10 years of not losing sexual energy during intercourse nor masturbation using Gnostic Techniques


Dear people,

Short introduction: I abstained from masturbation, porn and the orgasm 10 years ago with the help of the teachings of Samael Aun Weor who teaches how sexual energy can be used for spiritual purposes.

Just want to share my findings and understanding on the concept of not losing your sexual energy on the grounds of my own experience; mainly in the view of mental and physical health in general. I hope someone finds it of benefit.

First of all, if you don’t lose your sexual energy; it just gathers up. This can cause quite some frustrations and perversions; just look at all the scandals of priests or monks in various churches or monasteries where abstinence is a rule. In the end, something needs to be done with this very powerful, life creating energy; it needs to be “transmuted”.

Samael Aun Weor teaches that transmutation can be done through breathing, mantric and visualization exercises. However, for those who feel less comfortable with such exercises, he says that transmutation is also done through making longs walks in nature breathing fresh air, doing healthy sports such as swimming or rowing, appreciating and making fine art, playing a musical instrument, etc. These are all healthy creative outlets as well. Heck, even cooking works. As long as your making or doing something healthy. But if you sit behind your computer all day… yeah, I imagine the urge might be greater.

For those who do have a knack for meditative/yogic exercises, a powerful transmutation exercise is the following : Sit comfortably, close your eyes, flex your PC muscle, begin breathing in deeply and slowly, vocalise mentally the sound HAM (HHHAAAAAMMMMM), imagine sexual energy in the form of light going up from your creative organs through your spine to your brains, and breathe out quickly and powerfully while saying SAHHH as a sigh (no vocal chords used), releasing the PC muscle. Repeat.

In this way you send your sexual energy to your consciousness (if done with full attention). This is a marvelous way to gather your willpower; doing something fruitful with your sexual energy.

I can also testify the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of not losing your sexual energy in actual sexual intercourse. To learn this, all one needs is a patient and comprehensive spouse… Samael Aun Weor stresses the spiritual and moral importance of faithfulness.

If you don’t lose your energy during intercourse and you remain faithful, you’re on your way to practicing White Tantra.

All in all, it’s lust that makes us beastly. Lust is a very powerful autonomous force. Getting a little buddhist now; all suffering is based on desire. We want things; we don’t get it; we suffer. Or we do get what we want (let’s say recognition); we enjoy it for some seconds and then it’s over; or worse; then we are afraid of losing it… Since everything is impermanent; we will never keep what we want.

Actually, this is not only buddhist but universal. The seven sins mentioned in Christianity are all based on desire: lust (sexual desire), gluttony (desire for food and drink), pride (desire for recognition), greed (desire for money), sloth (desire for comfort), envy (desire and frustration for the succes of others) and anger (the frustration of desire not getting what it wants).

Samael Aun Weor teaches that these autonomous forces that can completely take us over are called ego’s. We have various ego’s (based on different desires) and through comprehension of these animal psychic forces it’s possible to eliminate them directing the creative/destructive power of sex towards them. Then instead of the weakness of lust, we will have the power of chastity, instead of gluttony/temperance, pride/humility, greed/altruism, sloth/diligence, envy/happiness for others and instead of anger… peace.

In the Gnosis of Samael Aun Weor, he stresses the importance of sexual energy in this transformative process because finally sex is the creative force of the universe. Without sex there is no life.

Sex is the neutralization (=) of two opposing forces: masculine (+) and feminine (-). When you combine these two; you create life, atoms (protons, electrons and neutrons), electricity (positive pole and negative pole connected through a ‘neutralizing’ wire), etc.

