20 and nearly dysfunctional


New Fapstronaut
Aight, aight, aight is ya boy Evgeni Naidenov. I'm 19 years old (almost 20) and I'm a recovering drug addict. Almost a year and a half clean. Basically a champion. Tall, bulky and handsome. Know how to hunt girls (sorta) and get laid. Sounds great, right? No.
Amongst my drug addictions I have/had many other addictions too. Video games, playing too much guitar, focusing too much on fitness and so on. But one of them has been hiding in the shadows for far too long and it finally became clear to me that it is now a problem.
As a teenager I have alot of hormones. Which leads to me being horny (duh). During rehab I was in a closed environment for nine months and I didn't have absolutely no access to porn. I hated that but it was actually good for me without me realising it. So after I finally finished my program I went out back into civilization and I slowly started watching porn again.
In the beginning it was quite normal. I got hard easily, was able to cum to moderately normal porn and I was happy. Didn't feel the urge to watch too much or go hardcore on the genres. Taking into account my addiction personality tho.. that didn't last very long. I started getting back into my old habits. Fapping two times a day, watching incest porn and 3D porn and basically just oversaturating both my brain and my penis. After a while it started getting ridiculous. I started fapping in my room while my roommate was sleeping. Then I started fapping while I was at work. Multiple times. Then I couldn't go out without beating one off. It started feeling negative. I started feeling disappointed from my own behaviour. I quit drugs, I stopped smoking cigarettes, I'm supposed to be a champ, right? But all in all I didn't think it was THAT big of a deal. After all, I'm an addict, right?..
Yesterday I went to see this girl. She is a good looking girl, not even close to a whore or anything like that. We had agreed to have sex and both of us were okay with that. And even before I left my house I felt it in my stomach... the fact that I probably wouldn't be able to do the job because I had overdone it with porn. But I was like "nooo.. you're a hunter man, you'll do great! You'll improvise something. Just think of the nasty incest porn you watch all the time." ...And there I was, three hours later with my soft dick in my hand, feeling like the biggest looser ever. Tall, strong, good looking and not able to fuck a girl properly. It then became evident to me that I had to take care of my problem. I contacted a former classmate of mine that had a similar situation not some time ago and I shared with him. So today we are on day 1 of nofap and on the road to slowly reclaiming our highly testosteronous spirits of glory!!
I just decided to share because I know that as every addiction, this one will loose it's power once I reveal to the world. Thanks for reading! Any support is welcome
This was probably one of the better testimonials I've ever read on NoFap. And considering you're probably Russian or Ukrainian, that girl probably is really fucking good looking so good for you. We don't have too many hot girls on the street or whatever in America. It's just not a thing.
This was probably one of the better testimonials I've ever read on NoFap. And considering you're probably Russian or Ukrainian, that girl probably is really fucking good looking so good for you. We don't have too many hot girls on the street or whatever in America. It's just not a thing.

Thanks! I'm Bulgarian, and the girl is normal tbh.
Thanks! I'm Bulgarian, and the girl is normal tbh.
Yeah... I've seen the "normal" girls from those countries and they usually stack up very well against girls where I am currently.

Anyway, abstinence should have you back up and running soon. Do your thing!
Yeah... I've seen the "normal" girls from those countries and they usually stack up very well against girls where I am currently.

Anyway, abstinence should have you back up and running soon. Do your thing!

Thanks bruv!