Tev G
Hey guys, so I'm going to skip straight to the point. I'm 21 years old, about to be 22 in 2 weeks, and my social life fucking sucks. I started watching porn at like age 13 and I have been addicted since. Up until like age 19, I had not been aware of nofap and the damages that come from PMO. After finding nofap I've managed to go on many different streaks, my longest being 70 days. After relapsing on that streak, which was a little over 2 years ago, I have since not been able to go longer than 14 days without a relapse, often not going past 5.
Social anxiety and shyness has always been a crippling issue in my life. From elementary school through high school I was never seen as 'cool'. I was always the skinny, nerdy dude who made good grades, played video games, and listened to different types of music, and so did my small group of friends. This lack of acceptance from my peers unfortunately heavily impacted my self-esteem. I grew to become very self-conscious of my overall appearance. I stayed inside doing nothing but watching porn and playing video games all day, never learning an instrument, never going to the gym, never practicing or developing game with girls, or any social skills at all to be honest. And now one of my biggest regrets is that I've just gone through all 4 years of college living on campus without even ONCE having sex, kissing a girl, or even developing a friendship with a girl.. literally nothing intimate or even relatively intimate. I even lived in a unisex dorm. I used to wake up and be surrounded by beautiful girls from all over the country, all I had to do was just go downstairs to the main lobby or just walk outside and talk to one, yet I still decided to just pmo every day. It haunts me daily knowing that what could've been the best 4 years of my life were wasted on such bad habits. But it's not like I'm this fucking weirdo that has never spoken to or touched a girl before. I've just never had any relationships with one, and I couldn't effectively flirt with or practice game on a girl if my life depended on it. And I know that I'm a good looking guy. I catch signals from cute girls all the time. I work in retail currently at Walmart and I help attractive women out all the time, and I can usually tell when a girl might find me attractive just off her body language, eye contact, etc.. Not to mention how many girls I could've gotten while in college and back in high school
Now I'm to the point where I could be talking to a girl, and she's giving me all the signs, yet I'm still afraid to shoot my shot and go for her number, or even make small talk / make a joke. It's like I could be almost 100% sure that if I ask for a girl's number in a given conversation I'd get it but I just can't. I freeze up at the opportunity every single time, and I just watch her walk away, stuck with the thought of what could have been.
I'm almost 22 years old, I still live with my parents, and I have never even once brought home a girl for them to meet, and I'm still a virgin. I'm either smoking weed or playing video games with my small group of friends, hanging with family, or alone. I wouldn't say I'm depressed or anything, I'd just say my life is very boring and I spend a lot of my free time alone.
I'm beginning to work out with calisthenics, eat healthier, and spend less time gaming, watching Netflix, browsing social media etc. I also take cold showers daily, but I still feel as if none of this is helping as much as I'd like, and I'm still stuck inside this pmo loop, hardly lasting 3 days before a relapse. However I know that it just takes patience and sheer fucking will to really do this.
In my past experience, posting on here has helped me gain some motivation just by knowing that others share a struggle similar to mine, so I'm posting this in hopes to let someone know that they are not alone in this battle, but also to receive tips from others who have overcome this obstacle.
Any feedback is appreciated, thanks guys!
Social anxiety and shyness has always been a crippling issue in my life. From elementary school through high school I was never seen as 'cool'. I was always the skinny, nerdy dude who made good grades, played video games, and listened to different types of music, and so did my small group of friends. This lack of acceptance from my peers unfortunately heavily impacted my self-esteem. I grew to become very self-conscious of my overall appearance. I stayed inside doing nothing but watching porn and playing video games all day, never learning an instrument, never going to the gym, never practicing or developing game with girls, or any social skills at all to be honest. And now one of my biggest regrets is that I've just gone through all 4 years of college living on campus without even ONCE having sex, kissing a girl, or even developing a friendship with a girl.. literally nothing intimate or even relatively intimate. I even lived in a unisex dorm. I used to wake up and be surrounded by beautiful girls from all over the country, all I had to do was just go downstairs to the main lobby or just walk outside and talk to one, yet I still decided to just pmo every day. It haunts me daily knowing that what could've been the best 4 years of my life were wasted on such bad habits. But it's not like I'm this fucking weirdo that has never spoken to or touched a girl before. I've just never had any relationships with one, and I couldn't effectively flirt with or practice game on a girl if my life depended on it. And I know that I'm a good looking guy. I catch signals from cute girls all the time. I work in retail currently at Walmart and I help attractive women out all the time, and I can usually tell when a girl might find me attractive just off her body language, eye contact, etc.. Not to mention how many girls I could've gotten while in college and back in high school
Now I'm to the point where I could be talking to a girl, and she's giving me all the signs, yet I'm still afraid to shoot my shot and go for her number, or even make small talk / make a joke. It's like I could be almost 100% sure that if I ask for a girl's number in a given conversation I'd get it but I just can't. I freeze up at the opportunity every single time, and I just watch her walk away, stuck with the thought of what could have been.
I'm almost 22 years old, I still live with my parents, and I have never even once brought home a girl for them to meet, and I'm still a virgin. I'm either smoking weed or playing video games with my small group of friends, hanging with family, or alone. I wouldn't say I'm depressed or anything, I'd just say my life is very boring and I spend a lot of my free time alone.
I'm beginning to work out with calisthenics, eat healthier, and spend less time gaming, watching Netflix, browsing social media etc. I also take cold showers daily, but I still feel as if none of this is helping as much as I'd like, and I'm still stuck inside this pmo loop, hardly lasting 3 days before a relapse. However I know that it just takes patience and sheer fucking will to really do this.
In my past experience, posting on here has helped me gain some motivation just by knowing that others share a struggle similar to mine, so I'm posting this in hopes to let someone know that they are not alone in this battle, but also to receive tips from others who have overcome this obstacle.
Any feedback is appreciated, thanks guys!