
  1. TimeToQuitNow

    46 days without Porn and for the first time I don't even miss it

    I have been trying to quit porn for many many years now. I tried to quit porn and masturbation but I keep falling back to my old habits. I have gone the last 46 days without porn. The last time I watched it I told myself that I can masturbate as much as I need to but that porn is off the table...
  2. Im_Marcellus

    Day 01 : Went Easier And Better Than I Expected .....

    Yesterday was my DAY 01, Usually whenever I tried to obstain myself from PMO, I would have relapsed within the half day and binged twice or trice. Keeping that in mind I thought, going a complete day without PMO would be a nightmare. Fortunately, It was not. The change I made this time was...
  3. C

    These Are Your Chances Of Success:

    This thread is more motivational than anything! Converse below (comment) your thoughts on this thread as well! I found this months ago when I was trying to work out more, but being newer to NoFap, I think this would do more good being posted in text form than staying in my phone gallery. So I...
  4. Nidak

    Im getting there right

    Hi just an update and question is 21 days good for NoFap or do I need to do better th an that for some recognition just let me know it means a lot to see that people care enough to take time out of their day to help me thanks nidak
  5. W

    I’ve Returned To Tell of My Success (ED and DE)

    Hello, so I’m back. I have been gone for many months, enjoying my relationship strangely which I never thought I’d say. In the months that have passed, I solely have been relying on my partner and PIV to give me my O’s which by depriving myself of P has worked a dream. All functionality is...
  6. Starset


    Hello everyone ! I think this is going to be a long post so stay with me until the end. I have so much to say, so many things happened in my journey, I was on the bottom and also on the sky. I will tell you my whole story here and now, I hope some of you will find yourselves here and relate...
  7. D

    Well... I did it! PIED - beaten. It's HARD and STRONG.

    I remember like it was yesterday 8 months ago when I was struggling to get answers why my penis doesn't work anymore. Even before researching into PIED I somehow new that porn was the problem. After watching tons of videos and reading tens of articles (just like all of you did) I decided to...
  8. embodiment of luck

    Semen retention led me to the desperate plan that may succeed.

    I will buy a gun, and I'll carry it around, why you ask? Well let me clarify, it will be a fake gun with no bullets and it will be in my pants, now why I am thinking of this. I believe that if I carry a gun even a fake one this will make me more confident, it will make my body language different...
  9. T

    Finally beat PIED!! How to guide with partner

    I FINALLY DID IT. NoFap is totally worth it keep grinding. I’m 20years old and I learned I had PIED when I started a new relationship in December 2019. I started NoFap on Jan 17th and it took exactly 3 months up until April 17th to be capable to have sex. My habits before were PMO 1-2 times...
  10. R

    15 Year Old 790 Days

    Hi! i noticed this site just today psdt:not an english native speaker So yes this isnt click bait, i am 15 years old and i havent touched myself in 2 years(i started and stopped at 13) it all started with my 13 year old wanting to be more grown up, then i tried to masturbate, i kind of didnt...
  11. D

    day 92: happy as hell!

    Hey there! When I look back, I need some starts to reboot successfully. I started on January 1st, had a lot of shorter streaks and the same amount of relapses. Now I'm on a streak since may 15th and it feels like I don't wanna do this shit again. I even cannot imagine one reason to do so. In the...
  12. R

    Who are you ? Who are we ?

    When you look yourself in the mirror who do you see ? And who would you like to see ? You have the chance to post anonymously here so if i ask what do you really want to do in life and who do you want to be, what will you answer? Very important to be a 100% honest! I wish you all the best !
  13. D

    7th day boost?

    It's going on the 7th day of my streak. Somehow I managed to send an old friend a message and she responded back to me. I hope to actually speak with her more and be friends again. I remember the last time I reached 7 days I felt an urge to communicate with another friend of mine again. I...
  14. Pashiderme

    I m Really happy to have quit porn and masturbation thanks to Nofap

    I discovered Nofap 8 month ago and decided to to follow the NoFap with a normal rebooting. I can say That I m a new man now. The starting point My porn addiction did not start early, I started to masturbate around 14. Orgasm was a new thing and really pleasurable, I was able able to...
  15. S

    2 weeks and My life is changing. I want to thank you all

    I was in a dark place boys. Still kinda am. Found myself jerking it to transgendered person porn. Don’t even know how I got there...but I caught it early thank GOD! Only did it once but erasing it has been painful. I had a gf a few months ago too. My addiction to perverse porn was so bad I would stick a...
  16. Vikas@123

    Porn kills Life

    • I want to stop the porn addiction because I live happy without any depression ,anxiety, low self esteem etc. • It kills my Body slowly and slowly like a drug addiction.
  17. R

    I hope this works

    I’m 24 years old and I suffer from anxiety, depression, apathy etc. I’m naturally very intelligent but haven’t done anything with it at all and wonder if I would even still be classed as intelligent. I still don’t know what I want to do with my career I live with my parents and I have sort of...
  18. R

    Don't do the same mistake guys!! HFO, BIG NO!

