The question sums it all up.
Today I was waiting for the train on the platform and saw a very attractive woman passing me by. I won't go into details lest I make anyone on here relapse, but I couldn't get my eyes off her, I was literally standing there watching her as all kinds of...
Each day, do something which brings you closer to your goals!
I pose a fun little "challenge" for you today, which deals with said topic on how to be the best version of yourself.
Reflect on the following 10 questions, visualize each situation thoroughly and post your answers here in the...
Hi, when I am receiving a handjob and occasionally a blowjob or having sex I fantasise about other women being involved. I don't like doing it particularly as I feel it's cheating in a way, and would rather just enjoy the experience without creating a mini porno scene in my mind.
My question is...