
  1. modern milarepa

    What type of girl you like to date? Your dream girl

    I like girls that workout, with curves, beautiful face. More young than me. That loves sex, very femenine, docile, let's the man take the lead. She has conceived no children. With very few past sex partners maximum 3. Humble girl, with no psychological problems, she is happy and smart, if she is...
  2. modern milarepa

    Can a boy and a girl be just friends?

    I personally believe it's not possible, there's always some type of sexual tension and one of the two wants to have sex with the other. What do you think?
  3. pamer

    What have you learned through your journey! (here is mien so far)

    For me what i have learned so far: (you may not agree with me but i would love to know your opinion!) It's a journey of mindset programing and it have no end. If you stopped improving yourself and your character you will slip away. If you give up, you will get to a worse point, so keep on...
  4. D

    Giving up on woman problematic.

    I'm putting giving up on woman in the title because I have no luck or attraction what so ever recently. Not sure if its the masturbation or not? Some times I just have those days where I say hi and make small talk at my job, but that's really about it. Online it hasn't been luck what so ever...
  5. Saurav04

    What women mean to you?

    After sticking to nofap. This thing keep coming in my mind. Why we most of the males fall in love for the girls who are like 9 and 10 (in terms of attractiveness not age). I understand from evolutionary background men chose women who looks attractive, can bear child etc. But what I was thinking...
  6. E

    Need a reboot.

    Hi everyone! I am here in hopes that I can make my life better by quitting PMO. I've wasted so much time watching porn, if I have used that time to do other productive things, I would have been in a better place in my life rn. The things I've watched are pretty questionable. And I am afraid...
  7. D

    Phones and woman/Guy's?

    Hey everyone I have an off topic discussion that is kind rattling my mind lately. Recently there is this woman at work that I find very attractive and she is kind of a bigger woman.. Every so often she changes her hair color and style and I want to give her compliments or something. She has an...
  8. D

    A trigger in Yoga session

    Let me explain the scenario first and then get to the problem. Today it was cold in the building that we did yoga in. So our teacher did make us do some yoga moves which was supposed to make our bodies warm. Even though these movements did help to some extent, they were not good enough. So we...
  9. throw7875

    Day 2 of NoFap, let's go!

    Hey everyone! My name is Max and I'm 18, soon to be 19. I'm setting up my account on this site, as I have already joined and introduced myself in the subreddit (under the same username). I'm excited to regain control of my life! I mainly do this for my emotional and spitirual betterment...
  10. D

    Online vs Real life battle..

    Hey ladies and gentleman. I've had a slight problem with dating all the time. I'll set up a online dating profile and actually meet an awesome woman that is really into me and eventually we start dating online. But the catch is always that some woman in real life starts liking me afterwords. I...
  11. D

    Trouble making relationships/help?

    Hey Ladies and gentleman. I have been struggling some time now with dating on rebooting or just in spite of making connections with woman. I have been online dating ever since the middle of last year and now I'm thinking of taking a break. I've had countless occurrences where I am meeting a...
  12. B

    24 y/o, heading into this journey as a female!

    I've been watching pornography and masturbating since before puberty, at a very young age. 11 seems accurate, but I may have been much younger when it first started. I've been pretty enshrined in shame for most of the addiction, and I've called it an "addiction" for a very long time. It...
  13. angelasmith267

    My story

    I have had a porn addiction since I was 12. It all started when I found the late night section on HBO. At first I watched it at random when I had the chance for a few years. I could still masturbate on my own without it. But then when I learned I could use it as a stimulant a few years later, I...
  14. D

    Man's/Woman's Essence?

    Hey everyone. This post has kind of to do with the charisma I guess or Essence of a Man/Woman? My question is does porn deplete the Essence of a Man/Woman. I've felt that allot of the reason's why Men/Woman are attracted to each other is because of there distinct characteristics. Doesn't...
  15. D

    Should I stop approaching Woman?

    Hey guys. This is kind of long. But recently I've been getting to know this woman at work and we are just casual co workers and we don't have each others number's yet or anything. I haven't been to chatty with her in the past because I knew she already had a boyfriend. I was cool with it and I...
  16. D

    Cross dresser? I feel like crap..