As I said, I found these teachings 10 years ago and they helped me a lot on all levels. Let me know if I can be of help; clarifying some of these concepts if needed.
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@pcmaster : First of all, my thinking got less cloudy or vague. I feel not only more mental strength and clarity but also more moral strength. In that way I became more optimistic about life and on both professional and social level this has gotten me into better relationships. So you could say I feel more self-confident (which wasn't the case before). When I was a teenager I always felt terrible after the orgasm; disgusted, shameful and weak. St. Augustine, an early Christian writer, says that we feel like this because the sexual organs are the part of our body we don't have control over (he says we lost it when we ate the forbidden fruit -the orgasm-). If we re-learn to control this part it brings back virility and control; not only over our bodies but over our mind and life situation as well. In any case, personally, I would never want go back to consciously losing the sexual energy. This having said, I still suffer from nocturnal pollutions once in a while. That's because the ego of lust... is still there on some subconscious level. So in dreams sexual situations arise to which I get attracted. Sometimes I can hold the sexual energy back, breathing deeply inward, stressing the PC muscle and doing the HAM-SAH exercise. It helps a lot, but it doesn't work always (you need to be quick). In the beginning, after a 'wet dream' I would be very frustrated and feel terrible... A lot of this might actually be a little psychosomatic because since I've accepted the fact I still don't have sexual control throughout ALL the subconscious levels, I feel less bothered. But still, when I do lose the sexual energy through a dream, I feel weaker physically and mentally for the rest of the day, than on other days.

All in all, I really have felt the positive benefit of keeping the seed. The Taoists used to call the semen and the retention of it: the Elixir of Long Life. It's a well known fact that Taoists also practice semen retention for health and spiritual benefit. I can only acknowledge this is true... Only 5 % of semen is actual sperm. The rest are vitamins, hormones, minerals and proteins. It's like a very powerful multivitamin!

@joarev85 : Like I said, a patient spouse helps... Because in the beginning you can't handle more then a couple of minutes before losing control over your body and ejaculating. That's why short, daily sexual contact is recommended in the beginning (1 to 5 minutes). After a while you can prolong this (15 - 30 min) until you have regained total control over your body (that also means as many hours of intercourse as is healthy and needed; it's not good to have intercourse more then once a day or more then your body can handle; otherwise you deplete your nerves). This can be achieved in about 3 months to a year. Afterwards it's more about psychological control, because lust keeps on pushing you wanting more sensations. Of course, it goes without saying, that the actual intercourse is much... softer then what is considered 'normal' nowadays. But as you probably know, sometimes porn looks more like a horror movie than 'making love', so which of the two is really normal ;)
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@pcmaster : First of all, my thinking got less cloudy or vague. I feel not only more mental strength and clarity but also more moral strength. In that way I became more optimistic about life and on both professional and social level this has gotten me into better relationships. So you could say I feel more self-confident (which wasn't the case before). When I was a teenager I always felt terrible after the orgasm; disgusted, shameful and weak. St. Augustine, an early Christian writer, says that we feel like this because the sexual organs are the part of our body we don't have control over (he says we lost it when we ate the forbidden fruit (the orgasm). If we re-learn to control this part it brings back virility and control; not only over our bodies but over our mind and life situation as well. In any case, personally, I would never go back to consciously losing the sexual energy. This having said, I still suffer from nocturnal pollutions once in a while. That's because the ego of lust... is still there in some subconscious level. So in dreams sexual situations arise to which I get attracted. Sometimes I can hold the sexual energy back, breathing deeply inward, stressing the PC muscle and doing the HAM-SAH exercise. It helps a lot, but it doesn't work always (you need to be fast). In the beginning, after a 'wet dream' I would be very frustrated and feel terrible... A lot of this might actually be a little psychosomatic because since I've accepted the fact I still don't have sexual control in ALL subconscious levels I feel less bothered, but still, the day (or actually night) I lose the sexual energy through a dream, I feel weaker physically and mentally for the rest of the day, then on other days.

All in all, I really have felt the positive benefit of keeping the seed. The Taoists used to call the semen and the retention of it: the Elixir of Long Life. It's a well known fact that Taoists also practice semen retention for health and spiritual benefit. I can only acknowledge this is true... Only 5 % of semen is actual sperm. The rest are vitamins, hormones, minerals and proteins. It's like a very powerful multivitamin!

