spontaneous erections

  1. N

    220 days in..HELP

    Hey guys I’m on day 220 of no PMO since 17 days I’m in a flatline (no MW, not working out etc) 35-40 days ago I realised I have puffy nipples(stage 1 gyno) even though I’m lean I just increased my body weight by 3% ( now on 15% body fat) I want to rewire my brain to sex with real women instead...
  2. N

    Lost hardest MW within seconds

    Hey guys I’m on day 151 of NoFap currently On day 149 I had my second wet dream Today on day 152 I had the hardest morning wood since a long time I realised it because my phone rang and had to wake up When I woke up I realised I had the hardest erection I’ve had in a while But here comes the...
  3. N


    Yesterday I was taking a shower and I started to fantasize about a girl I made out 4/5 months ago Ave I got hard for like 6/7 minutes, I’ve hadn’t been that hard for that long since a long time. I’m on day 145 of no pmo. My question is is fantasising not good for recovery? And I didn’t fantasize...
  4. N

    No urge to masterbate

    Hey guys I’m on day 120 of nofap Had wet dream once at day 110 Morning wood has returned after a long time(had 5 in last 8 days) But I have No libido I probably am still in flatline This is my 3rd time doing NoFap First 2 times I failed after day 30 But this is my longest streak and it...
  5. N

    Day 110, finally had a wet dream.

    Hello guys I’m on day 110 of hard mode I’m in flatline since day 74 I have no MW nothing I read all of these other people’s journey and saw everyone had wet dream after 30/60/90 days of hard mode and it did kinda bother me coz I read in an article which started “If you’re healthy and doing no...
  6. N

    Day 102 morning wood and spontaneous erection vanished

    Hey guys I’m on day 102 off NoFap hard mode I have Morning wood for a week in day 30s And for a week again in day 70s and had little spontaneous erections in the day time. Also I have had little thick fluid leak after peeing for 4/5 times since 60 days( I researched about this and got to know...
  7. N

    I’m on Day 78 my morning wood has vanished

    Hello guys I’m on day 78 and from past week my morning wood is gone and no random erections and no wet dream(not even once) I consumed 1/2 glass of alcohol 4 times in the past 2 weeks Is that the reason and also I don’t know what to do if I don’t recover after 90 days. Please help
  8. N

    Morning wood vanished after stopping ashwagandha

    Hello guys I used to take ashwagandha capsules for gym purposes and also ppl say it used to increase testosterone I was taking it till day 30(now I’m on day 56) I used to have morning wood till I was talking it and drop day 30 to 45 I was having middle of the night wood then eventually it...
  9. H

    Libido the last to heal?

    for almost my entire nopmo journey (from when the first stage of extreme urges stopped) I have had an either fully dead sex drive or extremely low one. This has been worrying me as though I had been seeing healing in other areas such as XXX images being pruned from my mind recently, and that I...
  10. EasyEric

    Side effects - nocturnal emissions (AKA wet dreams) and... spontaneous ejaculation?!

    I haven’t had any noc. emissions since before I graduated high school; while I can manage that, I worry that I don’t know enough about what spontaneous ejaculations would be while awake. I have so many questions! I want to now all about this so I can prepare for this possibility. Would anyone...
  11. V

    Monk Mode Day 3

    I was getting MW, spontaneous erections and could get hard by masturbating to fantasy but i relapsed 3 days ago (started having porn flashback right after orgasm) and now i am back to PIED/flatline. Today is my 3rd day of Monk mode. This is my first thread/post so let me share my history -- I...
  12. D

    Feeling since nocturnal and spontaneous emission

    Earlier this year not long after the new year I had a noctural emission and regrettfully this was with someone who I would not consider having sex with in the real world. However there was a feeling of the desire to release in more pleasant circumstance (like the desire to fap). As for the...
  13. D

    Spontaneous erection problems

    Looking for advise on this subject. It takes alot for me to get any movement downstairs now. About a year ago, i started having hard flaccid symtoms, where my manhood shrinks and gets hard in a flaccid state that has a rubbery feeling. I've been trying to search the net after going to many...
  14. S

    Success story (point form)

    Intro: First of all, my hearty thanks to this very supportive and caring community of nofap. This info, since i found out about it a year ago changed my life and sex performance. I now want to share my success story. I will write in point form and make it as short as i can. I know there is a lot...