
  1. D

    Zinc deficiency,and why nofap may be the key to improving overall health

    Has probably been talked about thousands of times here im here to do a calculation and share my experience from a few streaks The average ejaculation is 3.5 grams of sperm,it is stated in many sources that Zinc is 3% of the whole thing,so lots of people think,well i guess we fine then we only...
  2. mentorr

    A list of withdrawal symptoms and their causes..

    Hi Guys, I thought it might be beneficial to provide a list of PMO withdrawal symptoms, and the chemical imbalance that relates to that specific symptom. Hope this helps! -------------------------------------------------------- Dopamine Deficiency Deficient dopamine early warning signs are...
  3. D

    The Harms Of Edging

    The following is a transcript from a video on a long gone channel that was called AlphaConceptsTV. Edging is an Orgasm control technique which involves the maintenance of high levels of sexual arousal for an extended period of time without reaching orgasm. It has consistently been described as...
  4. modernstore99

    Using Brain Chemistry to Inhibit Compulsions and Reboot Easier

    Porn addiction is driven by dopamine, just like all addictions. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter in your brain that tells you "this feels good, let's do it again" when encountering natural rewards, such as food, sex, money, and material possessions. Modern internet porn, with its endless...
  5. modernstore99

    Boosting Serotonin to Inhibit Compulsive Behaviors During a Reboot

    Porn addiction is driven by dopamine, just like all addictions. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter in your brain that tells you "this feels good, let's do it again" when encountering natural rewards, such as food, sex, money, and material possessions. Modern internet porn, with its endless...
  6. C

    premature ejaculation answers

    Hello everyone. Today i bring you the answers after my very indepth time consuming research... Hold on tight... So I suffer from PE my entire life. Pretty much since i was 15 a lot of porn and dopamine increasing related activities. 1st sex when i was 20. realised thst time that something is...
  7. C

    premature ejaculation explained

    Hello everyone. Today i bring you the answers after my very indepth time consuming research... Hold on tight... So I suffer from PE my entire life. Pretty much since i was 15 a lot of porn and dopamine increasing related activities. 1st sex when i was 20. realised thst time that something is...
  8. P

    My mind is becoming more and more perverted

    Hello everyone, I’m 19 year old who has big problem. For the past two years I’ve been trying to quit masturbation and porn. Well it’s been kinda unsuccessfully. First of all I started masturbating when I was 10. I was introduced to the porn while I was 9 years old, but I wasn’t that much...
  9. Bran fox

    Nofap and physiology interaction

    Hi ..nofappers! ... am bran! 1- Am not an english speaker so am sorry for my bad english . 2- this is my first journey and now am in the 46 days of NoFap since about 18 yrs of twice a day fapping. 3- Am a 34 years old architect designer .so the aim is to be more focused in creativity and...