1/29/21 Beginning


New Fapstronaut
Hello all, just letting you know that I've started NoFap, and am wanting to make life even better. I feel great now, I've got the first day down, I'll fight urges, and try my best to stick to it! I stopped watching porn on 9/5/20 to around 11/28/20 I believe. However, since the beginning of 2021, I've not watched porn at all. Thankfully for me it didn't turn into an addiction, it was just something that I realized wasn't good for me, and wanted to stop. Thinking back now, I am very happy that I stopped watching, it really disgusts me now thinking about it, which is good, it keeps me going. Now I am beginning my journey of NoFap at 17 years old! I feel great, I am looking forward to improving aspects of my life, and working on my self control.
I hope you enjoyed reading! Stay strong! I'll try and update from time to time, have a great day everyone!
Hello, welcome to NoFap!

I really admire your outlook. If I had jumped on this four years ago at age seventeen, maybe it wouldn't be quite so tough on me now. Keep up the good fight! One great way to detail your progress and keep everything neatly organized is by writing a journal! Let us know if you decide to make one.
Hello, welcome to NoFap!

I really admire your outlook. If I had jumped on this four years ago at age seventeen, maybe it wouldn't be quite so tough on me now. Keep up the good fight! One great way to detail your progress and keep everything neatly organized is by writing a journal! Let us know if you decide to make one.
Hey thank you for your advice! I'm still going strong, no bad urges yet. A journal is a great idea though, I never thought about that. Stay strong, and have a great day! :D