
  1. Brocktime

    How to make 200 bucks a day on the side?

    Any good ways to make 200 bucks a day? Not a traditional job. On the side.
  2. Brocktime

    Seeking Advice - Focus at Work

    Hey all, any advice on how to focus at work? I’m not PMOing anymore but I’m just slacking off way more than I should. I know it’s going to come back to bite me later. Any advice? Thanks
  3. peintrerobben

    Quit drinking, smoking, porn, but I can't quit sex searching mode.

    Greetings. 36 yo male, for background refer to my post on the new section. Have fun! I have quit all of my other addictions, been 3 years sober now, but weekend comes and I dread not having girls to have sex with. I was in a monogamous relationship for the past 3 years, broke up in april, and...
  4. A

    It's Much Bigger Than You Think

    Our movement is bigger than you think, having a whole generation's sexuality altered is bigger than you think, self inflicted mass castration is bigger than you think, you will be fine, you will live but barely, you will strip yourself of every single beautiful thing that makes you a man, your...
  5. Sondae

    Alarming Weight Gain

    When quarantine came around, I started a weight loss journey that changed my life. I was able to lose 60 pounds through diet and low intensity exercise. I went from 230 pounds to 170 pounds from that March to August. I felt great. However, I have gained half of that weight back. Thirty pounds...
  6. ElevatingEagerly

    NoFap Flatline?

    I am on Day 7 of my current streak. For the first 3-4 days I felt super energetic and motivated. However, the last two days I've felt kinda lazy and although I want to be productive, I'm finding it difficult. I've heard about something called the NoFap flatline, where you apparently start to...
  7. silex_jedi

    can't focus at work? any advice

    hello... i'm having a hard time focusing at work... it's a boring programming job. i'm grateful that i have it but only when i go back home. it's pretty boring and uninteresting. could it be because i'm on withdrawal from porn/masturbation? it's not that it's not intellectually not challenging...
  8. jackcruiser800

    Need your help heros . heros are only heros if they help.

    Hi The place where I study , there is a boy who works in the reception. The owner has provided him a place to stay and 3-time meals only. He has no support from home and is struggling very much . Can you guys suggest some parttime work that he can do like work from home type? There is...
  9. onceaking

    Sharing porn with work colleagues

    So a recent report has found that some policemen in the UK have been sharing porn with their work colleagues in a WhatsApp group and that got me wondering what would people on here do if a work colleague shared porn with them. Would you tell them about the negative aspects of porn? Would you...
  10. I

    Day 7 - Heavy Emotions

    Hi, I have tried nofap hundreds of times and failed throughout the years. I recently turned 23 and haven’t relapsed since day before my birthday. This is day 7 for me and I feel very emotional. I recently had a conversation with my boss regarding my employment and I had the courage to say what...
  11. Reborn16

    Thoughts on leaving the 9-5 work lifestyle...

    So TL;DR I've just about had it with 9-5 jobs and want to write online instead. Keen to hear any thoughts or stories! I've recently quit a stressful 9-5 that didn't leave me much time or energy to live my life outside of work. The work/life balance was one thing, but being in a building...
  12. j0rdi3

    Want to beat PMO once and for all?

    I'll keep this nice and concise. I struggled with addiction for a long time. Notice that I used the word "struggled" in the past tense. That because I've beaten it, which is not to say that I will never be tempted again or that I'll never have the urge to do it again. It means that I'm at a...
  13. R


    Focus on work automatically my day ends with good night sleep.
  14. Batty Belfry

    Coworkers: To Date or Not to Date?

    There is a coworker I like who has become comfortable with me over the half of a year I have seen her. When she trained me for the first time, I saw that she would turn to stare at me, before quickly turning back to the tutorial on the computer. She started approaching me after I complimented...
  15. D

    This might not be what you are expecting to find.

    I just wanted to express this feeling somewhere. This is my first post in this page and i guess i will start by introducing myself. I'm just a normal 20yo guy who studies at univeristy, does some exercice and hang out time to time. Short introduction aside main subject comes which is... I...
  16. D

    journal of a CHAMP

    hey people, new member here. i’m following up on noFap cause I want to join a space with people who have the same issues like me. i’m in my 20’s now and i’ve been indulging in porn for about 8 years up until today in which i’ve decided to change my ways. i’m taking my first step in believing I...
  17. R

    My Horrible Slip Up [Spoiler]

    I had been going strong for 3+ weeks, felt great. Had Superb Confidence, seen a huge jump in energy, and i was finally getting out there and talking to some girls that i had liked. Untill today, woke up sore and with body aches. My whole body was down bad, so i decided to just stay home and...
  18. KaliYugaWarrior

    How to handle work stress? (especially for those having PAWS)

    I feel like quitting my job. Can't handle it right now. Financially I'm fine, can survive for many years ahead.
  19. StoicContemplation

    Pomodoro Technique

    Anyone familiar with the 'Pomodoro Technique'? It's a productivity/time management method where you break your time down into intervals of 25 minutes (i.e. 'pomodoro's'), separated by breaks of 5 minutes. During the interval of 25 minutes, you focus on one task or kind of work. This is the...
  20. T

    I'm new here and the reason I've decided to join.