    Hey everyone. This is a problem that recently started out for me. I've recently had a thing "fetish" for Asian cross dresser's and I feel like complete crap. Lately I haven't had luck with any woman and my life is in the gutter I believe. I'm starting to think now that Porn has just completely...
  17. crimintheredwoods

    Starting over

    Hello everyone. You can call me Crim. I'm 26 and, strangely enough, identify as asexual. I'm a woman, but I don't like gender roles and stigma. So more accurately, I am me. Just me. You can ask questions about that if you want. Or not. I'm here because I developed the the habit of PMO about 3...
  18. D

    Are people just gifted?.

    Hey guys. Just posting a thread for the day, but I'm curious. How do you be the guy that is always sending out vibes to woman and easily getting that girl? I remember back in the day there were a few of my classmates like that.. They would always be having sex with a number of girls, like a...
  19. J

    Llegar a un nuevo puerto

    Quiero perder la costa y perderme en el mar para llegar a un nuevo puerto. Este soy yo con mis metaforas; lo que quiero decir es q cada vez que intento el nofap no logro ni a 10 dias con las justas mi racha a sido unos 5 o 6 dias, hermanos si alguien me pudiera brindar consejos le agradeceria...
  20. almoganah

    Feet fetish

    I have feet fetish . I don't remember when or why this has started . it's like if i was born with it ... isn't it weird to desire the feet of a girl rather then her reproductive organ ? . I actually consider the feet of a woman as the number one indicator of beauty ... anyone else ?
  21. D

    Iranian TV Refuses to Broadcast Bundesliga Game Because of a Woman Wearing Shorts

    It's dumb but I expect some people on here will support it. https://www.dw.com/en/female-german-referee-causes-bundesliga-broadcast-to-be-canceled-in-iran/a-47553812
  22. muted

    Erotic scene in the movie

    I watched a movie in which a scene with a woman who masturbated with a dildo appeared unexpectedly. I turned my eyes away, but I heard the sound of orgasm and I felt that it excited me slightly so I left the room. Probably it shouldn’t cause relapse but I would to ask because I do not want to...
  23. Keeptrying1432

    Guess I need help lol

    When I was a teenager I knew that masturbating was not a good thing. I mean it does show I'm growing up healthy by having these desires, but watching pornography and touching myself I don't know I put a lot of guilt on my shoulders. I became very sexually frustrated and curious. When I turned 19...
  24. abcdofindia

    Virtual/ Online sexual relationships can be addictive & damaging

    2 years ago, a bunch of my girl-friends forced me to join online chatrooms to meet random guys. It started off as a random experience and soon turned into an obsession. What started as a once in a week activity turned into a daily need and then into a regular necessity. In the last 2 years...
  25. muted

    Closeup with a woman. Relapse?

    I have recently described a certain situation. Here: https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/clubbing-and-chicks.200940/ I am on the 218 day of reboot. For a time I felt much better. Recently, after the situation described in the above link, I began to feel worse. I have no motivation to...
  26. D

    Woman confidence..Improvement?

    Hey everyone! I am making this thread because I am currently struggling with Woman confidence and relationship building at this point in time. I feel like I have been living under a rug for some time never really gaining any success. All my friends and family have relationships and honestly I...
  27. 4DCreator

    Attracted to less attractive woman after nofap ?

    Hi guys I would like to ask a simple question. Imagine you fapping/porning for 20 years. And because you see loads of pornstars and porn itself you are attracted to high-end very attractive women. If you do long enough nofap and not using porn, can that make you be attracted to less physically...
  28. BreatheSound

    I'm not from here... but I will be

    I'm a Brazilian woman! I have a problem and my English is not very good. I'm sorry if I write something wrong, but I want to talk abouth this. I have a problem, a big one. I was 14 years old when this started. I did not know what I was doing. An innocent girl spying on websites, but now I'm a...
  29. J

    Confused about my sexual desires.

    Ok so I have been on NoFap for about a year now on and off. I am on a 17 day streak, my longest so far and I have no desire to fap again. I joined the gym today and have started eating healthier. However I have one issue, my addiction to porn is still in my head. I have a serious fetish with...
  30. H

    Helppp I new and need help

    I'll sum up my story . My older sibling introduced me to hentai when I was small. It was funny to see girls do those things . I didn't understand . Later I became addicted and understood. Then I left it . For many years I didnt even think about it. One day I remembered and I started watching , I...
  31. H

    Hello I new and I really need help.

