
  1. FiguresOfLight

    Smartphone users, add The NoFap Forum to your home page!

    This change may be small, but it made a significant difference in my recovery. This is the weekly screen time since installing it on Saturday: When I first started, this website was often, “Out of sight, out of mind.” But now, since adding the forums app to my home page, I’ve been checking...
  2. E

    Free and Effective Android Blocking Strategy

    Once one reaches the stage of addiction, willpower by itself isn't enough to win against strong sudden urges. Specially when you have an unlimited free supply of the drug available one click away at any second. With this 100% Free Google Family Link + Pluckeye Lockbox Strategy you won't have...
  3. M

    [Story] Losing My Phone In A Foreign Country

    I wandered through a strange city alone on the other side of the world. A loudspeaker droned on, as the Quran was repeated time and time again to signal the beginning of Ramadan. To me, this was nothing more than an annoyance. My day had been ruined, or so I thought. My smartphone lay smashed...
  4. T

    How to Secure an iPhone with IOS 14?

    Hello everyone, Created this new account to ask the above question. Simply put, Apple have gone and utterly ruined ScreenTime. You used to be able to type in a code, forget it and then only be able to remove the restrictions you set with a full factory reset of the iPhone. No easy/quick...
  5. J

    Tell suggestions how to block sexual content on smartphone

    My problem at the moment is how easily I can access stuff on my phone. When a urge hits the rational thinking is gone and I will just delete and dodge everything I have put up on my iphone for more difficult access.. I have covenant eyes on my laptop which is working perfectly, I have not...
  6. Mujahid21

    Smartphone fasting for 3 months, What I've learned..

    The mental clarity is so important for supporting our nofap journey. One of my biggest decisions in maintaining my mental is quitting SMARTPHONE. it took much times for knowing what's my biggest problem actually. I start to study and do my own trial and error. I'd done self improvement stuffs...
  7. D

    i'm 20, newbie

    Hi, I'm Srinath, how to avoid porn and masturbation?. Anybody give me some tips. Because in the past 8 years I had masturbated daily 3 times hence, 8 years = 8064 times I had. But in 2019 I decided to control this. I haven't decided to 'Stop Mastrubation', I had decided to control the times of...
  8. R

    No smartphone and pc 99% success

    Try avoiding your phone and pc you will see the results you will never ever relapse again if you have smartphone and pc that has access to the internet break the f***k out of them just throw them away or just sell them if you are serious about your reboot if you have access to this trust me 99%...
  9. D

    I think my PMO addiction is entangled in a smartphone addiction
  10. D

    Dating Apps: The Uncomfortable Truth

    No matter the rationalisations used, the unavoidable conclusion is drawn that dating apps in all their variety and variation are crutches to one degree or another. Tinder, Bumble, POF… they all are designed purposely to hook us in, keep us coming back and turn wondrous human beings into...
  11. T

    I have installed K9 on my computer for blocking porn, but i need more

    K9 does not block bad subreddits, it does not block bad google searches, but more importantly, i have nothing that blocks porn on my phone. I need something that requires a password to bypass. Please help me. Also, there seems to be something that happens after 7 days. I always fail after 7...
  12. S

    Were you able to keep your smartphone?

    To those who have successfully rebooted, were you able to keep your smartphone while you recovered? I'd prefer to keep mine, but it's looking like I'll have to give it up unless there's some tool or app available to help me exercise better self control.
  13. S

    Social skills while in university, and P-induced social anxiety

    Hi all, I am a university student who will graduate within the next two years. One year ago, I stopped going on some "sites", and got a relationship fairly quickly after (with someone I've known since high school). Nowadays, it's excessive M that I'm battling, as well as intrusive P thoughts...
  14. FormerFapaholic

    Ditching the smartphone

    RELAPSES are difficult to deal and comes to terms with. More so after having a long streak without PMO. For me, it has been difficult to say the least. After relapsing from a long streak (of 82 days), recovering from the relapse has been really difficult. From experience, the longer the streak...
  15. M

    Should I completely get rid of my smart phone?

    Hi who ever is reading this, I am new to NoFap and am trying to start a no PMO 90 day challenge. I know it will be difficult but for the sake of my marriage and my family I want to try this cold turkey. I have never tried anything like this before. Until very recently, I had never admitted...
  16. A.ARN

    Porn Blocking Tool

    Hello, It has been a year and half since I made this dicision of stopping, I did not manage to do so but I believe I will, during this period I made some good streaks reaching to 50 days, but I relapsed again, currently is not my best period of abstaining I could hardly reach 7 days. Anyway...
  17. Stiles Stilinski

    No pc for porn, but i use the smartphone

    I don't know if this is the right place to write this, but i must try. This my problem: i don't use my pc for porn because my parents some time need it. So i use my smartphone and i can find everything on that and it's hard to stop because i live with my phone: i have e-mails, ebay, amazon...