200 days: what I learned and the solution I found


I suffered from OCD for about 3 years in almost all aspects of my daily life and I was able to get over it with this mindset that I learned. I have applied it to NoFap the day I started it, which got me to where I am right now; a 200 days streak and a clear mind.

From this journey I learned that "NoFap" is not only about abstaining from porn and triggers until you are cured. It all comes down to how you think and what you do on a daily basis. I'm going to elaborate below with an example:

For instance, when dealing with OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) you feel a compulsive urge to do a certain thing (Washing your hand 3 times instead of once, biting your nails, going down the stairs with your left foot always first) or think a certain way (constantly thinking something bad is gonna happen, thinking your girlfriend is cheating on you or a friend is lying to you, etc).
The solution to OCD is to completely disregard these compulsive thoughts and avoid doing what you "feel you need" to do or you won't be comfortable.

I like to relate OCD examples to PMO because, and that's my opinion and point of view, they result in a somewhat similar behavior. In both situations, you feel the need to do something to satisfy an urge. I wanted to keep it as short and to the point as I could so let's get to the solution that I believe helped me a lot.

Cutting off PMO is not enough. I'm pretty sure most of you guys didn't wanna hear that but let me explain :D

Whenever you feel an urge, get triggered, or just feel the need to PMO, a lot of people become too focused on the behavior itself (M or watching P) and not realize that what you need to do is teach your brain to not even get to the thinking part (thinking about PMOing is what I mean), same with OCD. You don't just avoid washing your hand 3 times because it is compulsive, but you learn to not even let yourself think about "extending your arms, turning on the water, and washing your hand 3 times".
As small as "thinking about a triggering picture you saw earlier on the internet" as this could very well lead to fantasizing and getting stuck in thought, leading to a possible relapse.

If you start doing that and not focusing on how many days you've been PMO free and worry about flatline, you will see results before you know it and it will have been very much worth it.

Please feel free to ask me anything and/or give me advice as well. I hope this helps!

Also, stay away from pointless social media browsing and being on your phone unless you NEED to ;)