shitty day

  1. Druvomir

    Is something wrong in my head, or I am just stupid?

    Hello, I don't know if this is right posted here, but anyways. This is long, so I would understand if you guys don't want to read it all. In Octuber 2018 I realized that I was having porn addiction problems when I was having 300gb of HD porn and cutting parts to save space, which took me hours...
  2. Obsidik

    Actually not new to NoFap

    I am 16 yrs old and i am from India. Actually i discovered NoFap a long time ago . I am trying to not masturbate every single night but i fap every night cuz of loneliness (sure i have loads of frandz but uk what i mean), depression (bad school grades, and not achieving goals).because of this i...