OK I know this is a small streak but I thought it would be interesting to note what happens after two weeks--I'll keep it short.
• I have more time. I have more time and that means my productivity is higher. I've already had several good things happen in my career life and it doesn't seem to be a coincidence.
• I have had to control so many urges to use porn. I see my new laptop with it's big screen and think there is no way I am not going to use it, but I have sustained.
• I remember back to my previous streak of 78 days, and I want to beat it. That is a major source of motivation.
• I am a little disgusted with social media, especially instagram-- at least a big portion of it. It really just seems like digital foreplay to go and use porn. I really think we live in a porn society.
• When I want to Fap a lot of times I will just go a and make a cup of tea and it is a meditative process.
• I don't really notice anything specific about my testosterone. I heard it goes up 45% or something like that when you haven't napped for 10 days or whatever. I feel a slight bit more ambitious.
• Just waking up an realizing I haven't relapsed in a bit and I am working on it makes me feel really good.
• I care more about relationships and have more time for them
• I feel less controlled by my fantasy of women. I'm just focused on my life right now. I don't need the approval of a woman to feel validated.
Well I'll end it there. I wish you luck. Use the NoFap ap it really helps. I look forward to checking in about two weeks. It's gonna be a roller coaster but hopefully will be good.
* it says 13 but trust me it has been 14
• I have more time. I have more time and that means my productivity is higher. I've already had several good things happen in my career life and it doesn't seem to be a coincidence.
• I have had to control so many urges to use porn. I see my new laptop with it's big screen and think there is no way I am not going to use it, but I have sustained.
• I remember back to my previous streak of 78 days, and I want to beat it. That is a major source of motivation.
• I am a little disgusted with social media, especially instagram-- at least a big portion of it. It really just seems like digital foreplay to go and use porn. I really think we live in a porn society.
• When I want to Fap a lot of times I will just go a and make a cup of tea and it is a meditative process.
• I don't really notice anything specific about my testosterone. I heard it goes up 45% or something like that when you haven't napped for 10 days or whatever. I feel a slight bit more ambitious.
• Just waking up an realizing I haven't relapsed in a bit and I am working on it makes me feel really good.
• I care more about relationships and have more time for them
• I feel less controlled by my fantasy of women. I'm just focused on my life right now. I don't need the approval of a woman to feel validated.
Well I'll end it there. I wish you luck. Use the NoFap ap it really helps. I look forward to checking in about two weeks. It's gonna be a roller coaster but hopefully will be good.
* it says 13 but trust me it has been 14