    Okay, so heres the deal guys Iv'e had PIED and was on day 20 or something like that.(not my first streak) I started seeing this girl and ended up having sex. Before we did I told her all about the situation. So when we started I was as relaxed as possible. The first time I had some troubles...
  19. R

    2 weeks, just the start!

    Hi guys, this is the first time me posting on here but although I haven't posted this website and people on it have helped me a lot. It started after I finished watching P, I just felt really shit and I actually took it upon myself to block the site, I didn't think much of it I thought I would...
  20. IchigoKurosaki

    Day 2 Successful

    Finally, its not that big deal but my Another nofap day was successful holy craph i feel weird like somehow motivated... ❤
  21. ArpitPandey9949


    Today i studied for continuously for 3 hours so i was not distracted much. So it was successful i think my life is coming on track. Thank you nofap!
  22. S

    Going on 53 days... Does anyone else feel like this?

    I have been going strong, longest streak I have done for over 8 years! I feel great! Something interesting that I've been thinking about and I'm curious if any other succeeders feel like this. I feel like before when I was deep in struggling with PMO I was like a kid. Every memory I have of...
  23. ArpitPandey9949


    So first day was successful i didn't had much urges today as i had removed distraction. So this is my position till now.... Earlier: I used to masturbate multiple times a day. Recently: Once a day. Today: One day streak. I hope to keep improving further my longest streak till now is 5 days. I...
  24. F

    Went a long way 123 days. Now...

    Hey guys and gals, This is a post to remind me and those people who are on this journey and have gotten far in their streaks. Never be complacent with the number. My streak ended after 2 nights of partying and alcohol. But it wasn't just that. Even though I partied, I was feeling down. Not that...
  25. ForABetterLife20

    Watch the stars

    As Jon Bellion sings: "All we wanna know, is where the stars came from, but do we ever stop, ever stop to watch them shine? Or are we staring with, staring with ungrateful eyes?" Ludwig Wittgenstein, a 18th-19th century philosopher, had this idea that a human being truly fulfills their being...
  26. A

    Success Stories

    I am super down as of late. I would love to hear from anyone who has actually had success from NoFap. I am talking specific sexual success (Harder erections, Can get it up with a woman, etc). Let's hear it
  27. N

    How do i get past a week

    I've been doing the nofap since february and let's just say i have not succeeded yet im 15 and i understand that i have my whole life ahead and i have time to master quitting my addiction but if i may ask to the people who have succeeded in nofap and have actually gotten past the 3 week mark how...
  28. S

    Well on the road to recovery. What is working for me!

    Remove all the triggers you can; Mute or unlike/unfollow all Instagram hotties, "yeah she squats" pages. You might get urgers say if you're parents/flatmates leave the house. You should leave as well. Go to the gym, go for a run, walk. I actually moved into my car and found there were no...
  29. R

    Can someone tell me about their successes with no porn?

    I started trying to go PMO about a month ago but would relapse about once each week (still a much better improvement than the usual once a day before!) Still, as I wasn't being 100% successful I have decided to instead change to going without porn to start off (as I think this will be more...
  30. balkanic_falcon

    90 days!

    I just want to say that i am 90 days without PMO, with power of the will, now i am proud soldier who serve my fatherland, and i am not anymore just hopeless fap addict! 90 days is not enough, of course... Struggle continues! This was my story -...
  31. S

    5 WEEKS of P.M. (which turned to P.M.O.) - succesfully finished! (and now reaching to 90 days!)

    Hello there! It´s the first time I´m trying this challenge. I intended to do this challenge without Porn and Masturbation first, but finally it was also without Orgasm. I´ll explain later why :) However, I succesfully finished my first 5 weeks! :) Why I decided to try it? 1) Sometimes I was...
  32. Harsh Pathak

    Finally rejoining the gym from tomorrow

    Having been on a one month long break from the gym for bullshit reasons, rejoining from tomorrow. In any case I have to succeed in my streak of 90 days without PMO, working out is the best form of motivation that I can get.