1 month without sissy hypno


Hey everyone, I'd like to share my story about dealing with sissy hypno for 2 years.
From my late childhood, I've seen porn in a lot of categories. I scalated from vanilla porn to gay porn 3 years ago. At that moment, I began questionating and my sexual orientation and self-convincing I was gay. A year later, I touched the very bottom as I began watching sissy hypno every day. I started questioning my gender too. I was very "convinced" about my sexual orientation (downloaded grindr, etc) which now after a month without any porn I am more clear about it.
Although now, I can't feel any sexual attraction. I don't feel that I want to stay with someone else. I am very worried about because I think I prefer this due to my porn addiction. Could I feel romantic and sexual attraction? I went in love with a girl when I was 9-10 and I didn't pay attention due to that porn addiction.
Thanks for reading
Thanks Synaptic, now I understand much more things.
I got some worries, because of quarantine and those things. I don't know when or if my libido es gonna come back. Due to COVID, I can't meet new people and I am really worried because I don't know if this is permanent or It's just a phase.