@joarev85 : Like I said, a patient spouse helps... Because in the beginning you can't handle more then a couple of minutes before losing control over your body and ejaculating. That's why short, daily sexual contact is recommended in the beginning (1 to 5 minutes). After a while you can prolong this (15 - 30) until you have regained total control over your body (that also means as many hours of intercourse as is healthy and needed; it's not good to have intercourse more then once a day or more then your body can handle; otherwise you deplete your nerves). This can be done in about 3 months to a year. Afterwards it's more about psychological control, because lust keeps on pushing you wanting more sensations. Of course, it's without saying, that the actual intercourse is much... softer then what is considered 'normal' nowadays. But as you probably know, sometimes porn looks more like a horror movie than 'making love', so which of the two is really normal ;)
Thanks I am not in a relationship. Just curious. Have never been. Maybe will never be...:(
Well, when I started transmuting and resolved to not lose the seed under any circumstances, I was single for 4 years before I found a partner. But I do believe that porn and masturbation doesn't help you find one. So if you're trying not to fall back into porn and masturbation, and I assume you are, you're on the right track :)
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Dear people,

Short introduction: I abstained from masturbation, porn and the orgasm 10 years ago with the help of the teachings of Samael Aun Weor who teaches how sexual energy can be used for spiritual purposes.

Just want to share my findings and understanding on the concept of not losing your sexual energy on the grounds of my own experience; mainly in the view of mental and physical health in general. I hope someone finds it of benefit.

First of all, if you don’t lose your sexual energy; it just gathers up. This can cause quite some frustrations and perversions; just look at all the scandals of priests or monks in various churches or monasteries where abstinence is a rule. In the end, something needs to be done with this very powerful, life creating energy; it needs to be “transmuted”.

Samael Aun Weor teaches that transmutation can be done through breathing, mantric and visualization exercises. However, for those who feel less comfortable with such exercises, he says that transmutation is also done through making longs walks in nature breathing fresh air, doing healthy sports such as swimming or rowing, appreciating and making fine art, playing a musical instrument, etc. These are all healthy creative outlets as well. Heck, even cooking works. As long as your making or doing something healthy. But if you sit behind your computer all day… yeah, I imagine the urge might be greater.

For those who do have a knack for meditative/yogic exercises, a powerful transmutation exercise is the following : Sit comfortably, close your eyes, flex your PC muscle, begin breathing in deeply and slowly, vocalise mentally the sound HAM (HHHAAAAAMMMMM), imagine sexual energy in the form of light going up from your creative organs through your spine to your brains, and breathe out quickly and powerfully while saying SAHHH as a sigh (no vocal chords used), releasing the PC muscle. Repeat.

In this way you send your sexual energy to your consciousness (if done with full attention). This is a marvelous way to gather your willpower; doing something fruitful with your sexual energy.

I can also testify the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of not losing your sexual energy in actual sexual intercourse. To learn this, all one needs is a patient and comprehensive spouse… Samael Aun Weor stresses the spiritual and moral importance of faithfulness.

If you don’t lose your energy during intercourse and you remain faithful, you’re on your way to practicing White Tantra.

All in all, it’s lust that makes us beastly. Lust is a very powerful autonomous force. Getting a little buddhist now; all suffering is based on desire. We want things; we don’t get it; we suffer. Or we do get what we want (let’s say recognition); we enjoy it for some seconds and then it’s over; or worse; then we are afraid of losing it… Since everything is impermanent; we will never keep what we want.

Actually, this is not only buddhist but universal. The seven sins mentioned in Christianity are all based on desire: lust (sexual desire), gluttony (desire for food and drink), pride (desire for recognition), greed (desire for money), sloth (desire for comfort), envy (desire and frustration for the succes of others) and anger (the frustration of desire not getting what it wants).

Samael Aun Weor teaches that these autonomous forces that can completely take us over are called ego’s. We have various ego’s (based on different desires) and through comprehension of these animal psychic forces it’s possible to eliminate them directing the creative/destructive power of sex towards them. Then instead of the weakness of lust, we will have the power of chastity, instead of gluttony/temperance, pride/humility, greed/altruism, sloth/diligence, envy/happiness for others and instead of anger… peace.

In the Gnosis of Samael Aun Weor, he stresses the importance of sexual energy in this transformative process because finally sex is the creative force of the universe. Without sex there is no life.

Sex is the neutralization (=) of two opposing forces: masculine (+) and feminine (-). When you combine these two; you create life, atoms (protons, electrons and neutrons), electricity (positive pole and negative pole connected through a ‘neutralizing’ wire), etc.

