your self confidence by estimating yourself because self confidence is the first step toward developing all area of your life and without it you can't do anything you just stay in an infinite circle of ideas and thoughts.So how to develop self esteem and...
  51. E

    Stop Masturbating and Start Living: How to go from fappy to happy and overcome any vice or addiction

    Hi NoFap Community! My book, Stop Masturbating and Start Living: How to go from fappy to happy and overcome any vice or addiction (ISBN 978-0998734309) is officially out today. I gave my NoFap community a shoutout in the acknowledgements sections since a lot of this book was informed by you...
  52. D

    6 Months and no change. What am I doing wrong?

    Hello. First let me give you a breakdown of the last 6 months, because if it's my fault then fair enough, but I'd have thought I'd have seen some difference. Maybe you can help. January, grandmother who was my guardian growing up died, caught this girl I knew with two guys at the same time...
  53. 5adn8m8

    U Can Heal Your Life

    Hey everyone out there. My name is Jalal and I am 23 years old. I've been struggling with M&P addiction for quite a while(for almost 4 years).These addictions influenced the quality of almost anything in my life.It was like I had only two things to do everyday: playing computer games(especially...
  54. RationalBrody

    My NoFAP Manifesto - An alternative way of overcoming PMO

    I originally posted this on Reddit, but it didn't gain much traction. Still, I thought people would benefit and post it here as well. Here it goes. I have been battling PMO for about 2 years. My biggest streak was 3 months. Other than that I very rarely stayed clean for more than a week. So...