113 DAYS!! So Humbled! Gratitude to God and then the forum! Wonderful people!

Hey man! Congrats on your almost 90 days haha. I'm almost there too! Good to see another brother fighting this. Praying for you.
Hey man! Congrats on your almost 90 days haha. I'm almost there too! Good to see another brother fighting this. Praying for you.

Thanks for your words of encouragement! So proud of you brother! It my great please to stand beside you defeating PMO. Stay strong! win!
Being authentic and striving to be the best version of ourselves is a big key to success.

Something that has always been a struggle for me is cultivating authenticity! I have always been taught to hide our flaws and and proudly display our strengths...even if they were exaggerated or flat out lies. As I have matured, this former attitude has radically began to change. I have many to thank here at noFab for cultivating and nurturing a more authentic me.

According to Brene Brown, "authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we are supposed to be and embracing who we are." This is so profound. Sit for a few minutes and soak this in!

She goes on to say authenticity means:

1. Cultivating the courage to be imperfect, to set boundaries, and to allow ourselves to be vulnerable.
2. Being compassionate that comes from knowing that we are all made of strength and struggle
3. Nurturing the connection and sense of belonging that can only happen when we believe we are enough!
E.E. Cummings said: "To be nobody-but-yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody but yourself - means to fight the hardest battle which any human can fight - and never stop fighting."

Staying real is one of the most courageous battles that we will ever face! Stay strong! Win!
Key success characteristic that has been crucial in my recovery: Joy and Gratitude!

Why do we think we have to experience something extraordinary to feel joy?

-a part of a day without PMO-->joy
-a smile to another person-->joy
-a cup of cold water on a hot day-->joy
-a cozy bed on a rainy cold night-->joy
-a gentle kiss from a loved one-->joy
-a change in the color of the leaves in fall-->joy

What more Joy?
Get more Gratitude!
#98 closing in on 100! Gratitude to God and then the awesome bad asses on this forum! I love you guys!

I have had many questions regarding my streak...
This streak includes no MO as well as no PMO. As I have said multiple times, MO is the gateway for me. It almost always eventually leads me to porn. This streak is not hardmode. That is, the only O I am having is either with my wife or a wet dream.

I think it is crucial to look at our recovery as the new way of life not as a streak. All streaks are eventually broken. I just don't PMO or MO anymore. It is who I am. If I see a provocative image, I don't feel so compelled to MO or PMO. I see it, I take it in. I allow my brain to think about. I dialogue it. Yes, that is a very attractive person. Wow, she is hot. There are another 10 million just like her. You will never have enough. You can never catch a fantasy for it is not real. Comparison will only lead to unhappiness and discontent. I am so grateful for what God has given me. How is my diet? Have I exercised today? Have I connected with someone in a meaningful way? Have I lived my day in accordance to the purpose of my life? Have I contributed in any positive way? Did I make someone else's day better? Have I read from a good book?

Stay strong! Win!
yes we all can,you light me the path,cograts bro,day 7

Strong work brother! Nothing would make me happier than seeing you reach your goals and we stand side by side victorious against PMO...Stay strong! Win! We are here in support!
Jazakallah for the wonderful words of encouragement. It really helps me along my journey. May Allah give you the success to soon join me side by side victorious against PMO. Stay Strong! Win!
Key to success over 100 days: Understanding the difference between guilt and shame!

I have struggled with the difference between 2 important words: Guilt and shame. What is the difference? It is key to further define these words.

I found out the answer through the research of the great Brene Brown:

Guilt: When we do something bad.
Shame: When we think wa are bad.

Shame is far worse for it corrodes are self worth. It hinders our belief that we can change for the better.
Guilt is helpful for it drives us to correct the situation. We feel uncomfortable thus we strive to remove that discomfort such as apologizing when we are wrong.

Shame is negative
Guilt is positive.

Thus when we relapse, let us experience guilt not shame! Stay strong! Win!
106 days!

I still believe that visiting this forum and helping others is one of the biggest keys to overcoming PMO. This is debated among members. At this moment in time, for me, visiting the forum and contributing is a huge reason I have continued to live this lifestyle. Don't be worried about how eloquent your thoughts or advice is. Any support is greatly appreciated. Let it come from the heart. It is a sign that someone cares. It can make all the difference! Stay strong! Win! I love all the people on this forum for you all are a huge reason for my success. I wish all the best on their journey!