streak killer

  1. BrighterFuture

    Flatline gets me everytime

    I'm on day 4 as of today, any suggestions that worked for people who got over flatline would be appreciated, I really want to improve, I just always slip back because of flatline/withdrawal symptoms/PAWS. even if it's simple, I'm overwhelmed with the recovery process :eek::confused:
  2. D

    Your Streak is 500+ Days? How Did You Do It?

    I think we need motivation from people who have gone 500+ days. Tell us your secrets.
  3. D

    My goddamn brain found a way to fool me Look at this thread guys, this is my thread. In this thread, we are talking about edging without using hands.When you get an erection and flex your PC muscle, it gives an internal feeling of masturbation...