Dear people,
Short introduction: I abstained from masturbation, porn and the orgasm 10 years ago with the help of the teachings of Samael Aun Weor who teaches how sexual energy can be used for spiritual purposes.
Just want to share my findings and understanding on the concept of not losing your sexual energy on the grounds of my own experience; mainly in the view of mental and physical health in general. I hope someone finds it of benefit.
First of all, if you don’t lose your sexual energy; it just gathers up. This can cause quite some frustrations and perversions; just look at all the scandals of priests or monks in various churches or monasteries where abstinence is a rule. In the end, something needs to be done with this very powerful, life creating energy; it needs to be “transmuted”.
Samael Aun Weor teaches that transmutation can be done through breathing, mantric and visualization exercises. However, for those who feel less comfortable with such exercises, he says that transmutation is also done through making longs walks in nature breathing fresh air, doing healthy sports such as swimming or rowing, appreciating and making fine art, playing a musical instrument, etc. These are all healthy creative outlets as well. Heck, even cooking works. As long as your making or doing something healthy. But if you sit behind your computer all day… yeah, I imagine the urge might be greater.
For those who do have a knack for meditative/yogic exercises, a powerful transmutation exercise is the following : Sit comfortably, close your eyes, flex your PC muscle, begin breathing in deeply and slowly, vocalise mentally the sound HAM (HHHAAAAAMMMMM), imagine sexual energy in the form of light going up from your creative organs through your spine to your brains, and breathe out quickly and powerfully while saying SAHHH as a sigh (no vocal chords used), releasing the PC muscle. Repeat.
In this way you send your sexual energy to your consciousness (if done with full attention). This is a marvelous way to gather your willpower; doing something fruitful with your sexual energy.
I can also testify the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of not losing your sexual energy in actual sexual intercourse. To learn this, all one needs is a patient and comprehensive spouse… Samael Aun Weor stresses the spiritual and moral importance of faithfulness.
If you don’t lose your energy during intercourse and you remain faithful, you’re on your way to practicing White Tantra.
All in all, it’s lust that makes us beastly. Lust is a very powerful autonomous force. Getting a little buddhist now; all suffering is based on desire. We want things; we don’t get it; we suffer. Or we do get what we want (let’s say recognition); we enjoy it for some seconds and then it’s over; or worse; then we are afraid of losing it… Since everything is impermanent; we will never keep what we want.
Actually, this is not only buddhist but universal. The seven sins mentioned in Christianity are all based on desire: lust (sexual desire), gluttony (desire for food and drink), pride (desire for recognition), greed (desire for money), sloth (desire for comfort), envy (desire and frustration for the succes of others) and anger (the frustration of desire not getting what it wants).
Samael Aun Weor teaches that these autonomous forces that can completely take us over are called ego’s. We have various ego’s (based on different desires) and through comprehension of these animal psychic forces it’s possible to eliminate them directing the creative/destructive power of sex towards them. Then instead of the weakness of lust, we will have the power of chastity, instead of gluttony/temperance, pride/humility, greed/altruism, sloth/diligence, envy/happiness for others and instead of anger… peace.
In the Gnosis of Samael Aun Weor, he stresses the importance of sexual energy in this transformative process because finally sex is the creative force of the universe. Without sex there is no life.
Sex is the neutralization (=) of two opposing forces: masculine (+) and feminine (-). When you combine these two; you create life, atoms (protons, electrons and neutrons), electricity (positive pole and negative pole connected through a ‘neutralizing’ wire), etc.
As I said, I found these teachings 10 years ago and they helped me a lot on all levels. Let me know if I can be of help; clarifying some of these concepts if needed.
Short introduction: I abstained from masturbation, porn and the orgasm 10 years ago with the help of the teachings of Samael Aun Weor who teaches how sexual energy can be used for spiritual purposes.
Just want to share my findings and understanding on the concept of not losing your sexual energy on the grounds of my own experience; mainly in the view of mental and physical health in general. I hope someone finds it of benefit.
First of all, if you don’t lose your sexual energy; it just gathers up. This can cause quite some frustrations and perversions; just look at all the scandals of priests or monks in various churches or monasteries where abstinence is a rule. In the end, something needs to be done with this very powerful, life creating energy; it needs to be “transmuted”.
Samael Aun Weor teaches that transmutation can be done through breathing, mantric and visualization exercises. However, for those who feel less comfortable with such exercises, he says that transmutation is also done through making longs walks in nature breathing fresh air, doing healthy sports such as swimming or rowing, appreciating and making fine art, playing a musical instrument, etc. These are all healthy creative outlets as well. Heck, even cooking works. As long as your making or doing something healthy. But if you sit behind your computer all day… yeah, I imagine the urge might be greater.
For those who do have a knack for meditative/yogic exercises, a powerful transmutation exercise is the following : Sit comfortably, close your eyes, flex your PC muscle, begin breathing in deeply and slowly, vocalise mentally the sound HAM (HHHAAAAAMMMMM), imagine sexual energy in the form of light going up from your creative organs through your spine to your brains, and breathe out quickly and powerfully while saying SAHHH as a sigh (no vocal chords used), releasing the PC muscle. Repeat.
In this way you send your sexual energy to your consciousness (if done with full attention). This is a marvelous way to gather your willpower; doing something fruitful with your sexual energy.
I can also testify the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of not losing your sexual energy in actual sexual intercourse. To learn this, all one needs is a patient and comprehensive spouse… Samael Aun Weor stresses the spiritual and moral importance of faithfulness.
If you don’t lose your energy during intercourse and you remain faithful, you’re on your way to practicing White Tantra.
All in all, it’s lust that makes us beastly. Lust is a very powerful autonomous force. Getting a little buddhist now; all suffering is based on desire. We want things; we don’t get it; we suffer. Or we do get what we want (let’s say recognition); we enjoy it for some seconds and then it’s over; or worse; then we are afraid of losing it… Since everything is impermanent; we will never keep what we want.
Actually, this is not only buddhist but universal. The seven sins mentioned in Christianity are all based on desire: lust (sexual desire), gluttony (desire for food and drink), pride (desire for recognition), greed (desire for money), sloth (desire for comfort), envy (desire and frustration for the succes of others) and anger (the frustration of desire not getting what it wants).
Samael Aun Weor teaches that these autonomous forces that can completely take us over are called ego’s. We have various ego’s (based on different desires) and through comprehension of these animal psychic forces it’s possible to eliminate them directing the creative/destructive power of sex towards them. Then instead of the weakness of lust, we will have the power of chastity, instead of gluttony/temperance, pride/humility, greed/altruism, sloth/diligence, envy/happiness for others and instead of anger… peace.
In the Gnosis of Samael Aun Weor, he stresses the importance of sexual energy in this transformative process because finally sex is the creative force of the universe. Without sex there is no life.
Sex is the neutralization (=) of two opposing forces: masculine (+) and feminine (-). When you combine these two; you create life, atoms (protons, electrons and neutrons), electricity (positive pole and negative pole connected through a ‘neutralizing’ wire), etc.
As I said, I found these teachings 10 years ago and they helped me a lot on all levels. Let me know if I can be of help; clarifying some of these concepts if needed.
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