Warning: a bit long As the title says I completed yesterday 108 days of no PMO and what I want to share with you is not all the benefits that I see in myself although I will share them too but what I think as my secret for success. But first the positive things The benefits I see: -no more brain fog -self discipline at extreme level(so no more procrastination) -body strength at level I never reached (I had workout everyday in the last 108 days) -ability to focus improved a lot(I read all harry Potter's in 6 days) -my eyes are brighter -my mind is cleaner -healthy living -personal cleanliness improved -no more shame in showing my PC or smartphone to friends -more willpower -more confidence But as I said, it's not the important thing because for me the key to success was my mind switch and it all came from six words: FAKE IT UNTIL YOU BECOME IT What I mean by that and to whom is directed my message? Well is directed to the people like me. People that are here not only because of P but also because P made them feel insecure, failures and be totally ashamed of theirselves to sum up in one word I started it because of one fact: I was a loser. Loser in every aspect of my life, I was late for my degree, I wasn't a good athlete and I always sucked with girls. How to change the person I was to become another one? Again: FAKE IT UNTIL YOU BECOME IT What I mean by that? Simply that attitudes makes behavior, in fact a person with a winner's attitude act like a winner, so it must be true also the reverse, behavior makes attitudes so that if I acted like a winner I would become it. So that's it I fake it to be a winner until I finally become it, reaching 108 days of no PMO and setting my goals for the future. But I'm still too general how could you do in daily life? Simply, 2-minutes technique, take 2 minutes for you to feel like a winner everytime you have a chance. I'll give you examples from my daily lives hoping they'll help you: -I meditate 15 minutes everyday, during the meditation for around 2 minutes I lift my chin and arms up as I'm lifting a cup and smile to feel like a winner, after that I'm the same as always but feeling like a winner -evrytime I go to a restaurant or a pub and I have to sit I don't sit as I used to, in the angle and making my self the smallest I can, I open up and stay proudly of myself for 2 minutes, after I feel confident and keep the position - if you scroll through my journal you will see a lot of optimism and good feelings after workouts and studies and after fighting urges: reality? Everyday after my workouts I feel like I can't do more like I want to quit and the same for the headaches after studying for hours and the urges when they hit. What I do? In my diary and journal I write down only the winning thing, the optimisc thing, that I studied not that it was painful, and I kept on lying to myself about how I feel until this how I really feel by now because I kept on faking that I was a winner and now I am. Because I forced myself to be someone I wasn't and now I am. So if you a personal goal to become a certain type of person just don't set impossible expectations: think how they are the persons you want to become and act like them until you will be one of them. Here is the only secret I want to share with you:six simple words that changed my life and hopefully also yours: FAKE IT UNTIL YOU BECOME IT
It's true. It's about the attitude. What else is the difference between your "loser" you and your "winner" you. Same body, some person but the attitude is the different, which also leads to different actions and behaviour! Which ultimately leads to different resutls!
I really like this post! I have been and am applying it more often this entire year now :+) I was way more of a loser than now..earlier on in my nofap forum days, in actuality, and for most of 2018..etc.. I've come a long ways :+) So I believe this stuff whole heartedly! Congratulations on your streak and mega growth! Keep going.
A very long way coffee, because I know you only from like 2 months and I can't figure out you as a loser in any aspect, so if you say you were let me tell you that you changed a lot for sure because I repeat, you could be everyone but not a loser
Well, lemme tell you, I didn't believe a single damn in myself... . Thanks for the kind words. I feel the same about you, you're pretty cool yourself. We're winners. :+)
Great advice and congratulations on your achievements. I enjoy seeing these types of successes. Anything worthwhile is never easy, and if your mind is not fully committed to it, you will always come up short.
Thanks for shaeing your secret to success. I was thinking of incorporating meditation to my life as well.
P=Porn M=masturbation O =orgasm I mean that are 109 days that I don't watch porn and don't masturbate and since I'm single I don't orgasm too
You're welcome brother, I waited to see if it worked really for me, and I did so hope maybe will help someone