As I said, I found these teachings 10 years ago and they helped me a lot on all levels. Let me know if I can be of help; clarifying some of these concepts if needed.
Lovely .
Dear @Abraxas,

how often per day have you been doing the ham-sah exercise in the beginning, how often do you do it these days?

Kind Regards
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@Dubidubidapdap12 : A good way to control the sexual energy is by breathing. Your breath is the key to controlling your 'autonomous' nervous system. We have a Motor Centre; all the parts of the body we can consciously control. Then we have the Instinctive/Sexual Centre; these are mainly parts of the body we can (not yet) consciously control. For example, the peristaltic movements of the guts, we can't consciously control them... or the heartbeat (that's a good thing ;)). But the breath is part of both the Motoric and the Instinctive Centre. When we don't think about it, it keeps going. But when we focus our attention on the breath, we can make it slower and deeper. That's why there is such a focus on breathing exercises in Meditation and Yoga. Through the breath we can calm the mind and the sexual centre (both related to the subconscious, autonomous forces of man). So for actual control in intercourse, when you get too excited... breathe deeply and slowly. No wonder the Ham-Sah exercise is a breathing exercise.


And no wonder that the main energetic channels of sexual energies are on one side connected to the left and right testicles/ovaries and on the on the other side the left and right nostrils.

@DSBP: For bachelors, it's absolutely advised to transmute daily. You can do 25 rounds in the morning, 25 in the midday and 25 in the evening. For those who practice Tantra, it's less necessary but still a good thing to do.

There are easier forms of Pranayama: take your right hand, place your index under the left nostril, breathe in through the right counting to 7, place your thumb under the right nostril, hold the breath counting to 7, open the left nostril (take away your index), breathe out counting to 7. Now do the same but vice versa. That's one round of simple pranayama. 'Prana' means life-force, 'Yama' means control. Controlling life-force!

Sexual energy is also called 'chi' of 'ki', like in Tai Chi or Ai-Ki-Do. That's why most serious martial artists know these secrets. The power of Bruce Lee? He kept his seed (true story), so did his Masters.
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a quick question. how often to you have wet dreams and, when you do, is there the same sexual tension, or is it like re-starting.
Dear Abraxas!

Thanks for the posts; very interesting! I came in contact with the teachings of Samael Aun Weor in 2006 I think. In 2014 I took part in a retreat in France that was organized by the people who manage the website gnosticteachings.com. I really enjoyed reading the books and the lectures of Samael Aun Weor and his followers. But even if I really appreciate what they are teaching – especially the retention of the semen to attend higher spiritual goals – I didn’t ever get there to live this way. I think I was not ready yet, probably I was too weak.

I have one question to you as well. During the last weeks and months I tried to learn the ability to travel in the astral body or at least to have lucid dreams. I was very lucky to have some small experiences. But at the end a lack of energies, mainly because of my PMO habit, didn’t let me go further. It became clear for me that without giving up my PMO habit I would never be able to gain enough energies to build up the higher bodies and to travel in the higher planes consciously. That great wish that I have since so many years is a big motivation for me to stop PMO.

But I’m still unsure. I still have doubts that this way is suitable for everyone. Even if I would like to believe these teachings of the retention of the semen, my own experiences are partly different. Many people say that having sex and especially having orgasms as well can be a big source of energy, while retention can mean suppression and cause severe other problems. So I would like to know…after ten years without any orgasms and with regular tantric practice, is your energy level in general so high that you can travel with your astral body at will, what is obligatory according to the master Samael? Your answer really would mean a lot to me.
@Dake1963 : It depends. Sometimes it's because of low, subconscious elements of lust. But sometimes it's also because I strained my nerves because of physical activity so my body is very tired. Then during sleep, muscles twitch and you sometimes lose the sexual energy because of an involuntary movement. But there's a huge difference between consciously looking for the orgasm while being awake and losing the sexual energy during sleep; whatever the reason may be. It's like... the difference between the actions of a 'normal' person and somebody under hypnosis. It doesn't have the same moral consequences. I don't know what you mean with sexual tension or restarting. But after a day goes by I feel OK again. That doesn't mean that it's OK to lose the sexual energy (even if it's during sleep). The final goal remains becoming 'hermetically sealed'. But it's a long way to conquer the subconscious... And achieving full conscious self-control is the first step.

