
  1. +TenPercent

    NoFap and ED meds (V*agra / C*alis) - will it mess me up?

    Question for those with experience in this. I've been in recovery for years (with moderate success) and the time has come to try vi*gra or c*alis to help with reaching and maintaining full erection during intercourse. I still get rock hard morning wood, but during intimacy, I could use some...
  2. S

    PIED , Sildenafil Pill, Conditioning Erection , Performance Anxiety !!

    Hi, I'm completely new to this site , and I don't know i'm asking my question in a right forum or not. I'm 35 years old which had PMO for 12 years, I used to get erection with watch P and simulate my nipples , every time ! Now I realized I can not get an erection with normal simulation , and...
  3. Oliver Gunter

    Curing my Erectile Dysfunction (27yo)

    My whole life I've had relatively little contact to girls. One of the rare occasions, when I had a girl at home, was when I was 19. I can still remember the rock hard boner I had when we were just sitting next to each other, still dressed, and our legs were touching. It was even a little...
  4. S

    Flatline Frustrations

    Does anyone know how to deal with flatline depression and performance anxiety? I’m about 4-5 days into reboot and I sometimes worry that I may not go back to normal. I’m trying to remain optimistic because I still get erections, but they’re about 70-80% full. Any advice helps. Thanks I’m advance.
  5. W

    85 days of nofap: i could have sex with a prostitute but not with my girlfriend

    Greetings, I will be as brief as possible. I am a 25 year old man. I have had 4 girlfriends in my life. I do not drink excessively, I do not smoke, I practice pelvic floor exercises (Kegel), I go to the gym 6 days a week since 4 months (I am not overweight). I've seen porn since the age of...
  6. ironmaing

    PIED comes and goes...WTF!

    I’ve been having a lot of sex these past few weeks but my erection strength varies and has lost some strength. Is this normal in the recovery process? Around day 90, I had sex successfully with a reliable and strong erection. That week, I was having reliable and strong erections with multiple...
  7. ironmaing

    Getting off viagra after PIED - any experience?

    I'm about to reach the 90 day mark of my nofap journey. Note that for me its a lifestyle choice and not a challenge. I have come to detest porn as it very nearly ruined my life. I have had successful sex this past week multiple times with great long lasting erections. I am taking 100mg of...
  8. M

    Thinking about having sex on day 7 or 30

    I'm 21 and have ED for about 3-4 years coz of PIED. Only had sex with ED pills (CIAL**) with no problem. Now I'm on day 7 hardmode. I don't wanna fap but really wanna have sex. Is it ok to take (CIAL**) and have sex on day 7-8 or should i wait till day 30?
  9. Sense

    Sex addiction, blue pills & desensitisation

    I've had sex with a couple of hundred women in my life -- that's been alongside my porn addiction and included dating websites and so on. I'm now a middle aged guy and have pretty much done it all. I started watching porn as a teen, went on to actually sell it in the days of VHS and, well I...
  10. K

    Using (blue pill) to help with erection, gets in the way?

    I have found that I have erectile dysfunction because of pornography. I'm married and this has messed up my marriage, I've done it several times, and this has become embarrassing, I end up using the pill as a relief I wonder if this in any way disrupts the process of restarting or even to...
  11. mortimer

    BEATING PIED AT 18(2 weeks no pmo hard mode)

    after being in a no libido stage for most of my journey, sudden erections started to appear and im beggining to feel really positive. Although morning woods still didnt appear i find myself much more confident and with wilingness to fight this shit of porn and excessive masturbation that indeed...
  12. J

    Losing hope. 2nd long streak, ED still there - Trouble rewiring or Nofap not working?

    History: 26yo. 10+yrs of PMO, unable to lose virginity on multiple occasions due to ED. This is my second long streak (50 days). Previously had a 100+day streak. Have noticed tiny changes, with flaccid size a bit larger and sporadic weak erections, occasional morning wood and the rare wet...
  13. L

    Almost 1 month in and getting desperate

    No, I'm not desperate because I want to fap or watch porn. I dont even feel the urge to do It since I started nofap. I'm desperate because I dont know if I have a PIED or some bullshit physical issue. I still dont have any morning woods. And I can't mantain an erection while standing up. They...