
  1. ice9

    New Here

    Hi, I’m ice9. At 11 pm 10/2/2022 I’ll have made it to 1 full day of NoFap. This isn’t a huge achievement- but being here among fellow practitioners makes it feel significant. I’d like to start a small accountability group sometime during this week- hopefully with dudes my age (~21 yr). Feel...
  2. styles_90

    Day 19 and Its over

    This is one of the longest that I have gone. But as previously I am not feeling too much ashamed or bad as I previously. Previously, it was 100% then it was 30-40%. The reasons, 1. I am feeling very lonely for the past few days and feeling very desperate to talk to someone. I have people but...
  3. modern milarepa


    I just lifted my first 3 plates of 20kg on each side on the bench press. I'd say this is the greatest feat I have ever done , even more than graduated from med school, 3 years semen retention, dating beautiful and high quality girls. At least I consider this one more impressive. I have...
  4. nilPMOdone

    Broke my streak again!

    In the last 24 days I fapped for three times. The last fap was such a nuisance I don't believe I gave in so easily. I was going strong for 7 days and I didn't even use brute force to resist myself. The days went by so smoothly that I thought now I'm invincible and could last a lifetime of NoFap...

    Embrace your weakness

    Hello bros, I wanted to share with you a thought that ran through my mind today. I am practicing yoga to try to recover from a knee injury that I did while practicing running, and there is a very demanding stretching exercise for me as it hurts a lot. I always tried to avoid it or spend as...
  6. C

    over 20 days but less than 30

    i don't know the exact number of days. The urge is strong and real. I'm trying a lot of mindful meditation according to which its a "sensation" and it will pass. The objective is to look at the "Sensation" without any feeling of like/dislike. Its easy but in practice, its quite a task. I...
  7. Stanza

    90 days challenge with sex

    Hi. Today is day 2 of my reboot. I want to make this experience of 90 days with my girfriend. I live in spain and she lives in italy. We will meet once a month. So i will have sex once a month. I want to stop masturbation for 3 months, but i will have sex. What do you think? Have you any...
  8. emadrz

    hello guys again !

    hi i passed my big exam and i tought i have more time to focuse on my goals but i considered that i have more time to think about porn and sex and ..... so it was harder than what i tought so i have a hole black weak but i came back (am i strong that come bach or im a loser that i gave up for a...
  9. D

    I Can't Escape so I came to NoFap.

    I started PMO in August of 2014 and it is one of my biggest regrets. I started noticing a lack of motivation after just 1 month of daily use. As the years progressed I watched myself loose friends, motivation, sleep, memory, sexual drive, and confidence. I became depressed. Confined myself...
  10. R

    Weird Thing Happen this Morning.

    Going on 6 days strong and i wake up today, and i feel some liquid type stuff in my underwear and didn't think much of it, got up a little later went to the bathroom and see that it wasn't any type of liquid it was semen. Matter afact i still had a little semen in my penis when i urinated. I...
  11. yugowolf1991

    Half my life in the dark now living in the light!!

    Hi everyone I just want to start off by thanking the nofap community for changing my life. I have been currently aware that I have been addicted to porn and masturbation for roughly a year and been fighting it since. I've had a lot of ups and downs in my journey (which I've logged all of in...
  12. Joe dalton

    Muay thai fight tomorrow.

    Hey guys whats up! Im back at nofap after a long timer of permanent relapses. Today is my 6th day without pmo and i start feeling great/strange/weak/strong again. Tomorrow i have a muaythai fight (3years ago since last fight) and im rlly nervous. Im in thailand right now and i was watching...
  13. N

    Need some support this Friday afternoon...

    Hello all, Just checking in after watching 2-3 hrs. of porn / edging with about 2 weeks no PMO behind me. I'm not restarting my counter as I don't feel like I failed necessarily (I've found that this is a totally useless and destructive feeling) and I think I feel strong enough to push...
  14. LA95

    Self Discipline

    "The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, the opposite of addiction is connection" In no way addicted to PMO but have had enough with Porn and Masturbation. It's sickening and frightening what harm Porn can do to your brain. I've preached over and over again the benefits of NoFap but have...
  15. T

    Does this count as a relapse?

    Last night I had arousing thoughts going through my head while I was sleeping. I would get an erection, and it would go soft after a little while. I would feel my urethra, and it was only a tiny bit sticky. Then, I checked under my trousers, and there was no mess whatsoever. Does this count as a...
  16. T

    I'm trying to stay strong, but I need a little help

    This is day number 3 of not masturbating. However, when I sleep I get a lot of erections. Arousing thoughts of women also go around as I'm sleeping and as I get these erections. What could this mean?
  17. F

    60 days completed..more to go

    I am back again after a month. I am really grateful for this community for helping me out. Its been a little over 60 days since i started NoFap(hard mode). I just wanna say that i have started feeling much better and will continue with my streak. More importantly I think Porn and masturbation to...
  18. S

    Day 3 and still going strong.

    So far since I've joined the nofap community I've felt real confidence in my journey towards freedom from porn. Thank you guys for really helping me and special thanks to sparkywantsnoPMO. I hope that I will be able to keep this up for the next 87 days. Thank you all for your support and...
  19. ForABetterLife20

    I have experienced success

    5 times in the last 197 days. The previous 197 days before that? 49 times. Damn right. Right now, on a second best 34 days, my best is 59. I've had more energy, a bigger attention span, more desire to do things, the classic "I've gotten so much from quitting PMO" and all the things that...
  20. R

    Suicidal, desperately need help. What is going on?

    Dear All, First of all, thank you for taking the time to open this thread and read it. I will post this on another porn forums probably, and not because I am spamming, but to get help. I heard about nofap in 2013.....and 4 years later I cannot quit. However, this is not all, and I want to...
  21. Paul Adams

    Today the fapping ends, and the healing begins!

    When I was 13 I had a friend introduce me to pornography, from that moment I was hooked! I am 36 now, and that whole time since I was 13 most of my free time was spent viewing pornography. When I was 25 years old I got married, and instead of the pornography use going down some, in my case it...
  22. S

    A New Life

    NoFap has made my life joyful. I've been experiencing many benefits such as mental clarity, no hair loss like before, strong, calm mind, i can work for hours and i don't need more sleep because i have more energy. It feels like there is a thunder hidden inside. Love u all. Keep up the good work...