    Finally thought I'd join this forum and see if I can improve my life without giving into the temptations of watching porn and jacking off. As lately it's been bringing me down and I've been feeling a great sense of shame as I keep giving into said temptations. There's been times where I've gone...
  21. N

    How do I stop rationalising PMO use?

    My most recent rationalisation was that I was 'just going to listen to some lofi hip hop beats'. I walked out mid-conversation when I was talking to my dad and I remember seeing how disgruntled he looked. He wanted me to speak to him. He was enjoying my company and all of a sudden I pulled it...
  22. D

    Working In The US, As A Foreigner

    So I'm from Nordic Europe and the wages are shit here compared to the US. I'm thinking about completing an engineering degree here where I live because it's free and after that moving to the US to do work. I have also considered about going to trade school here and becoming an electrician and...
  23. B

    Life Reality check

    Well, kind of strange that only now I post first time in this forum. I've been reading many stories about loneliness and I want to share mine with you. I have been doing smart work since February and I got back to my hometown to avoid paying rent in the city. I hate my work because it is so...
  24. deeroo

    A new big step in my life - TOTAL ABSTINENCE

    Hello! This is a thread dedicated to my new journey in my new sexual life, although I'm only 16 yo. I decided to start the total abstinence and keep my virginity until marriage. My motivation is religious&moral one(my religion is Christianity) . I know that is gonna be difficult one because I do...
  25. lhunt04

    How do you handle arguments?

    Hey guys. First time thread post - I wanted to ask those of you with partners have a particular rational to handling arguments with your partner so you don't feel so drained and frustrated that porn becomes the answer to make you feel better. I relapse around the holiday period as work continues...
  26. deeroo

    People interested in mathematics???

    Hi. I am one those people interested in math. I am highschool student but I really really enjoy math on a difficult level. Anyone sharing this passion too on this site???
  27. F

    Avoiding relapsing on social apps at work

    Hi all, Basically I am interning for someone and I have to run their instagram account. Since I can't post on a computer (I would've used their work computer), I have to use my phone. This has caused me a lot of temptation, edging, and even one relapse. I usually completely pin protect and...
  28. Merry Terry

    What’s your tips and tricks against stress/anxiety masturbating?

    So, here it goes... I’ve been unsuccesfully trying to stop watching porn for about 7 years now. I managed several times to withstain for about a month, actually this year already 3 times, previous years it was once or twice. Those months I always feel very calm and confident, happier than ever...
  29. Mufc777

    Working from home

    Ok so I work from home once a week , I do my work but this still gives me a full day at home with various ways of accessing porn and tbh I've fapped every time I've worked from home without fail, sometimes multiple times Anyone else have this issue ? And if so how do you deal with it ?
  30. D

    How to abstain from fapping while working on the computer ?

    Hey everyone, I am a 17 year old, currently in Summer vacation. I spend quite a lot of time riding my bicycle with friends, going to the gym or socializing, all of that self-improvement stuff, but I am also trying to work as much as possible on an app that I am developing. The problem I...
  31. FormerFapaholic

    Can stress trigger more wet dreams?

    Hey guys/gals, I have recently been under a lot of stress due to experiencing bullying and unfair treatment by two co-workers who have ganged up on me last week. Who overrode and undermined the team leader in charge at that time. With them unwilling and reluctant to support me when I needed it...
  32. Green Monstah

    Always Remember the Importance of Staying Humble

    Always Remember the Importance of Staying Humble. On a whole, I love the people I work with. I literally get along with everyone there. A while back, I did get chewed out by a manager… let’s just say, she has a style of his own… Actually this manager chews everyone out, but I digress... I am...
  33. K

    First day at work

    I've always been guilty of surfing porn in the bathroom at work or when on break. Today, i'm on day 3 and I feel ok with no porn. On my phone, I have games, sports, books and these forums which I consider a journal. I may consider looking over the course of the day but I just remember that...
  34. +TenPercent

    Is she sleeping with him??

    I probably won't know, and don't need to know, the answer to the title question - but my addict mind is imagining that my work crush is having sex with one of the guys at work, either as I am writing this or that she will be tonight . . . at work! :eek: I could use some advice, encouragement or...
  35. D

    Working for an unethical company

    I'm looking for work and came across an advertisement that got my interest. It's a job I can do, have experience in and the pay is better than most companies in that industry. The problem is I consider the company to be one of the most unethical companies around. There are countless stories of...
  36. Awakened & Aware

    38+ days success story

    Hare Krushna! Firstly, a big thanks to the NoFap community (founders, moderators who help run the show, friends and well wishers who helped me, and EVERYONE who is here - because every additional person trying to improve himself/herself - adds to my own motivation and inspiration a little bit)...
  37. D

    The Future of Work

    Yesterday Andy Haldane warned that AI is threatening many jobs saying that 'simple manual jobs would be more at risk'. And that 'jobs that focused on skills of human interaction, face-to-face conversation and negotiation would be likely to flourish'. What do you think? What industries are under...
  38. D

    Unconscious erections

    Hello guys, So I am trying to improve myself everyday as far as i can. But when i watch a video (on YouTube) talking about girls, how to approach, talk etc... and when i see theses interactions with the girl on their video, i got an erection unconsciously and i don't feel to fap or have sex...
  39. H

    Are You Managing Your Money?

