Hello fellow Fapstronauts! I'm Alec, 24-years-old, male who has occasionally but consistently looked at porn since I was about 12. Since around 2018, I decided to put a firm stop to watching porn all together, but found myself relapsing. Many of my triggers actually has to do with my dad, who has addictions to alcohol. Whenever he relapses, I tend to go with him too.
Now in 2021, I admit that I am defenseless against the urges that come up. By reading everyone's stories here, I am honored to be a part of this community. Hopefully, I can establish some great relationships with some of you.
I plan on starting a month-long challenge in February. Wish me luck!
Now in 2021, I admit that I am defenseless against the urges that come up. By reading everyone's stories here, I am honored to be a part of this community. Hopefully, I can establish some great relationships with some of you.
I plan on starting a month-long challenge in February. Wish me luck!