
  1. G


    Hi, I am new to NoFap. I tried to find the reason why I am always so tired and restless and not being able to concentrate for a long period of time, and by digging around the internet for reasons, I think I finally found the reason. This is my 4th day not PMO, and I feel like there are...
  2. Dagger323

    I need to get serious here

    I’m sick of relapsing. Unlike others, the urges never get the better of me in the end. It’s the freaking withdrawals. I end up experiencing so many intense physical/mental symptoms whenever I’m on a streak that I end up relapsing just to get relief. So in that sense I’ve been weak, too weak to...
  3. J

    My discovery and possible help

    So I've read about withdrawal symptoms and it's been 2 weeks since I quit all pmo and related activities. I have struggled with generalized anxiety my entire life. It just dawned on me that my addiction to porn and view of women was at the root of most of my mental issues. I've experienced...
  4. A

    My Withdrawl Symptoms

    Hello everyone , I'm Ali, age 23. I have been masterbating and into porn since I was 13-14 and have been masterbating since grade 4. It's crazy I am on my 15th day today on nofap . I have felt : Anxiety Social Anxiety Stomach Anxiety (Eating Disorder) Panic Attacks (happens often)...
  5. Captain K'nuckles


    I just relapsed twice today at day 11, dont even worth it, the first orgasm was shit, wasn't satisfying, so i stupdly fap again to see if get better but was even worse, looks like my brain want to move to more hardcore porn but i just dont accept it, i am feeling impotent and like shit again :(
  6. C

    Withdrawls and urges

    Usually after a few days of NoFap I begin to get withdrawals such as depression or insomnia. With these symptoms come extreme urges. What have you done to get yourself through those urges and symptoms in the past?