I am starting the fight today!
Brief intro :
- Male 26yo
- Used porn since 16yo with different phases :
Start : Family problems + Pain + ALone+ Aggressive Hyper Stressed Family + no affection + Conditional love + Stress for School results+ Teenagers Complex + Start of phone with pictures and small videos and then iphone came in at 18yo = > Solution to release tension : porn.
Phase 1 : 16yo : old phones small videos and pictures 16yo : ritual of Masturb. before going to sleep : bad light from phone,bad dreams : no sleep, tired, no confidence and so on ... Short Masturbation as only one or two videos.
Phase 2 : 16yo : 18yo Emule illegal software: porn videos from USA 16yo 18yo. Start of Long masturbation with movies but not a lot of " New search - New girls "on PC.
Phase 3 : 18yo-21yo Iphone phase ... : Worst phase 18yo-21yo and hard work at school : pressure and iphone porn : Loss of confidence, pain, social skills goes to zero, no friends, bad sleep, bad memory, porn nightmares and night problems. Big BIg Big sessions : 10 times a day - Sessions can be sometimes of 4 or 5 hours in a row with constant search of new content and start of decrease of excitment : start to search more extreme videos. Stop of Orgasm, just M for the novelty and the rush of Dopamine in the Brain.
Phase 4 : Crisis : 21yo, suicide thinking, self destruction, automatic-porn dreaming during the night : orgasm without doing anything, super nervous time, super mega tired, tried a full no PMO after reading article of a monk and sexal transmutation (sort of energy transfer from sex to genius ideas + work) : full 4 months no PMO with deep change but P came back after ...
Phase 5 : 21-23yo : porn driven phase without outside stress - loser-boring-empty-lonely-life with no social activity. Start to use news phone tools to meet girls in real life.
Phase 6 : 23-24yo : Discovery of Real Social Dynamics, Discovery of Self Improvement Habits and Culture (Gym+Seduction), Start to Run everyday , Start of different sports : Big change as I discover the spike of excitment of the seduction process in the street/bars/clubs that gives rewards for hardwork + Good motivation to have sex in the real word + Self development habits that give reward with Gym + Running. Porn is still here every two weeks.
Phase 7 : 24-25yo Success in RSD + Good grades + First Real Long Time Girl Friend.
Phase 8 : 25-26 : Discovery of Meditation - Vipassana (and Nose breathing) : I feel like meditation is the opposite of a porn crisis. Every day practice. Stop of all Social Media nothing and Good RSD experience gives now a regularity of real life sex but it is not solving the porn problem. Even if you satisfy yourself and have great girls, you are used to another type of porn-pleasure from the brain : Porn is still here every 3 weeks and sometimes big crisis like yesterday and today. Control : I have K 9 on P C and Iphone ? I have added more than 25 s i t e s on K 9 to block everything. Porn is still here because when there is a hole in the K 9 system and that a website allow to see videos I have a crisis.
Yesterday and today: Crisis yesterday and Big Crisis today 3h45 porn no stop (stuff not blocked by K 9 ) . Very bad feeling, suicide, want to do bad things to me, and so on ... I went for a 50 min run just after crisis : NO FEELING AFTER THE RUN in the BRAIN ! Normally if you Run you feel a rush in your brain of dopamine, I felt nothing! Horrible so then I decided to start using the site and to write this introduction.
Phase 9 : I enter the NOFAP community on 07 / 08 / 2017.
My goal : Kill porn and have strong Joy and Happyness daily/w habits.
Strategy :
- Write everyday here
- Report every day to a friend with an email.
- Personal report with summary of ideas from this website forums and success stories.
- Try to add as much value for other people and try to learn as much as I can on this website.
- Focus on growth : Friends, Empathy, Social group, Social Sport, Cardio sports, Good Food, Meditate a lot 40 morning - 20 before sleep - plus as much 10min sessions as I can during the day, Healthy Challenge : learn stuff, read, outside comfort zone challanges and so on...
First report : Today I read the post of LifeWorthLiving : Milestone - 365 days (no pmo) monk mode
First thank you again to him.
Second, here is what I learned, small summary + strategy :
1 Read as much as you can on subject
2 Get in contact and share with the website community : give you a reward.
3 SPEAK with AUTHORITY : the pre-frontal cortex Lights Up !!! Top !!! train!
4 USE Sugar boost (spike in dopamine production) when you feel a need
5 Learn to Kill - knock out the hack of your brain (shut down of pre-frontal cortex when craving I suppose) brain gets clearer: Find tools to kill it
6 Super idea: Get close deadlines, create challenges, artificial deadline because it creates an emergency, and so you rush to get it done. Huge amount of dopamine to finish the project. Another very addictive process. Don't procrastinate, create small deadlines every day !
7 The healthy dopamine kick of accomplishment of any taks on your calendar or study is amazing ! Cultivate it by always finishing your task for a given time and give yourself a reward.
