Hello, My name is Nick. Im 17 years old. Ive been fapping since i was like 11/12. Through this time i had been very horny, when i was 16 and i was at the party, for example when the girl was shaking her ass on my pants i got erection instantly. Then i got a girlfriend so i decided to quit masturbation. At the beggining i was very horny, my gf was proud of such a good guy at sex etc. Then i started feeling... nothing? Yea i started to avoid sex with my gf (telling her im sick, tired etc) then we had broken up for a month. (I still didnt fap a lot, maybe through this time i fapped like 5 times without any tension, only to dont lose my skills) I went for a party and there even when two girls wanted to have sex with me, they were naked etc i didnt feel anything... i thought thats because i just love my ex and i came back to her. We started having sex again but still again... nothing, my libido was on level ZERO, have ED, no morning woods... During the time i was fapping i had HIGH LIBIDO and no ED, even girl's ass was giving me good stymulate to my brain. Guys i beg you for help. I have no complexes, many girls say im very sexy guy(active gym, good diet, sleeping enough). Even when a friend send me nudes because she saw my abs or anything, i dont feel anything when i look at it. A year ago a could have probably erection in situation like this. Please help me Ive read about this flatline but, is it possible i lost my erection, libido, sex drive because i stopped having orgasm as i were used to? I mean 1year ago ive been masturbating 1/2times a day, now im having sex every 3/4 days.(asked my friend who masturbated much more and longer than me, he said:bro ive never had ED and even my sex life im still masturbating once a day so maybe something is wrong with you) I remember when i experienced my first gf's period, i masturbated during this time because i felt a huge tension(i could masturbate even to soft photos, didnt need porn) and then after her period i was very horny. But it was only at the beggining of the relationship. By the way, its for sure not the girl's problem because she is like angel for me, i dreamed to have girl with this cute face and sexy body. Guys i beg once more for help and Im sorry for any grammar mistakes. Greetings from Poland!