24hr fasting


Hey, so today I decided to take part in my religion's (Jewish) fasting for a full day. It's called Ninth of Av. I do have concerns regarding this because I am not so skinny but still I have been doing alot of sports and especially cardio for the military which is alot of calories burned and hard to get muscle however goal is strength not bodybuilding. Will i have long term negative affects from just a 24hr fast? I have never fasted before though, and I know people do it here because it has alot of good benefits. But it is fasting without drinking water which is why you can't exercise either in my opinion (low intensity). Would love to hear your opinion's regarding this. Thanks!
Hey, so today I decided to take part in my religion's (Jewish) fasting for a full day. It's called Ninth of Av. I do have concerns regarding this because I am not so skinny but still I have been doing alot of sports and especially cardio for the military which is alot of calories burned and hard to get muscle however goal is strength not bodybuilding. Will i have long term negative affects from just a 24hr fast? I have never fasted before though, and I know people do it here because it has alot of good benefits. But it is fasting without drinking water which is why you can't exercise either in my opinion (low intensity). Would love to hear your opinion's regarding this. Thanks!
I plan on doing a 24 hour fast tomorrow for my birthday which is also a Saturday which is the Sabbath, I think water is necessary however because you do not want to risk passing out from dehydration. I am in the navy and work in hot places so not drinking water is not an option for me.
Hey, so today I decided to take part in my religion's (Jewish) fasting for a full day. It's called Ninth of Av. I do have concerns regarding this because I am not so skinny but still I have been doing alot of sports and especially cardio for the military which is alot of calories burned and hard to get muscle however goal is strength not bodybuilding. Will i have long term negative affects from just a 24hr fast? I have never fasted before though, and I know people do it here because it has alot of good benefits. But it is fasting without drinking water which is why you can't exercise either in my opinion (low intensity). Would love to hear your opinion's regarding this. Thanks!
If you drink plenty of water before you start, and on the day of your fast you stay indoor without losing sweat you should be fine. However if you go outside especially in the heat and move around without drinking water I wouldn't advise it.
Thanks for replies, I have already did it and it wasn't difficult as I thought but still challenging since it was for the first time. I should have said it's just "Dry fast"
I plan on doing a 24 hour fast tomorrow for my birthday which is also a Saturday which is the Sabbath, I think water is necessary however because you do not want to risk passing out from dehydration. I am in the navy and work in hot places so not drinking water is not an option for me.
Can't since it's a dry fast as I mentioned. But whenever I'll do normal fasts (which will not be often since Im doing hard training) It'll probably be water fasting, Yom Kippur is close so there will be another dry one. I started getting closer and respecting god more ever since nofap, I also like to challange myself more so this is another reason. It's healthy though (water fast is preferred of course). When my grandpa said he did multiple Week dry fast I thought to myself this is only a day! Although he was unconscious one of the times due to this. He is religious of course.
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אלוף ביום 40 שלי הסטריק הכי גבוה שלי 120 אשבור אותו בטוח :) לגבי הפסטינג 12 שעות ובין הארוחות 3-4 שעות לדעתי זה מעולה אם אתה מתאמן
אלוף ביום 40 שלי הסטריק הכי גבוה שלי 120 אשבור אותו בטוח :) לגבי הפסטינג 12 שעות ובין הארוחות 3-4 שעות לדעתי זה מעולה אם אתה מתאמן
תודה על העצה!
לגבי הסטריק
קטן עליך, אל תחשוב על הימים.. זה הסוד - Consider it lifestyle.
אשמח לשמוע ממך עוד , מה הסיפור שלך וכו', אתה בקבוצה שלנו? (Jewish Fapstronauts) הקבוצה די מתה אבל יש שם הרבה אנשים שתוכל לדבר איתם
האמת שהחלטתי להפוך את זה ללייף סטייל רציני. הימים הם בשבילי נטו , המוטיבציה היא בשמיים הדחפים לא מגיעים , מדיטציות פשוט עוזרות בקטע מטורף לשמור על הריכוז הנכון והחיובי במהלך היום .. הסיפור שלי לאיך הגעתי לנואו פאפ ארוךך אם תרצה אשמח שתשלח הודעה
האמת שהחלטתי להפוך את זה ללייף סטייל רציני. הימים הם בשבילי נטו , המוטיבציה היא בשמיים הדחפים לא מגיעים , מדיטציות פשוט עוזרות בקטע מטורף לשמור על הריכוז הנכון והחיובי במהלך היום .. הסיפור שלי לאיך הגעתי לנואו פאפ ארוךך אם תרצה אשמח שתשלח הודעה
הבנתי, שמע רק תזכור שמוטיבציה זה חרא, זה בא והולך -תהיה ער לזה. יש ציטוט שאומר של בנאדם שאני אישית מאוד מעריך ותרם לי והספר שלו מאוד עזר לי. "Don't be motivated, be driven".
רק שלא תרד לך פתאום המוטיבציה ותחשוב שתמיד תהיה לך. תשאר על אותו מסלול גם כשלא יהיה כמובן..
לגבי הסיפור, אני אשמח לשמוע וממליץ לך לפרסם בSuccess Stories זה.