How do I feel?
Well, as its been 100 days and the rewiring process also proceed gradually, soo.. I don't remember how low I used to feel at day 0. Your current energy becomes your new normal. But I do know that the energy is definately higher because once when I relapsed at day 39 only then I realised that the energy was higher at day 39. Also I was able to do workouts more easily and willingly and around day 60 I was not able to sit at one place for long time, I was craving to do something. But sadly, studying was the only thing that I was allowed to do at that time.
Do you get intense urges?
From day 45 to 91, I almost got very weak urges and that too a few times, maybe because I became too strict at that time and didn't watched any P-Subs. But at day 92 I watched it and then began the torture of urges. I resisted to not watch it but I again did after four days. Now I have decided to again become serious after 100th day.
Do you feel some benefits?
Yes benefits like, clear and glowing skin, more strength, require less sleep for physical work ( for mental work I still have to sleep for 7 hours), more confidence, more patient, more calm and less angry, shining hair, no pimples, better memory,etc. And due to lockdown I can't find out if I have other benefits like less social anxiety, etc.