So, as a recovering porn and cutting addict, in 2019, I made a lot of progress as far as putting a stop to the bad behaviors. While not perfect, in 2020 I wanted to begin replacing the bad behaviors with good ones. As the title implies, I want to start doing 100 push-ups a day this year so that way I can feel better about my body and become more healthy in general. Also, while I am not underweight, due to my years of barely eating I have decided to turn that around and reach a weight goal of 150 by the end of this year. I have begun to eat more regularly, and have already jumped up to 135 from 130 in a month and a half. Also this might not have anything to do with this, but for you smart people out there, if I completely stop pmo, should that slow down my metabolism over time so that way I can gain weight easier?