@Sans_Fear : My favorites are 'The Revolution of the Dialectic', 'Revolutionary Psychology', 'The Great Rebellion' and 'Fundamental Education'. But he (Samael Aun Weor) touches the sexual aspect very little in those books. On that subject in particular I would recommend 'The Perfect Matrimony', 'The Mystery of the Golden Blossom' and 'Parsifal Unveiled'.

@onmyway : Certainly, the practice of White Tantra has helped. I haven't experienced what you say about repressions and the like. But being conscious when dreaming is more of a psychological question then a sexual one. I see sex as the motor. The psychological part is the steering... So without the motor, you don't get anywhere... But without the steering, you don't come very far until you hit a tree!!! :D

What I want to say is : becoming conscious when dreaming has to do with the Awakening of the Consciousness. Sexual transmutation is a must ; but it's not the complete picture. Psychological work is just as important... Then there is the accumulation of merits, but this all is going a little off-topic ;)

PM me if you want more off-topic info on Gnosis.
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Just an open question to the guys who have contributed. I am very much enjoying being totally celibate (no PMO) for a whole heap of reasons, but I am naturally a very skeptical person when it comes to religious / mystical explanations.

For example, I am reluctant to accept explanations about extra powers which come from re-absorbing sperm. My immediate thinking is that if there was something special about that, then every man who has had a vasectomy would be in a special position, because they re-absorb 100% of their sperm.

Anyways, my question is whether you have come across any more secular / psychological explanations or discussions about celibacy. I know this is not really your thing, but given the time you have devoted to this issue I am sure you must have come across some stuff.

many thanks and I really appreciate anything you can say in reply.
Sure, for more secular/scientific views on the power of retaining the seed, check https://www.reuniting.info/science

Besides articles, they recommend some books with scientific explanations on why semen retention/no orgasm makes you feel better and why it even 'heals' relationships.

I remember reading on that site that they did a study with rats and the link between orgasm and adultery. As soon as the male rat orgasms with a female rat, he goes looking for another female rat. So there is a trigger in the brain: 'This one has been impregnated, next'. According to the study our brain would respond the same way to the orgasm... o_O

In contrast, Samael Aun Weor says that a couple who practices sex with no orgasm 'remain in love as if they just have met each other' for the rest of their life. There are a lot of secular practitioners of Karezza (another word for sex without orgasm) who testify this on the aforementioned website.

I believe this is mainly because the infatuation we feel when we 'fall in love' is sexual attraction. Normally, it doesn't really have any 'direct' link with love.

That being said, Love is a great force. Sex is a great force. If you combine the two... very great force. :D

PD: According to what I've studied, celibacy without doing something with your sexual energy can be harmful (especially if one has strong urges). Sexual energy needs to be directed, put in use, transmuted in some way, like I said in my first post. Otherwise it builds up and comes out in explosive perverted manners. Just look at the scandals of celibate monks and priests. It's sad they've worked out this knowledge, which was originally a cornerstone subject in most religions. To differentiate, we normally talk about chastity as opposed to celibacy when referring to the healthy way of retaining the seed...

PD2: BTW, that is also an answer to your argument of men who have had vasectomy. Yes, they reabsorb their sperm but they don't make any other use of it (so it breaks down in various components and enters the bloodstream - you might then speak of some physical benefit). To gain access to the spiritual benefits of sex, one needs to transmute it so as to sublimate it alchemically into a subtle, spiritual force. Some of the techniques to achieve this I've shared here... Unfortunately, people who have altered their 'laboratorium' (with vasectomy) can't take advantage of this.
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The goal on this website is to assert control to heal a sick situation. Sperm retention, male multiple orgasm is further down the road of self mastery, but it is a side road with great sceneries. I think it is a great exploit to get near endless pleasure from the body; hence greater addictive power and danger.
<a href="https://www.thundersplace.org/mens-sexual-health/dick-control-a-primer.html"> More on dick control here" </a> <a href="https://www.thundersplace.org/penis-enlargement/ballooning-for-beginners.html"> And here</a>