I am starting the fight today!
Brief intro :
- Male 26yo
- Used porn since 16yo with different phases :
Start : Family problems + Pain + ALone+ Aggressive Hyper Stressed Family + no affection + Conditional love + Stress for School results+ Teenagers Complex + Start of phone with pictures and small videos and then iphone came in at 18yo = > Solution to release tension : porn.
Phase 1 : 16yo : old phones small videos and pictures 16yo : ritual of Masturb. before going to sleep : bad light from phone,bad dreams : no sleep, tired, no confidence and so on ... Short Masturbation as only one or two videos.
Phase 2 : 16yo : 18yo Emule illegal software: porn videos from USA 16yo 18yo. Start of Long masturbation with movies but not a lot of " New search - New girls "on PC.
Phase 3 : 18yo-21yo Iphone phase ... : Worst phase 18yo-21yo and hard work at school : pressure and iphone porn : Loss of confidence, pain, social skills goes to zero, no friends, bad sleep, bad memory, porn nightmares and night problems. Big BIg Big sessions : 10 times a day - Sessions can be sometimes of 4 or 5 hours in a row with constant search of new content and start of decrease of excitment : start to search more extreme videos. Stop of Orgasm, just M for the novelty and the rush of Dopamine in the Brain.
Phase 4 : Crisis : 21yo, suicide thinking, self destruction, automatic-porn dreaming during the night : orgasm without doing anything, super nervous time, super mega tired, tried a full no PMO after reading article of a monk and sexal transmutation (sort of energy transfer from sex to genius ideas + work) : full 4 months no PMO with deep change but P came back after ...
Phase 5 : 21-23yo : porn driven phase without outside stress - loser-boring-empty-lonely-life with no social activity. Start to use news phone tools to meet girls in real life.
Phase 6 : 23-24yo : Discovery of Real Social Dynamics, Discovery of Self Improvement Habits and Culture (Gym+Seduction), Start to Run everyday , Start of different sports : Big change as I discover the spike of excitment of the seduction process in the street/bars/clubs that gives rewards for hardwork + Good motivation to have sex in the real word + Self development habits that give reward with Gym + Running. Porn is still here every two weeks.
Phase 7 : 24-25yo Success in RSD + Good grades + First Real Long Time Girl Friend.
Phase 8 : 25-26 : Discovery of Meditation - Vipassana (and Nose breathing) : I feel like meditation is the opposite of a porn crisis. Every day practice. Stop of all Social Media nothing and Good RSD experience gives now a regularity of real life sex but it is not solving the porn problem. Even if you satisfy yourself and have great girls, you are used to another type of porn-pleasure from the brain : Porn is still here every 3 weeks and sometimes big crisis like yesterday and today. Control : I have K 9 on P C and Iphone ? I have added more than 25 s i t e s on K 9 to block everything. Porn is still here because when there is a hole in the K 9 system and that a website allow to see videos I have a crisis.
Yesterday and today: Crisis yesterday and Big Crisis today 3h45 porn no stop (stuff not blocked by K 9 ) . Very bad feeling, suicide, want to do bad things to me, and so on ... I went for a 50 min run just after crisis : NO FEELING AFTER THE RUN in the BRAIN ! Normally if you Run you feel a rush in your brain of dopamine, I felt nothing! Horrible so then I decided to start using the site and to write this introduction.
Phase 9 : I enter the NOFAP community on 07 / 08 / 2017.
My goal : Kill porn and have strong Joy and Happyness daily/w habits.
Strategy :
- Write everyday here
- Report every day to a friend with an email.
- Personal report with summary of ideas from this website forums and success stories.
- Try to add as much value for other people and try to learn as much as I can on this website.
- Focus on growth : Friends, Empathy, Social group, Social Sport, Cardio sports, Good Food, Meditate a lot 40 morning - 20 before sleep - plus as much 10min sessions as I can during the day, Healthy Challenge : learn stuff, read, outside comfort zone challanges and so on...
First report : Today I read the post of LifeWorthLiving : Milestone - 365 days (no pmo) monk mode
First thank you again to him.
Second, here is what I learned, small summary + strategy :
1 Read as much as you can on subject
2 Get in contact and share with the website community : give you a reward.
3 SPEAK with AUTHORITY : the pre-frontal cortex Lights Up !!! Top !!! train!
4 USE Sugar boost (spike in dopamine production) when you feel a need
5 Learn to Kill - knock out the hack of your brain (shut down of pre-frontal cortex when craving I suppose) brain gets clearer: Find tools to kill it
6 Super idea: Get close deadlines, create challenges, artificial deadline because it creates an emergency, and so you rush to get it done. Huge amount of dopamine to finish the project. Another very addictive process. Don't procrastinate, create small deadlines every day !
7 The healthy dopamine kick of accomplishment of any taks on your calendar or study is amazing ! Cultivate it by always finishing your task for a given time and give yourself a reward.
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