youtube video

  1. skybrowser

    Live life to the fullest

    I clicked the panic button on this site and got sent this link of a youtuber I hadn't heard of despite having millions of followers and man this was pretty inspirational.
  2. skybrowser

    The Flash NoFap Motivational Video

    With the free time that I've had a made a video.
  3. M

    TedX Talk: Sex, Porn & Manhood (Waren Binford)

    Hi Everyone, I saw this talk a few weeks ago. I'd love to hear what people think. Here's the link. McCormick
  4. emadrz

    what the sexual world is this

    its so pitty until i joined here i recognazed that the sex and sexual things are surrounding the world the sexual is on youtube fun videos , music videos and still its on video games ! its incredible but i hope get the power that just enjoy that ... o_O tanks god
  5. Souhail

    Somebody Toucha my spaghet !

    Hey guys I believe we all heard about this famous somebody toucha my spaghett so as i'm rebooting and have a lot of free time now I did a remix and parody about it It's called McDonalds i hope you like it
  6. thinkinglavender

    A Nice Big Thread of Wonderful Music?

    Since this seems to be a pretty obscure forum, and i'm in quite a musical mood, I figured I'd make some music recommendations from what is on my playlist at the moment - and hopefully solicit some suggestions in return. I like to listen to everything, so i'll be adding quite random things - a...
  7. green lion eating the sun

    How to earn money from youtube?

    every asshole is earning money by putting ads on their youtube videos and i would like to do the same. some people nowadays posting a lot of dumb videos and earning money with no skills at all I love attending concerts and i have been been in the last years to amazing live performances. I...
  8. C

    Never doing it again!

    Hello guys! I've been doing NoFap for 36 days now and it's going great! I've broken my record which was 35 days! I felt really bad when i relapsed after those 35 days...but, i started over again and now i'm on 36 days! My confidence is going up! i am not fully confident in myself yet but, i am...