    I'll sum up my story . My older sibling introduced me to hentai when I was small. It was funny to see girls do those things . I didn't understand . Later I became addicted and understood. Then I left it . For many years I didnt even think about it. One day I remembered and I started watching , I...
  32. ALEX_88

    my sweet collegue

    guys help me, I see my colleague (much older than me) as if she were the most beautiful woman in the world ... I'm alone with her all day, every time I see her, sexual impulses and fantasies come to me I wanted to know if anyone lived the same thing and how he solved it thank you all
  33. A

    A New Approach

    Hi. This will be the first confession I have ever made concerning my addiction of 5+ years. I have tried to quit many times before. Sometimes, I succeeded at escaping temptation for a while, but like a dog to its vomit, I would return. Now, my porn and masterbation addiction threatens all my...
  34. sweetnyc

    A girl in recovery, day one

    Hi! I guess now that I'm here it's time for me to admit to myself that I have an addiction. I've struggled with my sexual proclivities for a long time — it's very hard to be sex-positive and open-minded and be able to draw the line where kinky and fun becomes unacceptable and unhealthy. I've...
  35. GoldenChild

    I've been here before

    Hello! I've used this before but I did not fully succeed. I was able to stay away for a long time with the help of my friends from church but recently it became frequent again. I know I can refrain from it but I can't help but fall to PMO again. I want to be free from it 100%! Help. -_-
  36. One Strong Girl

    new, desperate and in need of freedom...

    hi everyone, I've been visiting the website on and off to look for ways to stop my addiction (porn+fapping) and I've like the fact that its active .. so Im here ! here is a little background of me : Im a college student , Im a muslim and thats mainly why Im here ,I want to stop forever and free...
  37. Q

    Okay, *deep breath* let's start.

    First of all, i want to say i really inspired by people rebooting long time. Cause masturbating is a thing that people keeps in a pesonal space and nobody can control them. If you go to gym or read more books for self-development , your changes will be seen by others, but benefits of reboot will...
  38. L

    Female porn addict?

    I don't know how many are on here. But the last couple of months I been recognizing that my thing with porn has become an addiction. But I question if addiction is different for everyone? I can't remember when my obsession with porn began. I know I was introduced to it young. Stumbling upon...
  39. Sever Sava

    Addict or Person Survey

    Please participate at my survey :)
  40. D

    PMO as a means of escape and how stopping becomes a challenge (Would appreciate any input)

    Hello! You can call me Captain. PMO has always been a mode of release for me. Whether I was sad, upset, happy or bored. (You get the gist of it) To cut things short, I have PIED. I've never been able to successfully have vaginal intercourse. have been the only thing that worked, and even...
  41. pricelesswish

    New and fighting the addiction

    Hi everyone! I'm 18 y/o f and I registered here about a week ago. I realized my porn addiction was getting the way of my life and interfering with too many of my goals, relationships, academics and even my hobbies. I discovered porn when I was 10, disgusted by it I never went back - till I...
  42. D

    Why did you start doing PMO? What made you stop?

    The reason why I'm doing no PMO is because I was addicted to porn and because I realized that orgasm kills my drive to get shit done. I noticed a huge difference after a week of no PMO and so I decided to quit. I want to know why girls/women are doing NoPMO because from what I understand, women...
  43. M

    New female fapstronaut

    Hello fellow fapstronauts! I don't know why this isn't more common among women. Wish I didn't have to feel so alone :( After all, I think women can have these problems just as well as men.. So, I'd like to share my story with you. I think I started watching porn when I was around 12 years old...
  44. MinaClavero

    This is why NoFap helped me and this is why I quitted it voluntarily.

    Hello Fapstronauts. Well, first of all, I may begin by saying a huge thank you to everyone for joining such a helpful site. I felt like I belonged here. So thank you. My name on this site is Mina Clavero, I'm 17 years old and I am a woman. On December 18th 2016 I decided it was enough and I...
  45. ClimberF

    Our affected brains can´t clearly differentiate a porn star and a really beautiful woman

    "I realized that our addicted brain cannot differentiate the difference between a porn star and a really beautiful woman" When we see a really hot woman we stay kind of paralyzed and we just have thoughts about having sex with her and see her completely as a sex object. Of course we can't speak...