    I'm amazing that out of all the threads in this subforum, there isn't a single one about managing personal finances. Recently, I started putting together spreadsheets where I record my income and expenses. I can say for certain that a lack of financial integrity added extra stress to my life...
  40. J

    What The Fuck is Wrong With Me?....

    Hey all. I'm new to this site, but definitely not new to the act of masturbation. I can't put it into words, but I no doubt have a problem, and have no idea how to fix it. Sure, the "easy option," would be to just STOP, but it's obviously not as easy as that. I'm addicted to camgirls, and...
  41. taurean-rebirth

    28 Day February 2018 Challenge

    Hi all., Anybody here who have a clean February join me. I, however, relapsed on February 2nd itself. But I am still sticking to the challenge for the rest of the month. I seek help from the NoFap community to finish this as I am sure it is very difficult just by myself. SO anybody who wants...
  42. Kman20

    Where to work when I have social anxiety ??

    Im in a position where I really REALLY need to be working. My anxiety used to be so bad that I had panic attacks at work, I fee years ago I worked at a dunkin donuts and the costumer service ruined me, I was fired after just the first month. I was heavy on PMO back then so it was really no...
  43. officerD

    Child (and adult) pornography at work as a police officer

    Hello! I registered just to write this message, because despite adopting the nofap philosophy, I do not usually use forums, social media, etc.. Mainly due to my religion-based morality, I have been trying not to practice masturbation. I've never been "addicted" to pornography. I saw it a few...
  44. D

    Working Nights

    Yesterday I got an email saying I'll working nights (Monday to Friday 22:00 - 06:00) for most of next month. Can anyone give me any advice. I've never worked nights before.
  45. gottagetback

    How to handle school work? Any stress-relieving hobbies?

    I've figured out that doing any kind of work is absolutely painful for me and I have always sought escape from the pain with pmo or the internet. I didn't learn the value of work as a child. The period before doing work is a trigger, doing work is a trigger, so it's difficult to upkeep a streak...
  46. D

    Would You Date a Work Colleague?

    Just curious. Would you date a work colleague if you liked them? I've worked with couples and it's not a pretty sight when they have a fight in the workplace. On the other had I've work with other couples who leave their fights out of the workplace.
  47. D

    Going Out for Drinks

    So I got a call from an agency about work and because it's the end of the cruise season they've invited me to go out for drinks after. It's a bit weird since I've yet to work for them yet, but they've still invited me. I'm a teetotaller but I guess I could go if there's non-alcoholic drinks...
  48. D

    Employees Reviews of Employers

    Does anyone read reviews by employees and former employees on sites like Indeed and Glassdoor? If so would a bad review put you off apply for a job with a company? I should get some work with an agency but I just looked up them on Google and noticed a really bad review for them by a former...
  49. Darin

    Constantly relapsing at work (possible triggers!)

    Hi y'all! I'm trying to last at least a week on NoFap, but since I started working there are two issues that prevent me from lasting longer than 3-4 days: 1. For no reason I often get a hard on while taking a dump in the stall at work. I find myself having to distract myself with images of ugly...
  50. D

    Having a Contract With Your Wife

    I came across this article and thought I'd share it here. It might be beneficial for anyone who is in a relationship and has a family. The article is about a man who signed a family contract with his wife so he wouldn't neglect his family. Here's opening part of the article: “Congratulations...
  51. D

    Swim to Work

    Would you?
  52. D

    Necessity is the mother of invention

    Hi all, To keep it short and sweet, I'm Alex, 23, started watching porn when I was about 14 and because of it I've never had sex and I've realised I'm never going to be happy or succesful with continued porn use. I've struggled with depression since I was young, always had very low self-esteem...
  53. C

    Let's do this!

    Hello, everyone! To give you a brief introduction about myself: I PMO'ed almost everyday since I am 14 years old (now 20), I am right in the middle of my Abitur (which are the german highschool finals) and plan to go to University in October. The reason I want to stop PMO is because I feel it...
  54. D

    So, what is your job?

    All kinds of people around here, of all kinds of ages. What do you do for a living? If a student , what do you study? Im personally working my way in 3D graphics! What about you?
  55. IAMlookingforCHANGE

    Confidence boost at work

    Today was really awesome at work. I had easier conversations with my colleagues, I was eager to ask how they were doing, how their day was, etc. My confidence felt really great, I also worked really hard today to, proud of myself. For those wondering, I am a 18 year old male, this is my...
  56. king_arthur

    PMO has hindered my life!

    Hello all, my name is Arthur and I´m 25 yrs old male from Brazil, the reason that made me create this account is to "accept" my porn addiction and by doing so taking the first step towards reaching my life goals. The following is a timeline of problems which were caused by PMO It all started...